The Desire Factor

How to Become a Vibrational Match to the Things You Desire
If you’re not yet manifesting the things you desire, it’s not because you haven’t asked for them. It’s because you haven’t yet learned how to become a vibrational match to the things you desire. But by applying a few basic universal principles, you’ll be able to...

The Connection Between Meditation and Manifestation: How to Meditate to Manifest Your Desires
You probably already know that meditation has many, many benefits. It relieves stress, improves mood, supports better sleep, jump-starts creativity and boosts mental focus. But did you know that there is a profound connection between meditation and manifestation? ...

How to Use Imagination and Visualization to Manifest Any Desire
When it comes to manifesting a particular outcome that you desire to experience, imagination and visualization work hand in hand. And when you understand the unique roles that each of these two faculties plays, you can hasten the manifestation of any desire. ...

How the Law of Detachment Can Help You Manifest Your Desires
We’ve all been there. Something we’ve been really trying to manifest just isn’t coming to fruition. At first glance, it may seem that we simply need to work harder to accomplish our goal. But in actuality, the secret to quickly manifesting any desire is to...

Everything Is About Energy Mastery! – A Special Message From Christy…
Everything is about energy mastery! When you learn HOW to process your energy, you can master yourself and, therefore, your life. Even when unexpected bushwhacks happen…Even when contrast appears… mastering your energy is the key! Watch my special message I created...

3 Daily Practices to Increase Your Spiritual Wellbeing
Would you jump into your car for a cross-country trip without first checking the tires or giving it an oil change? Would you expect yourself to complete a marathon in the absence of any prior conditioning or training? Or expect your teeth to last a lifetime without...

Being a Lightworker vs. Being a Rescuer
There are countless ways to serve as a lightworker. As you read this list of the most common lightworker characteristics, make note of how many apply to you: You understand that thoughts and emotions are energy, and that energy is at the root of every physical...

Energy Mastery Techniques to Release the Vibration of Doubt
Discordant vibrations – such as a vibration of doubt – are the only thing standing between you and the full realization of all that you desire. This is because lower-frequency vibrations such as doubt, disbelief, fear, or frustration introduce resistance into our...

The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Interview with Sharon Wilson
Recently, I had a wonderful time chatting with Sharon Wilson, Founder, and Chief Inspiration Officer at The Coaching From Spirit Institute on her podcast, The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur. We talked about how The 7 Principles are applied in sequential order to...

Conscious Millionaire Network Interview with JV Crum, III
I was interviewed by JV Crum, III on the Conscious Millionaire Podcast Network, named in Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts. The show is for entrepreneurs, coaches, marketers and business owners who want to make their First Million. I’m included with...
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