Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I hope you are wearing green. Pinch. Pinch. 🙂

Today I have a special guest on the Quantum Success show who I know you will just love.

His name is Eben Pagan and he is truly an inspiration and an amazing man. And in this episode Eben and I discuss the following:

  • Why creativity is so important today, and how you can make yourself more creative in a way that also builds your business.
  • How you can get more done in a day – and specifically, how can you be more productive in a way that leads to growing your business and your income.
  • Ideas of what to do with your time during a work day to produce the most value and profit.
  • Why if you have a business why it is important to become at least “competent” with sales and marketing.
  • How delegating the things that take up your time is important, and what prevents most people from doing it.

So, if you have a business, want to start a business, or just be more effective in your current job you will want to watch this show!

And to find out more about Eben and his free video, click here.

You will love what you learn, I promise. 🙂

Much love and May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing
