Quantum Success Shows
Magnetic Monday: The REAL Self-Love
So this Quantum Success Show... HOLY S*&^! I have a dear friend, Rikka Zimmerman who nearly died last year from stage 4 cancer and who is clearly a messenger that is spreading the word of self-love. She healed herself with love. Love is the highest vibration in the...
Magnetic Monday: What Knocks You Off Your Center?
Happy Monday! Do you ever feel like you are knocked off your center by people, situations, circumstances or even money? We have choices in how we react or respond to everything in our lives. And that is what today’s Quantum Success Show is all about. It is less than...
Magnetic Monday: What are the best things in your life?
Have you ever heard, “The best things in life are free?” Well it is true… And it is not true… I explain this in this week’s Quantum Success Show. Click here to learn more about Creating Money: How to Clear Your Energetic Blocks and Deliberately Attract the Financial...
Magnetic Monday: Response-ability… Why is it so important?
Isn’t it great to see couples that have been together for YEARS and still grow in their love for one another? I truly believe that when we can see other people doing what we want for ourselves it gives us hope, inspiration and shows us the possibilities. My two guests...
Magnetic Monday: How to Get Validation
Do you ever feel that you are seeking validation? I used to all the time! Shifting from wanting someone else to validate me to validating myself has been life changing. The only true place to get validation is within and that is what this Quantum Success Show is all...
Magnetic Monday: What is your definition of success?
Thank you for being with me today. This show is going to expand something within you… I promise. I have one of my dear friends, and fellow transformational leader on the Quantum Success Show today, Jennifer McLean. Jennifer and I discuss SUCCESS. Click here for...
Magnetic Monday: How Meditation Can Help You!
Happy Independence Day! For those of you not in the United States, this can also be a day to celebrate your independence. For everyone… Maybe it is independence from lack or limitation. Maybe it is independence from some suffering or bad habit you had in the past. I...
Magnetic Monday: Fear of Losing Someone or Something
Hope you are having an amazing day and enjoying your summer. You know that feeling of fear? When it seems so real and heavy? Do you know why we experience fear? Or that one of the biggest fears we have is losing someone or something in our lives? That is what this...
Magnetic Monday: The 3 Biggest Mistakes in Manifesting and What To Do Instead
This show is so important. Sometimes we need to know what NOT to do in order to learn what TO DO. I have been coaching for well over a decade and I see these three mistakes happen over and over in my coaching clients. And that is what today’s Quantum Success Show is...
Magnetic Monday: Growing Corn
I am so grateful you are part of my community. Thank you for being here. Today on the Quantum Success Show Karen Lamark Wilson and I talk about “growing corn.” Click here to join Christy Whitman and Karen Lamark Wilson for a FREE teleseminar:Energy Mindfulness for...
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