What is a mantra? A mantra, or affirmations are positive statements that help focus your awareness on your ability to create what you focus on. Mantras are stated in the present tense, such as “I am now abundant.” Your thoughts create your reality, and as you say these positive statements to yourself with conviction, you will begin to create them as true. Mantras were designed to open and expand your awareness of what you can have, to align you with your soul’s wisdom, and to attune you with the unlimited abundance of the universe. As you say them to yourself, you will create positive and better circumstances in your life.
-Why are mantras helpful?
Mantras offer a powerful way to create changes in your life
Mantras are positive statements that help focus your awareness on your power and ability to create what you want. They are stated in the present tense, such as “I have unlimited abundance.” Your thoughts and feelings create your reality, and as you say these positive statements to yourself, you can begin to create them as true.
Mantras should be designed to open and expand your awareness of what you can have, to align you with your soul’s wisdom, and to assist you in attuning with the unlimited abundance of the universe. Most of mantras start with “I”. “I” refers to all of who you are: your greater self, also called your higher self, your soul, your Divine Self, the part of you that is connected to the God-force or the God-within, or the deeper part of your being, as well as the ego and personality self. As you think or say mantras, you are calling upon the greater “I” within you to be present and express Itself, opening the doorway to experience a new, higher reality.
Saying “I AM”
Too often people say “I am…..” and follow it with a negative statement. “I am lazy.” as an example. It is important to catch yourself if you find yourself doing this, and change what you say about yourself and your life to reflect a more positive reality. Every time you say “I am” you are evoking the divine Self within you, calling upon the power of the universe to make it so. If you can follow the statement “I am…” with positive thoughts you are invoking the power of the universe, the Divine within you to assist you in creating this as your reality.
As you say these mantras, feel the reality and power of the “I” within you to create the reality you want. The words themselves do not have power; repeating them over and over will not create the reality you want. It is the energy of your greater Self you are calling upon when you say these affirmations that has the power to make these thoughts a reality. It is feeling the mantra inside your body and feeling your energy shift and change.
Imagine feeling the power, love, and wisdom of the the innermost part of your being, your soul and spirit as you say each mantra. Use these mantras as a way to open the doorway to all the riches and gifts of consciousness your true, innermost Self is waiting to give you. All you need to do is ask, affirm, and be open to receive. Let go of the specific form, way, and timing of what you have asked for, and know that your true Self will bring to you exactly what you need at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
Use only those mantras that feel appropriate to you
It is important that the words feel comfortable to you and are aligned with who you are. Feel free to substitute other words that have a special meaning to you, for the power is increased when the statements are meaningful and feel comfortable. I also encourage you to make up your own mantras. As you say the mantra, feel it, sense it, and picture it being true in your life.
There are several ways to use mantras
You can say them aloud to yourself, and then move on, or stay and receive another mantras. You may want to print out or write down your affirmation, and say it to yourself with meaning and feeling as you do. Repeating them over and over as a mantra will not create them as real; the power of mantras is in their “livingness” to you. Let them evolve. As you say them, new mantras may come to you. A deeper meaning may unfold. Those you are drawn to initially may change in their nature.
-Please provide 3-5 mantras that might encourage someone to greatness/strength in the New Year. For each, explain why this particular mantra works.
Each of these work for the reasons stated above:
I am alert to my opportunities. (This will evoke the I Am within you and make the personality part of you looking for opportunities, as you focus your attention on something it starts to show itself to you).
My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited prosperity. (As you focus off of lack and limitation and look for more ways to believe in prosperity, that is what you will start to attract. That will then become a belief and then you will create more of it.)
I am balanced and centered at all times. (This will help evoke that part of you that will help you stay centered and balanced no matter what conditions, circumstances, or situation are happening.)
My higher self brings me everything I need at the perfect time and in the perfect way. (This one will have you trusting more of your inner guidance and higher self. It helps calm the personality that wants things NOW.)
I forgive myself. I release the past. (Forgiveness of self and others is really the key and doorway to peace and happiness. As you find the places within yourself that need forgiveness either of your self or others, you make room for peace. And it brings you in the present moment where all the true power is.)