Right now, what do you believe is standing in the way of you being happy? More specifically, what conditions do you believe would need to change in order for you to be happy? And, what if focusing on the unhappy conditions around you is the only thing preventing you...
You’re well aware of the desires that you hold dear. Whether they’re big or small, decades old or freshly hatched, you’re clear about your desires because you can feel them. If you’re not yet manifesting the things you desire, it’s not because you haven’t asked for...
To successfully manifest wealth, begin with a precise, clear definition of what manifesting money and wealth really means. Most people have collapsed the concept of wealth with the condition of having money. But true wealth encompasses far more than material...
What if I told you that right now, you are already a master at applying manifestation techniques? And that everything that’s now a part of your life has come by way of your personal, vibrational invitation? This news would make you feel really powerful– if the...
Plenty of Law of Attraction experts have written books about how to manifest our desires. And usually, their advice relies heavily upon practices such as visualization and affirmations. And it’s true: affirmations and visualization have a lot to teach us about how to...
I am often asked, “what is channeling and how did you start doing it?” This episode of the Quantum Success Show will answer those very questions. And, more! You will be able to see the clip where The Council came through me. “We ARE Here!” is what...