I am thrilled to share with you this interview with one of my favorite clients and people, Dr. Mary Oz.

I had the pleasure of having Dr. Mary in the Quantum Success Coaching Academy (QSCA) and personally mentored her for a year.

Dr. Mary is a therapist that incorporated coaching into her therapy practice, and has made a huge impact and increased her income in doing so.

If you are already a coach, this might be an opportunity to grow in your skillset.

If you are looking to become a coach, the first step is getting trained and certified.

The QSCA has certified over 3,500 coaches, just like Dr. Mary that are thriving and loving their careers helping others.

Will you be the next success story?

I hope you join us for our next class!

You are infinitely loved,

P.S. Next week on the show I am interviewing Kate Thompson, who is also a previous QSCA student that is now living the life she loves as a coach.

P.P.S. If you are ready to join the QSCA, and you wish to speak to someone, please email Beth@christywhitman.com.

To receive Dr. Mary Oz’ free training video click here.
To have a conversation with Dr. Mary Oz’s team call (833) 447-CHANGE