
“Manifesting Your Dreams”
Read this book review for The Art of Having It All by Jacqueline Maddison for Beverly Hills Magazine by clicking here.

The Salma Hayek Technique: How to Become Instantly More Beautiful
Check out my guest blog post on Posh Beauty Blog... Click Here to read how you can put the “Selma Hayek” technique to use to become instantly more beautiful.

Career Change as a Catalyst for Creating What You Really Want
Career Change as a Catalyst for Creating What You Really Want "So you wake up one morning and realize that the career ladder you’ve been diligently climbing is leaning up against the wrong proverbial wall, and that in order to achieve your creative, financial, or...

The Illusion of Balance
"...connect with yourself first and everything else will fall into place." ~ Christy Whitman Pages 94-95 green child magazine Read my latest article about, "The Illusion of Balance" published in green child magazine on pages 94-95 by clicking here.

My Silly Little Gang – Book Review
"If I had to narrow down my POV of this book to one word it would have to be WOW! This is such a great book, I truly believe that this book should be a MUST READ for every woman. Having read this book has changed my perspective. It has given me the confidence to look...

Book Recommendation: The Art of Having It All by Christy Whitman
"Do you think that the modern woman can have it all? In the new book The Art of Having It All – A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance, Christy Whitman offers up a modern strategy for women who want to “have it all”. She lays out a path forward that shows people how...

FOX News Radio: Vipp Jaswal Report
"Christy Whitman is the New York Times bestselling author of “The Art of Having It All”, and believes you can have it all through spiritual means! She explains why hard work and discipline can only get you so far and that its her 7 Universal Laws of Manifestation that...

Energy Alignment: Balancing Outer Action With Inner Receptivity
Anyone who knows me knows that I love my spa days! – but not many people know exactly why, or how much I receive from the time I invest in recharging myself in this way. ...Read the rest of the story by clicking here 🙂

We Hit the XYZ List
#1 on the Denver Post bestseller list for Paperback Nonfiction! ...AND #3 Washington Post!...

Do You Really Know What Makes You Happy?
How do you define happiness? Click Here to read my article, "Do You Really Know What Makes You Happy?" posted on ZestNow.
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