I was interviewed by Christine Okezie’s for The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast. We went deeper into the Law of Attraction, looking once again into the relationship between consciousness and our health and happiness. Health after all goes way beyond our physical...
Does your mind focus on creating what you do want in life, and then goes to, “but how long can it last?” “What if…” What is the “what if…”? Is it “What if…” with a fear? OR Is it “What...
I just recorded a podcast with Mind Movies founder, Natalie Ledwell, for her podcast, Not Over, Just Different! So if you’re a woman of a respectable age facing life’s next new chapter, and you want to make these coming years your best yet…then...
“There is always evidence of dark, but when you put light to the dark, the darkness goes away.” Over human history people have focused on the fear factor. But you can find your own alignment with the reality that “all is well, now what?” This...
I love what comes through when The Council speaks. This was a special conversation with a client that asked about the differences between our conscious and subconscious mind. This is a great one to listen to many times over. Would love you to share your thoughts on...
I am included in the So Scottsdale! Magazine this month! The article is an Up Close look and titled Manifesting Success. You can read the full article by clicking here or the image below: .