I’ve been invited to participate in the Entrepreneur Breakthrough to Success and Significance 2013 virtual speaker series happening June 2-6 at [12:00] and [1:30] pacific time. I’ll be joined by speakers such as Rich German, Ryan Harris, Wendy Ward, Gary Gnosh, and Laurie and Robert Rogers. This unique speaker series will focus on learning the practical steps of taking your business idea to a conceptual business plan.

The presenters have been chosen for the variety of stories, business experience, and tools they bring to teach you. The real stories of hardship to breakthrough give you insights into how people got started. How they pivoted from what seemed like disaster to golden opportunity. What they learned and the eventual success through coaching and strategic business plans, networking, knowledge building, and distributing. What worked for our presenters is at the heart of their teaching in these presentations.

You have been learning how to use the principles of attraction to create the life you want, now you can ground your business venture into reality with the step by step guidance of this panel of speakers. Please go to www.entrepreneurbreakthroughtosuccessandsignificance.com to register now.