There is one fundamental reason why the “fake it til you make it” approach fails. And that reason is, most of us disregard the realm of energy and attempt only to alter our words and outer behaviors. For example, we’re told to “dress for the job you want, not...
Lots of people are walking around with some pretty antiquated notions about happiness. Some of us believe we’ll be happy as soon as we achieve success in our careers. Others conflate happiness with achieving a particular status, like getting married or having...
The number one misunderstanding that keeps people living in lack and scarcity is this: We believe that it’s our job to go out and create the abundance we desire. We do not. The fact is, abundance is not something that needs to be created! Abundance already exists...
What are your go-to strategies when you want to bolster your sense of inner confidence? Do you look to your past accomplishments, or to the aspects of your present circumstances that you find most pleasing? Or, do you focus on your positive attributes, doing things...
Conversations abound in the personal development space about the importance of finding your purpose. And usually, they revolve around the idea that we’re each born with a gift to contribute to humanity in some way. Our life purpose is sometimes defined as our...
By now you understand that your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations matter. A lot. Because what you contemplate in the privacy of your own heart and mind transmits a vibration that is received by everything around you. In a very real sense, with every...