I want you to take a moment and imagine what your life will look like when you feel sexy and confident in your skin. Can you feel that energy? Can you visualize your future self?
I am thrilled to announce that I was invited to speak in an amazing FREE telesummit called Inner Hottie, Sexy Body; Discover How To Feel Sexy and Confident In Your Skin.
My interview will be at 9 am Eastern on Monday, Oct 21st. Hope to see you there!
Dawn Berube is passionate about empowering women and that is why she is bringing together top experts in the health and wellness field to give you inspiration, insights and self-care tips on how you can feel sexy and confident in your skin and create a healthy and abundant life (and maybe your sexy body too!).
What you need to know
Dates: October 21st-November 1st
Price: FREE
Interviews: all 30 min or less and jam-packed with awesome content and available live, and streaming replays during the event
Where: Sign up online at: https://innerhottiesexybodysummit.com/christy-optin