use affirmations for money energy

You may not realize it, but you’re already utilizing the power of affirmations!  And, the affirmations you repeat about money can bring you outrageous financial prosperity, or they can keep you in hardship.      

Thoughts Turn to Things

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re using affirmations every day, in relation to every subject in your life.  In fact, every thought you formulate in your mind – whether you ever speak it out loud – is an affirmation.  

By virtue of what we affirm through our thoughts and beliefs, we are creating our current reality.   Our outer world conforms to the internal expectations we hold. How can this information benefit you?  Simple. If you don’t like the outcomes you’re creating, you can change it by shifting your dominant affirmations.  

The Power of Affirmation

Louise Hay, beloved author and spiritual luminary, had this to say about the power of affirmations:  

“An affirmation is anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives.” 

Affirmation is a powerful manifestation tool, and there are specific affirmations you can use to attract abundant financial freedom.  But to use this tool to your benefit, not your detriment, you first have to uncover what you’re currently affirming.   

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Money is the root of all evil.”   “Wealth only comes to those who are beautiful, talented, or well-educated.”   These are all very powerful affirmations that contradict the financial freedom we desire.  In fact, they keep us stuck in a state of struggle and insufficiency.  

Watching Your Words

There is great power in the words we offer.  This applies equally to the words we speak out loud as well as those we think silently to ourselves.  When the energy of our thoughts and words opposes the energy of our desire, this opposition dilutes our creative power.  But when we’re in alignment with the prosperity we seek, prosperity comes to us in an infinite number of ways.

Here are five money affirmations you can begin using today to attract greater financial freedom into your life:  

Money Affirmation #1:  “Today, I choose to look for evidence of abundance – not insufficiency.”

Look anywhere in the natural world, and you will see ample evidence of abundance.  There are an infinite number of stars within just our Milky Way galaxy alone. The beaches of the world are awash with sea life, and populated with literally countless grains of sand.  There is no limit to the power of the wind, rain and sunshine that sustains us. And the seeds that propagate into the fruit and vegetables continue to grow and produce.

Basically, the world is abundant with everything we can possibly imagine or desire.  If we are experiencing lack, this is only a result of how we are using our power of focus.  Each of us is born with the incredible gift of free will. Which means, we have the power to focus on insufficiency, or to focus on all the abundance that surrounds us.  And what you focus on will become your reality.  

Money Affirmation #2:  “I am a beloved child of this abundant universe who is always being provided for.”

The same energy that creates worlds created you, and is in every moment flowing to you, through you, and from you.  Well-being and prosperity in all forms are your birthright and divine legacy.

Money Affirmation #3:  “I allow financial prosperity to come to me in infinite – and even miraculous – ways.”

As a beloved child of the universe, you are always being guided toward the fulfillment of all of your desires.  There is an infinite number of paths to the financial freedom you seek – not just those you can already see.  

The universe holds a much bigger picture of your life than you can perceive in this moment.  Open yourself to prosperity in all its forms, and be willing for life to surprise and delight you! 

Money Affirmation #4:  Money is energy… and energy is everywhere!”

Everything that you are – your body, your breath… your thoughts, your feelings, your ideas, beliefs, and desires… the basis of all of it is energy.   And money is nothing but energy.  

The energy of money flows through the path of least resistance to those people who are most resonant with it. Wherever there is like vibration, that is where the green energy of money will be attracted.   

If you hate money or feel jealous of other people’s prosperity, you block it from becoming part of your experience.  By becoming resonant to the green, flourishing energy of financial freedom, you draw it into your life.  

Money Affirmation #5:  “I love and appreciate my positive, happy, abundant life!”   

money affirmations for abundance

The more you love and appreciate yourself exactly as you are, the more financial freedom will be magnetized to you.  And right now, you have so very much to appreciate!  

Don’t slip into the “normal” mindset of taking your blessings for granted.  Instead, notice them, relish them, and count your blessings, so to speak. Breathe in all your blessings and all the expressions of financial freedom that have already manifested in your life.  As you allow yourself to genuinely appreciate the life you are now living, the universe brings you more to appreciate.

Remember, happiness is the essence of why you want financial freedom in the first place!  And you have the power to choose to be happy now.

Christy Whitman is an energy healer, celebrity coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited AbundanceTo understand how to more deliberately co-create the life you desire, visit and gain access to a free 30-day training.