best way to ask the universe for a sign

In the midst of job stress, relationship turmoil or financial hardship, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. Our own personal problems can loom so large in our eyes that everywhere we look, more problems are all that we see. In truth, each one of us is an integral, important part of this magnificent and abundant universe. And the universe is always sending us signs that things are, truly, okay. But if your mindset is out of tune, you might easily misinterpret those signs.

Perception Equals Reality

Many people approach life from the vantage point of being unworthy. They think of themselves as being small and insignificant. They believe they have to work hard and sacrifice in order to prove their worth. Or they believe the things they desire the most – love, self-expression, and abundance of all kinds – are out of their reach. And when that is our starting premise, unfortunately, the universe will continue to yield to us experiences that reinforce our perception of ourselves.

But the good news is, you have the ability to shift perspective and start with a different set of premises. And the moment you do, you’ll not only come to know your own worthiness. You’ll also open yourself to the signs that are all around you, signaling that everything is truly okay. In fact, you will come to know without question that the universe always has your back.

Here are 3 basic premises that will support you in becoming more receptive to your own worthiness and wellbeing:

Premise #1: You are a blessed being.

Just look around you! You were born into a perfect environment that easily sustains your body and mind. The sun rises every morning, without any effort on your part. The planets orbit our solar system in perfect balance, without any organization or planning. The plants grow; there is air to breathe. In other words, YOU are a blessed being. Get in the habit of counting your blessings, and you’ll see just how many of them surround you.

Premise #2: You deserve to be here, and you deserve to be joyful.

You are an integral part of the source energy that creates and sustains all things. And this divine, universal energy that sources you is ever-present to assist you in the manifestation of all that you desire. It is always here for you; always at your back. This energy is at the basis of everything, and there is no beginning, ending, or limit to this potent, powerful source energy. You can tap into this energy anytime you wish, and use it in the creation of anything you desire.

Premise #3: The best is yet to come.

The river of life goes only in one direction, and that direction is forward. Life simply does not travel back in time. This means that anything you consider to be a mistake, and everything you regret, is irrelevant. The only thing that is relevant is how you are thinking and feeling right now. You have the choice to be forward-looking rather than regretful. You have the choice to appreciate rather find fault. You can choose to look for the wisdom and the gifts in all situations, or to look for others to blame for unwanted circumstances. And what you look for, you will find.

The universe is constantly raining its blessings down upon us. It is always sending us signs that things are okay. We are the ones who are sometimes so convinced of our own shortcomings and wrongdoings that we cannot receive the signs. But every moment brings you a new opportunity for receptivity.

Count your blessings, including yourself. Know that you are worthy of the bounty of this universe. And always look forward toward who you are now becoming; what you now want to create, no matter where you are standing right now.

All around you are opportunities to learn and to grow, and the universe never stops delivering those to you. You just need to open yourself to receive.

Christy Whitman is an energy healer, celebrity coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance. To watch a free webinar on the principles of energy mastery, please visit