By Val newton Knowles

Seize your destiny through the power of God

Are you looking to unleash your power within to become the winner you were born to be? In my new book, “No Shame Only Power,” you can shed your feelings of doubt and defeat and stride into the “walk of success” that God has already laid out for you. This new life is there for you waiting to be received.

Just a few pages into this highly-inspiring book and you’ll be comforted by an inner knowing that you were born to make an impact. Those feelings dwelling within you of knowing that life is short and you are meant for something greater are real.

This inner guidance coming to you from the Holy Spirit is a gift. No Shame! Only Power encourages you and provides practical steps that show you how to tap into your own hidden power to:

  • Walk in the grace and glory of God and contribute to mankind
  • Restore your faith in believing God has a wonderful plan for you
  • Receive divine inspiration that drives you to take inspired actions
  • Rejuvenate your commitment to being of service to others
  • Bask and shine in God’s Word and accomplish that which seems impossible.

No Shame! Only Power is available on