The Energy Vortex Insecurity and Unworthiness
As part of our celebrating Meditation Month, I am sharing some of our favorite meditations from The 30 Days of Quantum Success Meditations series with you. This first one is from the Emotions series called Insecurity and Unworthiness. The affirmation is My...

May is Meditation Month – Celebrate With Us
May is Meditation month, and we are celebrating! Watch the video below for the message, where we share all the things we have in store for you during May. THE ENERGY VORTEX save 2 months TWO MONTHS FREE WHEN JOINING ANNUAL PLANS DISCOVER...

You And Your Life Are Unlimited Show – The Law Of Pure Potentiality
I am so excited to share with you today The Law Of Pure Potentiality. This is a fifth essential Universal Law. It is important because this law is based on the fact that the true essence of who you and I are is pure consciousness. When you're in alignment with this...

You And Your Life Are Unlimited Show – The Law Of Sufficiency and Abundance (Lack versus Abundance)
In today’s Show we are going to dig deeper into lack versus abundance. In order to shift something that we want, we have to understand and have awareness of what we're doing. During the last episode, we talked about The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance and how your...

Feel Better Now: 3 Practices to Instantly Raise Your Self-Worth
Let’s start with the good news and the bad news: From a manifestation perspective, nothing is more important than feeling good. How you feel – about yourself, others, and each new situation you’re in – determines the quality of experiences you magnetize into your...
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