“This week’s interview is with Christy Whitman, best-selling author of “The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance.” If having it all isn’t part and parcel of becoming the go-to person in your industry or profession, I don’t what is!
If you’ve ever heard of the “Law of Attraction” this might sound familiar to you…maybe because it’s been a great source of empowerment and direction for you, or maybe because you’ve brushed off “talk like that” in the past as just a load of BS.
Either way, I want you to take a look at this with an open mind, because Christy has a riveting storing about how she proactively attracted the kind of success that now powers her incredibly success business, marriage and life.”
– Courtney Wesh | The Influence Insider
CLICK HERE to listen to the FULL interview.