In the previous segment, we learned how a career in coaching offers a truly unlimited earning potential. Now, let Christy Whitman, the Founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, share why choosing to be a life coach over other professions allows you to empower people to find solutions to their problems instead of you fixing it for them. She also reveals the unique skill set that you will have should you choose to live a life of inspiration as a life coach.
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Quantum Success Coach – The Benefits Of Being A Life Coach by Christy Whitman
In our last segment, I shared some statistics with you about how much money the average life coach makes in a year. We also explored how coaching is a career that offers truly unlimited earning potential because you’re in control of how many clients you take on, how often you work and from where and how much you charge for your services. In this section, I want to expand on some of the not so quite obvious benefits of becoming trained as a life coach, regardless of whether you’ve ever entered into a formal coaching relationship with a single client.
Let me explain. Professionals in virtually every field can benefit greatly from the skill and distinctions that life coaches learn in the course of their training. It doesn’t matter if you’re a social worker, a psychologist, a sales manager or an entrepreneur, even a massage therapist. If you work with people in any capacity, success in your job requires some degree of coaching. For example, if you’re a sales manager, your position requires you to lead and inspire a team of people to greater financial success. If you’re a medical doctor or an acupuncturist, you’re basically coaching your patients to embrace a new level of vitality and well-being. In both examples, you’re inspiring those in your sphere of influence to access the best in themselves and perform at the peak of their potential. Even if you’re a stay-at-home mom or a dad, you’re still in a position that demands inspired management and leadership.
As an entrepreneur and the founder of a multimillion-dollar business myself, my staff who I call my dream team looks to me for daily guidance and inspiration. Thanks to all the training I’ve received as a coach, I know how to bring out the best in each and every one of my teammates because I’m able to hold them in the highest light even when they’re in the midst of a personal challenge or have hit a roadblock that temporarily affects their production at work. Because coach training allows you to understand human dynamics on a much higher level, you know what to say and sometimes what not to say in every situation. It gives you a firm foundation for knowing how to listen, when to ask questions and what the right questions are to ask.
Looking through the eyes of a coach allows you to see opportunities to encourage and inspire those around you to become more effective and more enthusiastic about what they’re currently doing. Becoming a coach, trains you to relate to others from a framework of possibility and to focus on what’s right rather on what’s wrong about any given person or situation. Whenever you hold anyone as your object of attention and have the discipline to deliberately focus on their highest, strongest and most positive aspects, they feel this. They’re naturally inspired to give you their best.
This certainly applies to personal relationships as much as it does in business. When you learn cutting-edge coach training on par with the curriculum that we offer through the QSCA, you learn much more than simply what to do to be more effective or to be more effectively motivating others. You learn a new way of being, a new way of interacting with people in all aspects of your life and a new way of presenting yourself to those around you. Training to become a coach teaches you how to bring out the best in others. With this skill, you inspire cooperation from everyone you work with and live with.
Be A Life Coach: If you work with people in any capacity, success in your job requires some degree of coaching.
You’re someone that other people like to be around because they feel valued and validated in your presence. In addition to the easy to quantify benefits of being a life coach as being your own boss, setting your own schedule, determining your own fees, having the flexibility to transition into a new, more fulfilling career while still working in your current profession and changing people’s lives for the better. You also get to work in a profession where creating an environment is positive, solution-oriented and uplifting. It’s a prerequisite to your success.
In contrast, most other high-paying professions such as medicine, law and management, are usually incredibly high stressed for the simple reason that these jobs are oriented almost entirely around preventing or fixing problems. In coaching, the focus is not on fixing your clients, but empowering them to arrive at their own conclusions and solutions to be able to create better, more fulfilling, richer lives. As a result, the atmosphere surrounding our work is infinitely sweeter. As a coach, the success you inspire and bring forth in others feeds the momentum of your own success. It doesn’t get any better than that. I love to get your thoughts or questions of what we’ve discussed here. Please write to me in the comments. If you’ve enjoyed this, please hit the like button and share it with your friends and colleagues. To even get more coaching tips and insights, subscribe to this and we’ll keep you posted as soon as we publish something new.