In this Issue

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June 4, 2009
Vol.2, Issue 6

Click Here to easily recommend this ezine to anyone you know that is interested in having more money, love, and joy in their lives right now.

Subscribers receive $129 worth of valuable tools. Including a free meditation to help you raise your vibration and special reports to show you how to apply the Universal Laws.

A Note From Christy

Dear %$firstname$%,

For those of you that are new to my newsletter, I call each person on my "list", my family.

There is a new family member I want to introduce you to.

Click here to play video...

As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment.

Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”


Upcoming Events

Free Creating Your Ideal Body Teleseminar: Do you want to lose weight with me? I have some baby weight I want to release (you can see from the video above), and I thought I would offer a program so you too can create your ideal body. I will be using the same processes and techniques that helped me lose weight ten years ago. I maintained my size four body, until the baby. June 4th at 6pm PST/9pm EST:

I went from this:

To this and you can too:

Goddess Weekend: November 13-15th, Upstate New York. Only limited spots available.

A transformational weekend for women only with the top experts in Women's Empowerment, with Christy Whitman and Rebecca Grado, MFT.

The Goddess Weekend

The first 10 women that sign up will receive hotel accommodations for free ($250 Value). There are only 50 spots available for this transformational weekend.

Do you want to have a free coaching session? Yes, that is right, my certification program is up and running and I have amazing coaches that want to coach you, for free! You will receive fabulous coaching and learn processes and techniques to raise your vibration. Many of my other “family” members have taken advantage of this offer and are already seeing the results manifest in their lives. This is your chance! There is no cost and no obligation. If you are interested, email for an appointment.

Have you joined my new Law of Attraction and Abundance Coaching Club for just a dollar for the first month? There are so many new resources worth hundreds of dollars like interviews, meditations, books, and companion guides from experts like Wayne Dyer, John Assaraf, James Ray, Marci Shimoff and many more!

This month:
NY Times Bestselling author, Judith Orloff, MD. Emotional Freedom: Liberate yourself from negative emotions and transform your life.

Next Month: Blair Singer
Learn how to master that little voice in your mind that holds you back.


Divine Manisfesting Tips, Stories & Inspiration

I wanted to share a VERY personal story to illustrate how important being real and honest with our emotions is to our overall health and well-being.

I was in my eighth month of pregnancy and the entire time I felt amazing. I did not have any of the typical symptoms that most women have with pregnancies. This was not because I am lucky or a coincidence. I worked through a lot of my “issues” and fears about being a mom, stepped into my feminine creative space and decided to create the experience the way I wanted it to be (You will learn this at the Goddess weekend).

All of a sudden I started to feel horrible. The left side of my head was killing me and no matter what I did-the pain persisted. I also started to have my sciatic nerve on the left side of my body start to really hurt. I know after doing this work for over a decade, that any pain in the body is resistance in the mind. I also knew that the left side of the body represents the feminine and the right side represents the masculine. Was it a coincidence that just my left side hurt? No. There are no coincidences.

I also know that I am an amazing creator, and typically don't do pain in my body. Seeing me go through this was hard on Frederic. I knew it was draining him and was not fun for him to be around me. I was also noticing that I was snapping at him, which I never do.

I had many fears that were coming up around him and not being happy, which logically does not make sense because we are so in love and happy together. These negative thoughts and fears that I had felt caused a whole cycle of negative things to happen. My feeling sorry for myself was draining him. I could feel him pulling away, which was leading to more fears about our relationship. So I need to stop this pain and step back into my empowered Goddess space.

I went through the 4 steps to change. These steps can be used to change any emotion, creation, or situation.

  1. Recognize: I am feeling pain in my head and my left sciatic nerve in making a pain in my butt. It is on the left side of my body, which represents the Goddess/Feminine side. So physically I am not feeling well. I am also just getting over a cold.

    Emotionally and mentally I have been feeling down. I am not looking like myself because of the pregnancy, so I don't' feel good about myself whenever I look in the mirror. I don't see me. I see an over inflated me and I don't feel she is very beautiful. I don't even recognize the person that I am looking at. This brings up fear in me about Frederic, which I know is all coming from me. I feel like he is bored and tired of my condition. I don't feel he is attracted to me because of the way I look and my fear is that he will stop loving me. (This was all my stuff) I even voiced this to him this weekend and he assured me that he is very much attracted to me, that I am pregnant and he loves me, and that if he is bored or unhappy then it is his problem and up to him to change. (God love him!) So I am creating this drama and fear for nothing. It is not about him, it is about me.
    (Recognize: What do you have in your experience? What is the situation or circumstance that you are unhappy with? What are you feeling? Recognize those emotions are of a low vibration)
  2. Acknowledge: Who is creating this? ME (We are always creating everything in our reality. When you can take responsibility for this, you can then have the power to change any situation)
    Why am I creating this: It is all my reality and my outer is a reflection of my inner. So why am I creating this?

    First, I am upset and angry (this was new to me). When I look in the mirror and that person that I knew isn't there anymore, I get mad. Nothing has changed for Frederic since this pregnancy. He gets to still go golf and play poker. He still looks the same. His body didn't change. His skin did not change. He is exactly who he was and will continue to be. He doesn't have to lose a bunch of weight after the baby is born. For the first time, I can admit, this is pissing me off! Why does the woman have to do all the work in creating a baby? (Keep in mind my whole experience up to this point was magical. I was honored to be the one carrying the baby and feeling Alex grow and move. I loved being one with him.) No matter how much I loved this experience, there was a place in me that was feeling angry and resentful. I thought, I can continue to look at that in this perspective, or I can look at the wonderful things that the woman gets to experience. But there are emotions that I am feeling and I need to be honest and real and express them so they are no longer in my body causing me pain.

    Second, I am feeling sorry for myself, and when I do, I get Frederic's attention. He touches me and massages me to make me feel better. The thing is that Frederic already does these things for me, so I don't have to be in total pain and create this drama to receive his love and attention. He always gives me that. The end result is that it is draining him and I think it is a way for me to punish him for the anger and resentment I am feeling. So I am pissed off at him. I am pissed off at God for creating it this way, and I am pissed at myself. I did my anger exercise to release the anger at Frederic, God and myself.

    MP3 File
    (Listen here for instructions on how to release anger or any other emotion)
  3. Forgiveness: I forgave Frederic and that it is not his fault. I know he will help me and be an amazing partner. It is not his fault that he doesn't have to create the baby. As a matter of fact, I am the one that gets to bond before Alex even comes, so it is a privilege for me. I forgive Frederic. (I said this over and over until I felt it within my body). I also forgive God for creating it to be like this for the woman. I actually now feel grateful that I get to experience this because I am the one that gets the instant bond with him. I forgive the Goddess for not creating this different as well, and again I feel grateful for the experience. Finally, I forgive myself for needing to manipulate Frederic to get his love and attention. I forgive myself for leaving my Goddess space and for feeling totally powerless. I forgive myself for not catching this earlier so I didn't have to drag on and continue to cause me so much pain and discomfort. I forgive myself for feeling angry and resentful at Frederic. I forgive myself for using self-pity to numb my emotions so I didn't have to look at and address the anger and resentment I was feeling.
  4. Change: I am deciding right now to embrace this situation and accept that it is the woman's life that changes during pregnancy, including her body. I know I will have an even better body after the baby is born. I step into my empowerment and know that I am creating a miracle. Men don't get to do this, only women. I have been chosen for this amazing being, and I am honored. I embrace my Goddess, my empowerment, and my body the way it is today. I return back to loving and accepting myself as I am in this moment. I love and accept my body for what it is creating. I step fully back into my power and feel my own worth and value, knowing that I am worthy of Frederic's love. I know what we share, how much he loves and adores me, and how wonderful our lives are together. I know how bringing Alex into our lives is just going to bring more love and joy into this family (and it has). That is all I need to focus on as it relates to him and our relationship. I am now feeling empowered and connected back to my Goddess self, and amazingly enough . . . my headache that I had for weeks and was getting worse each day, is TOTALLY GONE!

    It never came back after that moment, because I released the negative emotions that was causing the resistance and led to the pain. My sciatic nerve also let go and I was pain free for the rest of my pregnancy.

    This story is about my experience, but no matter who you are, you can use these four steps to change for anything that you want to change in your life. Be real and honest with yourself and your feelings. They are your emotional set point and the vibration you are created from.

"Any time you have physical discomfort of any kind, whether you call it emotional, or physical pain within your body, it always, always means the same thing: "I have a desire that is summoning Energy, but I have a belief that is not allowing so I've created resistance in my body." The solution, every single time, to the releasing of discomfort or pain -- is the relaxation and the reaching for the feeling of relief."

Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Sunday, August 29th, 1999 Our Love, Jerry and Esther


Coaches Corner

In this section I have some great resources for you. My intention to provide you with these resources is so that you can continue to journey to empowerment. Some of them may resonate with you, and others may not. It is like being at a buffet . . . just take what you like and leave the rest. Enjoy!

Occasionally films like The Secret or What the Bleep become mainstream, but what happens to all the other inspiring films from around the world? Many never make it to the local Cineplex. But now, with Spiritual Cinema Circle, you can see heart-opening, soul-stirring films on DVD delivered to your home every month.

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Order today. You won't want to miss Volume 7 2009, which features the documentary 2012: Science or Superstition!


As you know, I am very selective about what I recommend to you! But, this latest "gem" written by my friend Cari LaGrange Murphy is being released today on and it is worth talking about!

This special invitation is part of a promotional event happening TODAY ONLY! Purchase Create Change Now, Reflections for Personal Transformation TODAY and receive over $5,000.00 in bonus gifts from sponsors (like myself) who believe in the transformational quality of Cari's book!

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Cari LaGrange Murphy is a Internationally recognized Inspirational and Spiritual Author, Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, and an Empowerment Mentor Worldwide. Cari is dedicated to spiritual improvement and purposeful living through her consistently inspirational messages of individual empowerment. She encourages personal responsibility for our choices. This involves not only acknowledging and embracing the power of our thoughts and feelings, but also living courageously by making wise decisions that reflect our truest spiritual desires and dreams. Cari inspires her readers and clients to expand the horizons of their imaginations, unleash their greatest potential, and create pathways to unlimited abundance!

With over 60 Expert Endorsements that can be found on, it is CLEAR that Cari has a tremendous following. People believe in the power of her book and they are raving about it's life-altering content.


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Spiritual Cinema Circle is a revolutionary DVD club that delivers new spiritual films by independent film makers. Each month you'll receive a DVD that contains four inspirational films – yours to keep!

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Can you imagine waking up on Monday morning and having the inspired thought "Thank God It’s Monday"? And, having everyone on you your team wake up feeling the exact same way? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone woke up feeling inspired and ready to take on the world with enthusiasm every day of the week?

Bestselling Author, Roxanne Emmerich has transformed hundreds of workplaces across the country consistently getting revenue and bottom line impact for many companies that is nothing short of miraculous. Most of her clients are having record quarters while their competitors are posting record losses!

And for less than $20 you can find out how she helped them do it and discover what you can do.

P.S. To jump start your inspiration and reignite your passion buy Thank God It’s Monday! today–

P.P.S. If you buy the book today you’ll receive lots of cool gifts from friends who are helping promote the book by entering your receipt number. Go to


I'm excited to share with you that my friend, Law of Attraction expert, Ruth Hegarty, has launched a comprehensive, yet easy and fun to use home-study program called the Law of Attraction Starter Kit that teaches you everything you want to know to really incorporate the Law of Attraction into your life in an easy and authentic way. Each kit includes 6 hours of audio with full transcripts, detailed workbook and tons of fun and powerful bonuses!

What bonuses you ask? Well, for a limited time, Ruth has arranged for you to receive over $2,500.00 worth of bonus programs and products absolutely F*REE when you purchase the Law of Attraction Starter Kit. These F*REE bonuses are being supplied by some of the top people in the Law of Attraction, personal development and self-image fields and can't be obtained together like this anywhere else.

Right now, you can get the Law of Attraction Starter Kit and over $2,500 in amazing bonuses for only $47 (regular price for the kit alone is $97). To learn more and buy yours now, visit!


Monthly Meditation & Affirmation

Affirmations for Manifesting:

  • I am now going to the next level of my evolution.
  • I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release itself from me.
  • I hold every situation up to the light, knowing that a higher solution always exists.
  • I nurture my inner child.
  • With each breath in I increase the light in my life.

Monthly Meditation:

Release Past Relationship:

Release your connection with your past relationship so that you can move on in your life and create the love you truly deserve. - $15    


About Christy

Christy WhitmanChristy is a certified Light Body Instructor as well as Law of Attraction Coach. She spent the last 12 years working with the Universal Laws. By applying the Law of Attraction, she has manifested her ideal body, her dream car, success in business, her ideal man, fulfilling relationships, money, and many opportunities. She works with her coaching clients to help them achieve what they desire by using the principle of the Law of Attraction.

Christy Whitman is the author of seven books including her bestseller, Perfect Pictures, which focuses on releasing the expectation that one be perfect. Christy has spent 14 years as a sales and marketing professional. Christy's business, Personal Empowerment, specializes in helping people let go of resistance in order to create what they desire in their lives. Christy speaks in high schools and colleges to help empower students to live their best lives. She is also a featured speaker with The Learning Annex.

Christy Whitman is an in-demand life coach, motivational speaker, and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a coaching certification program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life-changing message reaches over 20,000 people a month and she has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman's World, Teen Vogue, The Star Ledger, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach and a trainer with T. Harv Eker's Peak Potentials Training, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch, and Peggy McColl.. She currently lives in Montreal with the man of her dreams is a regular instructor at the Learning Annex in Manhattan. Meet her at and