perfect moment

What would it take for you to drop into the bliss of knowing that this, right now, is a perfect moment?   

Most of us equate perfect moments with a perfect set of circumstances.  And usually, these circumstances are, at least for the moment, out of our reach.  They’re conditions we aspire to reach someday in the future, not conditions we’re living now.  And so, for the time being, at least, we experience our current reality as being less than perfect.

How many of these statements sound familiar – either because you’ve heard others say them, or because you’ve thought them yourself?

  • I’ll feel complete once I meet my soulmate.
  • Once I land the promotion, then I’ll feel successful. 
  • When I’m earning X dollars a year, I’ll finally feel secure.
  • If only I could lose the weight, then I’d love myself more. 

Reading these, can you see the fallacy in the logic?  Can you feel the absolute, heartbreaking tragedy?    

Can you see how, if you need a perfect circumstance to declare this a perfect moment, you could be waiting forever?  And can you see how this way of thinking actually binds us to a life of never-ending discontent?  

We set ourselves up for trouble when we try to achieve “perfect pictures.”  

Now, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with setting goals or desiring better or more satisfying circumstances.  In fact, when we use our desires as a reason to inspire our growth, they expand us and enhance our life experience.

The trouble comes from attaching our happiness to those perfect pictures.  When we insist on our lives being perfect before we allow ourselves to feel the perfection of any given moment.  If we believe we need to achieve perfection before declaring this a perfect moment, we’ll spend a lifetime chasing perfection.

There are so many problems with this approach to life.  First, it sets us on an exhausting journey to achieve all of the things that we equate with being perfect.   And, the moment we achieve one goal and realize it has no power to fulfill us, we soon hunger after the next goal and the next.  This is the root cause of so much discontent.  We jump from job to job and from one relationship to the next looking for happiness.  And quite frankly, we’re looking for happiness in all the wrong places.  

Think for a moment about the source of all the exquisite experiences you seek. What is the source of the experience of empowerment, of connection, of freedom, of love?  Does it come from the job, from the life partner, or from the dollar amount in the bank?  

If you’ve ever created the job, the bankroll, or the relationship and felt unhappy anyway, then you’ve already stumbled upon a powerful universal truth:  What we’re truly seeking in life does not come from the outside. It comes from within.

The new lover might initially do the trick, but inevitably he violates one of our perfect pictures.  And now we don’t have the same feelings in response to him and he becomes a source of frustration, not happiness.  The partner is the same, yet our degree of satisfaction has changed. This alone should tell us that contentment, satisfaction, and the experience of perfection is an inside job.  

So, how do we break free from the mindset that we need perfect conditions in order to let ourselves to live a perfect moment?  These 3 energy mastery principles that will help.

Principle #1:  Understand that perfection – like imperfection – is a product of perception.  

Everything we experience in the external world is a reflection of what we’re experiencing within the internal world of our perception.   Practically speaking, this means that your thoughts and beliefs about a situation radically influence your experience of it.    

If you walk into a party where you’re convinced everyone is clique-ish and unfriendly, you will perceive exactly that.  But if your belief going in is that people are inclusive and chatty, you’re more likely to encounter those who match your belief.  

In this very moment, as you’re reading these words, you have the power to shift the lens of your perception.  You could choose to laser in on everything around you that is imperfect and needs work. Or you could allow yourself to drop into the perfection of this moment.  And which choice you make won’t just affect your happiness in the moment.  It will alter your mood and body chemistry, inform your decisions, and – in a very real sense – determine your future.  

Knowing that your experience of perfection or imperfection is generated within helps you reclaim power over your own focus.  

Principle #2:  Now that you know that perception = reality, deliberately decide on which version of reality you want to focus on.    

When you’re feeling more frustration than contentment, it’s always for one reason: You’re focused on what’s missing and what’s wrong, rather than on what’s becoming and what’s possible.  You’re telling yourself that you’ll be happy after you attain the next goal, not looking for perfection in the moment.  

But by virtue of the way you focus, you can drop into greater contentment right now.  You can choose to focus on past highpoints, and seek out words and images that inspire or engage you.   You can take time out of your day to be with nature and to fill your senses with her sights, smells and sounds.   Most importantly, you can regularly commune with the life force that sustains you, in whatever form you envision that energy to be.  

In the silent realm of energy is where we find renewal, and where we come to know true perfection.  It’s the birthplace of all inspiration and ideas.  Anytime you’re feeling less-than or imperfect, turn your attention to this invisible realm, allowing pure positive energy to infuse you.  

Practice #3:  Flow your life force in the direction of that which feels perfect to you right now.

Noticing the perfection of any moment really comes down to tending to your energy field first. It’s about making your mood important, and doing your best to sustain it.

At the beginning of each new day, or each new segment within a day, decide on which emotional state that would feel perfect.  What would you have to experience in order to proclaim this as a perfect moment?  What is the feeling you’re reaching for?  Then consciously reach for anything you can find that induces those feelings! 

Move your body, play music, sing out loud… Do anything you can to encourage your vibration to soar.   When your vibration is high and you’re feeling good, every moment you live is a perfect moment.   

When we fill ourselves from the inside out with the quality of the energy we hope the next achievement will bring us, the outer world shifts to match our inner state.

The Desire Factor Bonuses


Christy Whitman is an energy healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All: A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited Abundance.  Her latest book, The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power is on sale now at Christy communicates with, and for, The Quantum Council, a collection of non-physical ascended masters who desire to help humanity understand that we are divinely designed for well-being, abundance, success, and loving relationships.  You can take the first step in alignment and creating your desires by a free 30-day program called Watch Your Words by going here: