Energy Healing Energy Mastery

Own your future… Interview with Dean Graziosi

Own your future… Interview with Dean Graziosi

Today on the Quantum Success Show I have a great conversation with Dean Graziosi. Dean has teamed up with Tony Robbins, who as most people know, was one of the very first coaches. It is because of Tony and the path he led for coaches that I am now doing what I am,...

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Surrender or Action?

Surrender or Action?

This is the week! The full birthing and releasing of The Desire Factor! Did you order your copy, because there are AMAZING bonuses that you will receive right away when you do! CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW >> Two of the steps in The Desire Factor are "surrender" and...

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Why Thinking Like A Monk Can Limit Your Prosperity

Why Thinking Like A Monk Can Limit Your Prosperity

Lately, there has been an awareness to "think like a monk". But did you know that thinking like a monk can actually limit your prosperity? Monks think in "sufficiency", which is fine. But it is always just enough. The Divine thinks in ALL SUFFICIENCY which is...

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The 3 Obstacles to Desires

The 3 Obstacles to Desires

There are three things that stop most people from attaining their desires. And if you know what they are, become aware of them, understand them, then you can do something about them. This is a quick show to help you understand yourself so you can expand beyond any...

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The Council Answers A Question on Self Sabotage

The Council Answers A Question on Self Sabotage

This is a powerful question around self-sabotage because we all sabotage ourselves to some degree or another. Why do we do it? And how can we stop it so we can create what we desire? You are infinitely loved, Christy & The Council

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Am I acting as a Rescuer

Am I acting as a Rescuer

"I just wanted to help!" Ever hear yourself saying that? Good intentioned people find themselves wanting to help, but don’t realize they are not actually helping... They are rescuing. And when there is a rescuer... there is always someone that is playing the victim....

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What Is Energy Work?

What Is Energy Work?

When you hear someone say they are doing "energy work" what does that mean? Why is it important? How do you do it? And when is the best time to do it? All of these important questions are answered in today’s Quantum Success Show with The Council.   Read my...

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Spiritual Laws Of Money Interview With Mary Morrissey

Spiritual Laws Of Money Interview With Mary Morrissey

Wow! What a conversation with one of my favorite people. Mary Morrissey and I had a great discussion on the spiritual laws of money. Now, isn’t that a strange thing to read "spiritual" and "money" in the same sentence? When you think of money do you think of...

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Calling In The Light

Calling In The Light

"There is always evidence of dark, but when you put light to the dark, the darkness goes away." Over human history, people have focused on the fear factor. But you can find your own alignment with the reality that "all is well, now what?" This is a quick video and...

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All is Well, Now What?

All is Well, Now What?

Does your mind focus on creating what you do want in life, and then goes to, "but how long can it last?" "What if..." What is the "what if..."? Is it "What if..." with a fear? OR Is it "What if..." with faith? Can you really allow yourself to feel good and look...

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