Touching Your Heart – Inspirational Stories of Transformation From Soul to Soul

I have something special to share with you today and I’m honored that my story was included in this new book called Touching Your Heart – Inspirational
Stories of Transformation From Soul to Soul.

These are amazing stories about transformation and changes for the better.

Even though they might sound like fairy-tales, they aren’t!

These are real stories of real persons.

Often times, these people had to go through lots of suffering before they found their solution and it wasn’t always “easy going.”

But in the end, they made it.

This book is about Energy Psychology methods, transformation, “feeling better,” and new possibilities.

This book is for you if you need a new perspective, hope, and inspiration.

This book is also for you if you want to read stories that make you feel better just by reading.

These are examples of how YOU can improve YOUR OWN LIFE simply by changing your mindset.

It’s possible – even for you!

You don’t need to be a multimillionaire, you don’t have to reach _________ (fill in what you mind tells you) to be able to change your life.

You can start today. There’s nothing you need to accomplish beforehand.

May this book help you to open your eyes to all of the possibilities that are waiting for you. You just have to grab them.

May it inspire you and help you to take action.

Read the book and let it touch your soul – and then, follow your heart.