I was guided to head back to Sedona to take some reflection time with myself. The Council guided me to go on a hike with myself and all my fears came up. Everything I have ever heard or learned about safety and being safe was being challenged. But The Council has...
No matter what is happening in your life right now, we are designed to feel good. We have the power to align ourselves with the Divine Design of thriving and feeling good. And because we have 100% control over our own consciousness, we can choose to feel good no...
Diversity. What a word, especially these days. The actual definition of “diverse” is “Showing a great deal of variety; very different.” VARIETY! This entire universe is full of variety. Choices. Options. Freedom. I love the spiritual, higher perspective that The...
Everything boils down to perception, even loss. No matter what we have perceived to have lost, it places on us an emotional burden that takes work to overcome. What do we need to do when we grieve? How do we let go of someone or something that has been lost to us?...
Finding career path that you love is a form of creative self-expression where you are in co-creation with your divine self. Oftentimes, we get stuck in a career that doesn’t resonate with us, with who we really are. What does it take to get out of this trap and thrive...
It is not easy to balance a hectic lifestyle. For busy people, 24 hours a day is too short to get everything done, and this usually kills the feeling of fulfillment. To counter this seemingly unsolvable problem, Christy Whitman suggests taking some time to meditate....