What’s the most effective way to unlock your full potential and make 2020 your best year ever? By understanding the rules of this game called life! How good at baking a cake would you be if you didn’t have a recipe to follow? How successful would you be at playing a...
(Plus How to Set Things Straight Again) By now, you’re probably well aware of the power of your thoughts. You get it that your expectations influence the outcomes you create. And, you’ve likely discovered how all-important it is to tend to your emotions and...
Think about it. In every moment of every day, you’re asking the Universe for a happier life. How so? After every frustrating experience, you ask for greater contentment and ease. Every relationship that disappoints you causes you to ask for a deeper experience of...
Do you ever find yourself surrounded by people who annoy you? Who bore you? Are there people in your life who you feel diminished by? Who drain your energy or who seem to bring out the very worst in you? You have infinite choices when it comes to the people you...
You may not realize it, but you’re already utilizing the power of affirmations! And, the affirmations you repeat about money can bring you outrageous financial prosperity, or they can keep you in hardship. Thoughts Turn to Things Whether you’re aware of it or...
You’re feeling great and flying high… then in walks that one person who always seems to bring you down. And, just like you expected, your good mood falls apart now that you’re in their presence. If you feel too easily influenced by other people’s emotions… Or...