remove negativity and frustration


Want to release frustration, unhappiness, resentment and all other negative emotions from your life?   The universal Law of Allowing can show you the way.  

Allowing is going with the flow of life, rather than wasting needless energy trying to direct other people and circumstances.  It’s understanding that things simply are as they are, and the only condition we truly have jurisdiction over is ourselves.  

Applying the Law of Allowing enables us to accept the present moment, knowing we can control our perception of it.  Allowing brings us absolute freedom from negativity and frustration because we are no longer fighting battles that aren’t our own. 

Shouting at the Rain 

Resistance is the polar opposite of allowing – and resistance is the culprit of all negative emotions, including frustration.  

Resistance is pitting ourselves against what is, believing that something must change in order for us to be happy.  It’s like shouting at the rain. Our protests don’t stop the downpour, but we make ourselves miserable in the process.  

Resistance is coming to the unsustainable conclusion that we know what’s best for people other than ourselves.  And while it feels that our unhappiness is due to another’s lack of compliance, this is far from the truth.   

In fact, it is our fruitless attempt at controlling the uncontrollable that is the cause of all negativity and frustration.  And the only solution to this downward spiral lies in mastering the Law of Allowing.  

Mastering the Law of Allowing can release you from all negativity and frustration in your life.  Here are 3 simple steps to applying this powerful universal law:

Step 1:  Relinquish the illusion of control.

“The illusion” of control is the operative phrase here.  

Think about it.  How much control do you really have over the things you worry about most frequently?   

Can you really control your children?  Your spouse? Politics? The economy?  

We’re taught to roll up our sleeves and jump into action whenever we see something as being a problem. But so much of the effort we spend trying to change people and conditions is wasted.  In fact, the energy we spend trying to change another is usually received by them as us putting their nose in their business.   

The next time you identify a situation you’d like to be different, breathe and consciously release the urge to control.  

Remember that your perception, your imagination, and your actions are really the only resources you have any control over.  The best way to serve any situation is to use those resources to envision the situation in its improved state.  

Consciously look for the most positive aspects of the present circumstance and focus on them.  Make lists of the ways the situation has helped you to grow, or has evolved your relationship with this person. By focusing on what is within your control, you strengthen your ability to allow others to be as they are.

Step 2:  Practice accepting things as they are.

All frustration and negativity stem from a basic mindset that says, “It shouldn’t be like this.”  This mindset sets the stage for complaining, controlling, and ultimately, feeling powerless over your own experience.  

Rather than noticing everything that’s wrong, see if you can allow yourself to accept the situation exactly as it is.  

Accepting a situation does not mean that you approve of it, or that you don’t want it to change.  It simply means accepting what is at this moment – and “what is” includes the way you feel about it!  

Give yourself permission to think and feel about it the way that you do, without trying to minimize your feelings or pretend to feel any differently.   Grant your feelings permission to exist – which means embracing them rather than resisting them – and they’ll naturally begin to dissipate.  

Step 3: Detach from the outcome.

It’s absolutely natural to desire new, different, and better results than what you’re currently experiencing.  

In fact, without the driving force of desire, all forward motion in your life would cease.  

But most of us go about fulfilling our desires by trying to steer circumstances toward our intended outcomes.  And this leads us down a path of frustration and negativity. 

When we’re attached to doing things “our way,” we’re blind to all other paths that could bring us what we want.    

Detaching from the outcome is not the same as letting go of a desire.  In fact, once a desire is born within you, it’s almost impossible to stop its trajectory of becoming.  

Detachment is simply a letting go of when and how something will come about.  It’s getting clear on how the result will feel once it’s accomplished, then letting the universe orchestrate its unfolding.  

Most goal-setting people want to go directly from Point A to Point B.  But this is not only unrealistic; it’s also undesirable. Because the insights you’ll gain along the path of your unfolding desire are priceless; they’re catalysts for your further expansion.  The joy really is in the journey.   

Christy Whitman is an energy healer, celebrity coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited AbundanceTo understand how to more deliberately co-create the life you desire, visit and gain access to a free 30-day training.