Last month I took some time with Frederic to watch Anthony Robbins’ new documentary, I’m Not Your Guru, on Netflix.

We were both moved in so many different ways for different reasons.

I reached out through Facebook to post what a great experience it was, and that I was proud to be a coach.

You know what happened?

I had people who were in total agreement with me, and then I had people who the felt the complete polar opposite about my experience and wanted to argue with me about it.

Here is the thing: Whether we agree with someone or not, we need to allow others to have and share their experiences.

I was not looking for advice.
I was not looking for a debate.
I was not looking for validation.

I was just sharing my experience of a movie.

And for me, I just deleted the post, because of the uproar it had caused. Because for me it was my experience, and I didn’t care what others thought about it. That is me, allowing me to have my experience. And it is also allowing others to have their opinion about my experience, which is none of my business.

One of my goals as a teacher of the Universal Laws is to help myself and others apply the Universal Law, The Law of Allowing.

This is the law that helps us feel free in our lives and relationships.

Watch this video to learn more about it:

The Law of Allowing

Imagine and enjoy,

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”

Arm wrestling at karate

Alex doing karate in the water ~ “I’m never doing that again!”

Quantum Success in Business 2016