A disciple once said to the master, “Show me a miracle.” The master sagely replied, “Go to sleep and dream for 30 years. When you wake, you be surrounded by miracles.”
For many of us, things that we once considered miracles are now common.
We lose sight of the wonder that fills everyday because we have forgotten that our lives are wondrous. Many of the mundane things that many of us take for granted such as air travel, instant communications or even clean drinking water would be miracles to our ancestors and yet we barely even notice them.
My friend Allyson Chavez believes in miracles. In fact, she believes that miracles happen all of the time, and that WE can actually make our own miracles on a daily basis. She has asked me and other experts from various fields to talk about the subject. We want to share that expertise with you.
Please join me on the upcoming telesummit, Make Your Miracles: Experts Share the Joy and Simplicity of Creating Miracles. This free event features interviews with experts to talk about miracles and different perspectives on the role miracles play in daily living. In addition, EACH of the experts will be offering a free gift to all registered participants.
If you’re ready to make some of your own miracles in business, finances, relationships and life, then learn more and register.