In this Issue

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Volume 7, Issue 1
January 2, 2014

Click Here to easily recommend this ezine to anyone you know that is interested in having more money, love, and joy in their lives right now.

Subscribers will find the information and inspiration to manifest their personal, professional, and financial goals through a 7 part video series about the Universal Laws of Manifestation.

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Happy New Year!

Have you decided what energy essence you want to bring in for 2014?

Take a few moments right now to decide how you want your dominant feeling and vibration to be this year.

Do you want to feel more love, abundance, success, joy, freedom, expansion? What is the essence for you?

After you have discovered the essence, then ask yourself: if you could have three amazing, magical manifestations happen this year, what would they be?

Take the time right now to connect with the essence you have chosen. For example, if it is freedom, take a few moments to experience freedom.

Then write down the three things that you would love to experience this year. And make sure to write it down. Have it somewhere you can see it every day. Every time you look at it, send light to that vision and connect with your future self who has already experienced this happening.

I can’t wait to hear your stories of how these three things manifested with ease and grace.

Thank you for being part of my family!

If you did not have a chance to get on the New Year’s Eve call and set your vibration for the year, go here to listen:

As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment. Check out my recent interviews with Jeanie Zepponi of Pooshme Daily (click here) and Gina Hussar of 30 Seconds to Peace (click here), and my latest article on Creating Abundance without Sacrificing Health: From "Alpha Bitch" to Empowered Female.

Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!

Imagine and enjoy,

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”

My Uncle Ron gave Frederic and I tickets to the Arizona Cardinal's game. We had so much fun together
while my parents watched the boys.

Evelyn's dog Zeus is trying to tame the alpha bitch

Click here to play video...

The boys are learning to sing in French. And what do they sing? A commercial for a restaurant in Montreal. LOL

Click here to play video...

After seeing Santa the boys took a ride on Donald Duck and Dumbo.

Click here to play video...

One of the boys favorite things is to bury and to be buried. We are learning how to count.

Click here to play video...

This one has many things. The boys putting their dogs to sleep, and Alex is in love with Selena Gomez.
His wish for Christmas was to have Selena babysit him (and for her to not have a boyfriend).

Click here to play video...

This one makes me giggle. We were teasing Maxim that we were going to eat his cookie.

Click here to play video...

We had a grand opening at a local grocery store. They had a clown that made Alex laugh like
I have never heard before.

Click here to play video...

Click here or on the video above to watch the most recent weekly episodes of the Quantum Success Show with Christy Whitman. Released every Monday morning, each episode covers another area of the Law of Attraction and tips on how you can apply them successfully to your life.

I love bringing you information and inspiration to help you create your desires each and every Monday. What would you like me to cover? Let me know below and I'll do my best to feature your question on an upcoming episode of the Quantum Success Show!

Click here to submit your questions!

Love Your Body Teleseminar
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 9:00am Pacific/12:00pm Eastern

* Are you ready to shift your entire mindset around weight loss?

* Is 2014 the year that you finally get back to your "happy weight," and stay there?

* Have conventional weight loss techniques let you down?

I can't wait to introduce you to my friend and soul sister, Erin Cox. We want to help you look and feel amazing in 2014, and so we are starting by hosing a no-cost teleseminar together where we are going to share how unexpected techniques like meditation and affirmations can help you get your most fit and slim body when combined with healthy eating and exercise.

Erin is going to tell us all about her revolutionary wellness techniques that will leave you more energized, joyful, and fit than ever!

To learn more and sign up for this free event, click here:

Everything You Need to Know About Reiki and How You Can Be a Master:
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern
with Christy Whitman and Evelyn Apostolou

Have you ever heard of Reiki or experienced an amazing Reiki Treatment? This is a special invitation to learn:

  • What Reiki is and how it can benefit you
  • How to become a Reiki Healer and how it integrates and compliments any and all professions of coaching, healing and therapy
  • The difference between Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki training, as opposed to other Reiki modalities available
  • How Reiki helps your physical, mental, spiritual, emotional life as well as healing your past, present, and future
  • How Reiki will help you create more abundance and flow in your life

Click here to learn more and to register!

Sign up for a complimentary coaching session!

Do you want to have a free coaching session? Yes, that is right, the amazing coaches from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy want to coach you - for free! You will receive fabulous coaching and learn processes and techniques to raise your vibration. Many of my other "family" members have taken advantage of this offer, and they are already seeing the results manifest in their lives. This is your chance! There is no cost and no obligation. If you are interested, click here to sign up.

Featured Certified Law of Attraction Coach:

Kelly Lewis As a deliberate creator, I have manifested my ideal body, a loving and passionate marriage, an abundance of positive and uplifting relationships, my dream car, multiple streams of income, and many other rewarding opportunities which continue to come my way! And more importantly, I am overflowing with inner peace and joy. Now, as a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, I am helping others do the same! In my coaching program, The Power of Connection, I host monthly teleclasses that provide you with tools you can use to connect with your higher "true" self. This alignment of energy will allow you to attract anything you desire! Using principles of the Law of Attraction and other universal laws, I will guide you through simple techniques, processes and meditations that you can then integrate into your daily life. Soon, you will uncover your own power to create the life you truly want and deserve!

Kelly Lewis
Experience The Power of Connection

The Enlightened Kid Programs are all about creating a solid foundation for your child. We focus on building strong character, high self-esteem, and unlimited possibilities. The Enlightened Kid Programs offer a simple yet effective step-by-step solution to empower your children as they grow and reach different stages in their lives. Each program (ages 0-2, 2-5, and 5-8) is designed for that specific age group with games, songs, and stories that are not only fun for your child, but will naturally teach and provide them with the necessary tools and skills they need to become powerful individuals. When children are in touch with their true power, abundance and joy they naturally stop fighting, whining, and screaming – and they instantly become vibrant, happy and fun.

Affirmations for Manifesting:

  • I radiate light to everyone I meet. I am a being of light.
  • I visualize my goal everyday.
  • I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.
  • I have new, expanded thoughts about every area of my life.
  • I am magnetic to success.

Monthly Meditation:

Self Love

If It’s Possible for One, It’s Possible for All

By Christy Whitman

Have you ever wished you had your boss’s wealth? Your best friend’s fit body? A colleague’s air of confidence and ease? If you have, the reason is simple: The qualities you admire in them are those you want to experience more of within yourself.

That we are drawn to certain qualities in people in particular is not random. Our senses may tell us that the experiences of those around us are completely unrelated to our own, or that the reason others have achieved more success, vitality, influence or joy than we have is because of things like hard work, luck, circumstances or status. Beliefs like these hold us apart from the very things we want by distancing us from the people we admire. Fortunately, however, there is one simple universal principle that – when understood and applied – will forever alter the way you set out to create anything you want in your life.

We know from quantum physics that the universe we live in is holographic, which is to say that everything that was, is, or ever will be in the future also exists within each and every one of our cells. Like a thumbnail shot of a larger picture, every small part contains the whole. Because each of us has access to virtually everything, anything that has been experienced by one can also be experienced by another.

Like a hologram, we all contain the potential to be, do, and experience everything, and yet each of us is born hard-wired with particular desires that are unique only to ourselves. The outer world acts like a mirror that allows us to see our inner desires, and when someone comes into our lives that evokes within us the experience of desiring more of what they have, they are merely showing us a place in our lives where we are ready to allow ourselves to have more of what we want. Let me give you an example.

About fifteen years ago, when I was just starting to learn about the universal laws that guide the process of effortlessly magnetizing the experiences we desire, I was unfulfilled in a lot of areas of my life. One primary area of discontent was in relation to my body. Although I have now created my ideal body (and teach others how to do the same), at that time, I was very much out of shape and thirty pounds overweight – the heaviest I had ever been. I had just begun dating someone that I was really interested in and was desperate to lose the weight, but nothing I tried melted off even a single pound.

One day after an unsuccessful outing to shop for clothes, I went to the grocery store to stock up on an even more limited selection of proteins and vegetables. In the check-out line, I saw the beautiful actress Selma Hayek on the cover of a magazine. I had always admired the fact that she had the exact body that I wanted and that I hadn’t been able to create, despite all my effort.

I bought the magazine and looked at her pictures again later that evening. I began thinking about the principles I was studying at the time – and specifically the one I’m sharing with you now – that because the universe is holographic, the feelings experienced by one are accessible to all. I started to imagine what it would feel like to live in a body like Selma’s, and I asked to become open to receive her energy.

In that moment, I was flooded not only with what it would feel like to have a body like that, but also the specific thoughts, values, actions and beliefs that would help me to create it. It was as if on an energetic level, I had tapped into the experience of having already fulfilled my desire. I received information on what to do and not do; what to focus my attention on; even specifics on what foods to eat and avoid.

Of course, there is no way of knowing whether the information I received that night actually came from Selma Hayek – but that is entirely inconsequential. I had accessed the source – the feeling state – of what I wanted. I had always thought that I wanted to lose weight so I would have the ability to wear cuter clothes or be more attractive to men. What I discovered from this process is that beneath all of that, what I wanted was the feeling of freedom.

As I allowed that feeling, the essence of my desire, to become my new point of attraction, I naturally made different choices. I no longer focused on limiting food intake, but on making choices – in food, in clothing, in movement – that evoked within me the feeling of being free. That essence feeling led me, gradually but steadily, toward creating the body I had always wanted – and always knew I was capable of having.

Despite what our senses tell us, we are not separate from others. Because our universe is holographic, all the genius, inspiration, freedom, passion or joy that has ever been experienced by anyone is available to anyone who chooses to tap into it.

So the next time you meet someone who has achieved something you desire, celebrate! Know that they are giving you a glimpse of your own potential – in relation to your finances, your physical wellbeing, your happiness, or some other area where you desire to grow. Open yourself to their energy and imagine how you would feel, how you would think, how you would stand, walk, and talk from the state of already having what you desire. If you can allow that feeling to thrive in even one cell in your body, you are well on your way. Start with that; nurture it, and it will begin to expand. When you connect with the essence of how you will feel once your desire is attained, you become a magnetic force every bit as strong as gravity.

View those you admire as your guides and study them, for they hold a piece of your hologram. They came into your life for a purpose, and that purpose is to accelerate your evolution and lead you to the fulfillment of what you desire. In the words of the 13th century mystic and poet, Rumi, “What you are seeking is also seeking you.”

In this section I have some great resources for you. My intention is to provide you with these resources so that you can continue the journey to empowerment. Some of them may resonate with you, and others may not. It is like being at a buffet . . . just take what you like and leave the rest. Enjoy!

Every woman in the world deserves to be Fierce and Feminine!

"Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce And Feminine (and Get Everything You Want)" is the book women everywhere have been waiting for.

Click here to instantly download and read Taming Your Alpha Bitch Today!

Read the next New York Times Bestselling book, "Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How to Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want.)"

When Order Today, You'll Also Receive These
Amazing Bonuses Absolutely Free!

  • Free Digital Download of the book for your Kindle, Nook, Apple or Android device.
  • Free copy of our award winning program, “The Power of Self Love.”
  • MP3 Download – How To Step Into Your Power as a Fierce and Feminine Woman
  • MP3 Download – Fierce and Feminine Forever

Why wait to read this amazing book that will undoubtedly be the "talk of the town". Rebecca and I have already been on NBC's the Today Show talking about the book and we have other TV shows, radio shows, and magazines begging us to get the exclusive on our new book.

Now you can read the digital version of Taming Your Alpha Bitch days before you receive the actual book.

That's right, you can read Taming Your Alpha Bitch on your iPod, iPad, iPhone, Nooke, Kindle, Blackberry, Android, or just about any other mobile device as well as your Mac or PC computer. But, the only place you can get this exclusive access is from us.

Just click here to grab your copy today for only $14.97 and I'll even ship you the physical copy, right to your front door absolutely FREE!

Enjoy the new Fierce and Feminine you!

Your Next Bold Move

What if I told you it was as simple as following a 9-Step process to put a dream of yours into action and if you follow it, it will guide you to be bolder and maybe even change your life forever?

You’d do it, wouldn’t you? I thought so.

It just so happens that my friend and colleague, Wendy Capland (author and leadership expert), is launching her book, Your Next Bold Move for Women; 9 Proven Steps to Everything You Ever Wanted.” Her book is an incredible resource for anyone who wants to be bolder and turn a dream into reality!

When you buy the book ONLY on January 22nd on, you’ll receive a free copy of a program that I participated in with Wendy, Secrets to Living a Bold Life.™ This audio set consists of 13 interviews with women teachers and luminaries to help you increase your bold factor and inspire you to live your gifts and talents fully. This set is our gift to you for buying the book on January 22nd. In addition, you’ll also have access to $1,000 worth of bonus gifts (including one from Yours Truly). In Wendy’s book, you’ll learn about her 9 step process to help you increase your personal bold factor in some part of your life that’s waiting to burst forth and she has used to help hundreds of people make their next bold personal or professional step in their lives.

Here's how you can get your copy of Your Next Bold Move for Women along with the audio program, Secrets to Living a Bold Life.™ AND $1,000 worth of bonus gifts:

  1. Go to and purchase a copy of Your Next Bold Move for Women.
  2. Copy or write down your Order number, as you will need it for the next step.
  3. Go to Wendy’s launch website and input your name, e-mail address and order number.
  4. In your email, you will automatically receive access to all your bonus gifts!

Come join me on this journey into boldness. You’ll be glad you did!

Are you frustrated with not knowing how to help your child successfully triumph whatever life presents? Do you know there is more potential inside of them, but you don’t know how to tap into it? How can you help them deal with their emotions effectively? Would you like the tools to know how to help once and for all? Well…here’s a place where you can get all of that and more!

I am honored to take part in the Positively Parenting Telesummit, a 10-day event where my friend and summit host, Roxanne Lochridge, has brought together some of the world’s top experts to share our strategies, techniques, and wisdom on empowering children, ALL FOR FREE!

It all starts on January 6th, with two speakers presented each day. I know you’re busy, so each interview is kept between 20-40 minutes long.

Learn strategies and techniques to:

  • Help your child accept who they are, just as they are
  • Break the negative self-talk
  • Keep calm and what to do when your child pushes your buttons
  • Effectively communicate with your child
  • And so much more!

It’s completely FREE! Register now at

Reclaim Your Personal Power

An inspiring interview with Christy will be aired on, “The Inner Warrior Summit ~ Cut Through Chaos, Reclaim Your Power” February 5th, 2014. Host, Susan Jenkins, has gathered 21 electrifying leaders who will share how they have transformed chaos, confusion and adversity in their lives; allowing them to live with clarity, focus, inner authority, and purpose. Sign up now!

For all you mothers out there:

Ever felt guilty?

  • For doing anything for yourself if takes time away from your kids.
  • For discipling your kids when they act out.
  • When they're upset or angry or something is wrong, and you don't know how to fix it.

Then I have a special resource for you. My friend and colleague Heather Chauvin is hosting a no-cost virtual event...

The "Mom Is In Control" Telesummit:

35 experts reveal the truth about keeping your cool when your kids seem out of control.

>> Get the details + save your spot here

Are you ready to drop the guilt and figure out what's really going on with your kid? Then check out what Heather has in store for you.


From Jan. 20th to Feb 7th, 2014, something unprecedented is happening.

Something honest. And raw. And unlike any training you’ve ever experienced.

You see, 30 rock-star mentors and trainers have agreed to share their most game-changing information. Stuff you haven’t heard before. The “real deal” tools and strategies that are working in 2014.


Grab your FREE PASS here:

As one of the speakers, I can share that our goal is to see if we can collectively create a groundswell of success by touching as many passionate and conscious service professionals as possible.

With real information. Game changing tools. Unparalleled strategies.

If you know me at all, you know that I only participate in the highest caliber events and trainings.

Just take a look at the incredible line-up of speakers my colleague Barb Wade has put together, and the never-before secrets and systems they’re revealing about what makes clients say YES!

You’ll hear from renowned trainers Suzanne Evans, Christine Kloser, Callan Rush, Melanie Benson Strick, Pamela Bruner, Jeneth Blackert, Maria Andros, Eva Gregory, Brandy Mychals, Lisa Cherney, Nancy Marmolejo, Shanda Sumpter, and more.

Grab your Free Ticket right here:

Christy WhitmanChristy Whitman: Christy Whitman is a New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman's World, Woman's Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Meet her at and