A lot of people are feeling stressed these days. I have a special healing meditation that will provide love and light for you. Enjoy! You are infinitely loved, Christy
You are the most powerful force in your life. Not the government. Not circumstances, and not mass consciousness. You. Think about it. Who besides you has the power to influence your state of being? Who besides you has the power to decide when to focus your attention...
Manifesting your desires is an inherently joyful experience! Just think about the energy that courses through you when you’re in the presence of a freshly-hatched desire. It’s life-giving, contagious, compelling to think about, and incredibly attractive. Desire is...
Well, just the title alone gives you an idea of the conversation I have on The Quantum Success Show with the amazing, Dr. Joe Vitale. I had a real and honest discussion with Dr. Joe especially during the time we are in right now around MONEY:) Money is energy, and...
How are you doing? I am thinking of you and sending you so much love and light. If you feel you are having difficulty staying at peace right now, here are some helpful tips and resources. I have included a free meditation below as well. Continually strengthen your...
My gift to you today is a meditation called Calming Your Emotions. Affirmation: Whatever I do, it’s because I want to do it. Click Here Download Or Listen To The MP3 of Meditation