In the same way it’s impossible to be “a little bit” connected to the Internet, it’s also impossible to be “a little bit” abundant. Abundance is not an external condition, but an internal state of being; a particular way of perceiving life and ourselves. When we’re in a state of abundance, we easily generate not only a wealth of material resources, but also a wealth of connections, ideas, opportunities, and possibilities that are otherwise hidden from our view when we are in a state of lack and scarcity.

Another thing that is just not possible is to become “a little more” abundant, because the energy of abundance cannot be metered out one drop at a time. It truly is all or nothing; black or white. When we’re in a mindset of scarcity, lack is all we can perceive, and when we align ourselves with the energy of abundance, evidence of our abundance pours in like a tidal wave. This explains why when we shift this core perception in any area of our lives, we feel the effects in every area. Another way to say this is that by becoming aware of greater possibilities with regard to any one of your desires (for example, the possibility of making more money; of attracting more love; of feeling more self-empowered), you begin to see greater possibilities everywhere. Solutions to problems big and small pop into your awareness. Connections and resources needed to fulfill a particular objective suddenly occur to you. They were there all along, of course, but we perceive them only when we are open.

In truth, every experience you have ever desired has already been delivered to you by the universe. The success, the freedom, the love… all of it is accessible to you. You simply need to claim it. It’s kind of like when someone sends you an email that you haven’t yet opened or leaves you a voice mail that you haven’t yet listened to. The message has been sent and the information is there – just waiting for you to download and receive it. In the same way, all you need to do to tap into the unlimited abundance that is already, right now, waiting for you is to restore your connection with yourself. The more connected you are to your inner self, the clearer a conduit you become for attracting and receiving everything that is important to you.

Our connection to ourselves can easily become frayed, distorted or weakened by giving too much attention to others – or by devoting too much energy to worrying about how we look rather than paying attention to how we feel. The first step to shifting out of a mindset of lack and into one of abundance – and the key to having it all in every aspect of your life – is to become much more mindful about the way you feel. Abundance consciousness always feels good; lack consciousness always feels bad.

Being satisfied with, grateful for, and appreciative of all the abundance you are currently experiencing is the key to attracting more of the same. Our attention cannot be divided between scarcity and abundance. We’re either feeling bad about everything we don’t yet have, or we’re celebrating everything we already do have. There is nothing in between.