How To Manage Your Energy and Manifest Your Desires
When we do things we love, and schedule things we look forward to it raises our vibration. This is just one of many ways to master your energy in order to manifest what you want. We talked about this on this throwback video (an oldie, but goodie!): ...

Chakras and Vortices, oh my!
I have a good one for you today! People ask about chakras and vortices, and inside the human body, they are the same. What is a vortex? A vortex or vortexes are areas of concentrated energy rising from the earth. The vortexes are a portal for higher energy to come...

Find your Pure Potential
When you get out in nature are you amazed at what you see? A sunset... A full moon... An ocean wave... Sedona red rocks... Do you allow yourself to become one with nature and let yourself be moved by it? Pure Potentiality created all this and YOU:) This show is all...

What Is Self Love?
In this video, Christy talks about what self-love really is and 4 habits you need to consider to experience self-love and to change your life. Love is the highest vibration in the universe. There is nothing like self-love. It is an experience that needs...

Peace – What Is It, And How Do We Experience It?
Have you ever experienced a true sense of peace? What is peace really, and how do we constantly feel it? How do we get comfortable with it? This is what this week’s Sedona series with The Council is all about.
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