Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPlayer EmbedShare Leave a ReviewListen in a New WindowDownloadSoundCloudStitcherSubscribe on AndroidSubscribe via RSSSpotify As part of our celebrating Meditation Month, I am sharing some of our favorite meditations from The 30 Days of...
May is Meditation month, and we are celebrating! Watch the video below for the message, where we share all the things we have in store for you during May. THE ENERGY VORTEX Monthly Yearly save 2 months TWO MONTHS FREE WHEN JOINING ANNUAL...
I am so excited to share with you today The Law Of Pure Potentiality. This is a fifth essential Universal Law. It is important because this law is based on the fact that the true essence of who you and I are is pure consciousness. When you’re in alignment with...
In today’s Show we are going to dig deeper into lack versus abundance. In order to shift something that we want, we have to understand and have awareness of what we’re doing. During the last episode, we talked about The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance and how...
Today is a big one. It’s literally the law that states that you and your life are unlimited. For the past 22+ years, all of my work has been about knowing, understanding, and applying the seven essential laws. In this show, I cover my favorite law, The Law of...
Do you want to live a happier, ease-filled life? The Law of Allowing will show you how to remove negativity and frustration from your life. Applying the Law of Allowing is the key to accepting the present moment, knowing we can control our perception of...