About The Podcast
The Conscious, Connected Coupling Podcast exists to help inform and inspire couples to become conscious as we bring to light all the nitty-gritty, not-so-sexy life couples go through. Achieve conscious coupling and be in alignment in your relationship as you learn how you can consciously connect together as a couple and create that healthy relationship.

The Roles We Play In The Drama Triangle And How To Get Out Of It
Learning about the drama triangle and the roles that come with it is half the battle. If you find yourself entangled in one, how do you find your way out? If and when you do get out, how do you not slip back into it? In this episode, Frederic Gobeil and Christy...

The Three Roles People Play In The Drama Triangle
Are you inside a drama triangle? How do you know if you’re inside one? What is the drama triangle anyway? If you’re having negative thoughts or negative emotions, if you’re feeling bad in your relationship or in your family, or if you’re feeling bad or angry...

Don’t Be A Martyr! Share Your Day To Day Responsibilities With Your Spouse
Sometimes, as part of a couple, we try to do everything in the relationship because we want to feel better about ourselves. We play the martyr because we want to be thanked or be the cool parent. It’s not surprising that it would lead to competition with your...

Staying Conscious And Connected With Your Kids Without Getting Caught Up In The Drama
When kids come into a relationship, they bring their own energy, their own contrast, and even their own drama. As parents, we obviously care for our children. However, kids have their own agendas, and sometimes, we get caught up in our role as parents. Frederic...

Creating Healthy Boundaries As An Individual, Couple Or Family
We apply the term “boundaries” to relationships quite a bit, but do we really know what a healthy boundary actually is and how it looks like in relationships? Boundaries separate you from other people. It defines your own personal space and helps distinguish...

The Importance Of Making The Right Choices
We’re oftentimes trapped in difficult situations that lead us with choices and options. Frederic and Christy tackle choosing the right solutions when encountering problems in relationships. Suggesting to always look through or weigh your options when you are in a bad...

Mastering The Art Of Coupling
Being in a relationship is not like getting a college degree that once you achieved it, it’s done. Being a couple is a never-ending process to a degree that you master skills such as communication or conflict management. Today, we dive into the real definition...

Letting Go Of Hurt And Resentment
Hurt and resentment close the heart. Frederic and Christy talk about the right time to let go of both negativities and how to do it. They also share what happens if you open up your heart and release that caged animal out of you. As they discuss how the emotional and...

Self-Love And Self-Care: Taking “Me Time” From Couple Time
Having a “me time” is one of the keys to a healthy and much stronger relationship. Couples need some time alone or with their friends to fuel their energy and replenish their battery so that they have more to give when they are back with their partner and family....

Blocking Snapping: Switching Off The Anger Circuit
They say that one of the red flags in a relationship is snapping. Barking at your partner without warning can hurt like a piercing bite. At the end of the day, when all the snapping had occurred, what is left would be regrets and thoughts of how the situation...
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