by Christy Whitman | Mar 7, 2012 | 7 Essential Laws
When we are watching television or listening to the radio, and we don’t like what is being broadcast, we simply change the channel. We don’t force ourselves to listen to something that hurts our ears, makes us feel sad, or does not interest us. We have the... by Christy Whitman | Mar 11, 2011 | 7 Essential Laws, Universal Law
No matter who you are, where you grew up, or what your family situations were, you are, and always have been, abundant. You are already an abundant being, and you were born that way. Our entire universe is abundant. That is the truth of who we are, and that is the... by Christy Whitman | Feb 5, 2010 | 7 Essential Laws, Quantum Success - Life, Love, & Career, Universal Law
As I mentioned in the first section of this newsletter, I was having a hard time connecting to my joy while I was in Arizona. It seemed as though everything in my reality was upsetting me. I was feeling hurt by my mom and my best friend. I was very down. This was... by Christy Whitman | Dec 8, 2009 | 7 Essential Laws, Universal Law
I have a very special gift for you this holiday season. I want to teach you about two Universal Laws that will make an enormous difference in your life. (Especially during this holiday season) What are these laws? The Law of Allowing and The Law of Giving The Law of... by Christy Whitman | Nov 9, 2009 | 7 Essential Laws, Universal Law
Isn’t life good when living the law of attraction? It has definitely transformed my life and I know it can change yours too. Don’t stress if you haven’t noticed a change yet. It will happen! One thing that helps me is to take every opportunity I have to learn... by Christy Whitman | Nov 7, 2009 | 7 Essential Laws, Universal Law
Every once and awhile I will receive a crazy email from someone that wants to show me “THE” way. They came across my website and see that I talk about the universal laws, but they are concerned about my soul after I die. They feel that I am materialistic,...