This week’s show is a very important topic and has two little special guests. Guess who they are?
The two little words, “I am” are so powerful.
We create from the beliefs about who we are.
As one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote, “The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God—the highest aspect of yourself.”
I invite you to learn about these “I am” statements and the subpersonalities within you, so you can evolve and move past them. Here is a free mediation to help you do so:
Please leave me your comments below. This is how I continue the conversation with you.
What are some “I am” statements that you have that you are willing to give up?
Much love to you,
P.S. Do you want help implementing this information in your own life for free? There are many coaches that are trained by the QSCA and can help you implement this information and attain your goals and visions. There is no cost or obligation and you can have a trained coach give you a couple of free sessions. Click here to sign up.
P.P.S. I love bringing you information and inspiration to help you create your desires each and every Monday. What would you like me to cover for future Magnetic Mondays? Click here and let me know!