7 Essential Laws
You’ve been searching for a life of true wealth, joy, success and absolute freedom. Mastering the 7 Essential Universal Laws is the cornerstone to deliberately creating your unlimited life.
You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction, but did you know that the Law of Attraction is just one of the 7 Essential Universal Laws that you need to understand and master to really see success.
Because the 7 Essential Universal Laws work in harmony with one another. When you are out of alignment with one law, it affects your alignment with all of the other laws.
These laws exist whether you are aware of them or not, or if you choose to apply them or not. The 7 Essential Universal Laws are the consistent and immutable principles that govern our lives and Universe.
Understanding the principles of each law and using them to intentionally create the life you desire will bring you back into alignment with intention and deliberate focus. This can help quell limiting feelings of anxiety, struggle and lack and help align you with a life filled with abundance and fulfillment.
By understanding how the Laws work independently and together, you can then begin to apply them in order to consciously create the life you desire.
Here’s How to Master The “7 Essential Universal Laws” And Finally Create the Life You Desire!
What Are The 7 Essential
Universal Laws?
#1: The Law of Attraction
The ‘Law of Attraction’ is perhaps the most universally recognizable Law. It states that whatever you put out into the universe naturally attracts energies that are of equal frequency, resonance, or vibration.
You get back what you put in. If your energy vibration is one of lack, you will attract other energies of lack. If your energy vibration is one of abundance, you will likewise attract and manifest abundance.
There are many ways to express the ‘Law of Attraction’:
- Where your attention goes, your energy flows
- That which you think about expands.
- Like attracts like
- That which is like unto itself is drawn
There are also a number of words that people, who don’t know about or understand this law, use to describe it. Like:
- Out-of-the-blue
- Synchronicity
- Serendipity
- Luck
- Meant to be
- Fell into place
- Fate
- Karma
- Coincidence
The Law of Attraction delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the signal we send out to the Universe.
You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. If you want freedom and joy in your life, you must feel what it already feels like to feel freedom and joy in your life right now.
The key to mastering the Law of Attraction is to understand how to shift your energy in a mindset of abundance so that you can raise your energetic vibration to attract what you desire, and not more of what you lack.
#2: The Law of Deliberate Creation
The Second Law that we must learn, understand and implement if we want to see real results is ‘The Law of Deliberate Creation’.
The Law of Deliberate Creation states that which I give thought to, I begin to attract.
What I give thought to with emotion, I attract more quickly.
That which you think about, you get. When you give thought to something you desire with an expectation or believe in it, you are then in the place to receive it.
How is this different from the Law of Attraction?
The difference between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Deliberate Creation is that the Law of Attraction is like a boomerang. Whatever we give out with our energy vibrations we will receive back to us.
The Law of Deliberate Creation is offering a vibration knowingly and intentionally, so that you don’t create by default. Most of the time, unless you are aware of these laws, you create a vibration naturally.
These two laws work hand in hand. The Law of Attraction naturally responds to the vibration we create deliberately by applying the Law of Deliberate Creation.
For example, if you are witnessing something that makes you happy, you are raising your vibration and you will then vibrate happiness. On the other hand, if you witness something that makes you angry, you will offer that same negative vibration.
Think of the Law of Deliberate Creation as a catalyst and the Law of Attraction as a reaction.
When we consciously create our vibration, we have a measure of control over what we create.
#3: The Law of Allowing
The third essential Universal Law is the Law of Allowing.
The Law of Allowing is the principle of least action, of no resistance.
The application of the Law of Allowing will bring absolute freedom in your life. You will feel free in your relationships to be who you are. You will feel free in your career to do what you want. And you will feel free in your life to create whatever you desire.
There are two ways to apply this law:
- First is to allow others to be as they are.
- Second, is to allow the Universe to deliver all that we desire. This is also known as allowing ourselves to receive.
There are no two people that are the same, even though we can share many similar traits. We all are very different and unique.
If you can accept, and not just tolerate another person’s difference and similarities, then you understand the Law of Allowing.
If you are out of alignment with the Law of Allowing, you believe that another person needs to think, feel, believe, and act according to how you think they “should”.
I call this having Perfect Pictures and this can cause great suffering in your life and your relationships. This is the opposite of accepting another as they are. If you have a deep rooted fear that unless everyone thinks, feels, believes, and acts in a certain way, “your way” then they are somehow “wrong”, you create judgement.
Judgment is a lower level emotion and based on the Law of Attraction, you will attract more negative people, circumstances, and situations to you. If you need to make everyone conform in order to feel good about yourself and your world, you will never experience freedom.
Can you see how all the Essential Universal Laws work together? It is designed that way. To learn only one law is a good start, but it is knowing and applying all of them that will give you the life of your dreams, if you allow it.
#4: The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance
The fourth essential Universal Law is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance.
The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance states that you have everything within you right now to manifest what you desire.
We live in a Universe of abundance, although the majority of us have learned to view it as a Universe of scarcity.
There is an unlimited supply of every good and wonderful thing, and experience. There is always enough. We have bought into a lie that there is not enough.
The truth is we are completely abundant and are able to create whatever we desire. You were given life, and have access to the power that you need in order to create the life in the way that you choose. And you are not hindered or cheated out of your “portion” of prosperity if someone else achieves or acquires success.
We are eternal beings in physical form; well-being and abundance are the basis of our Universe.
Beliefs based in lack affect our ability to manifest our hearts desires, from a space of ease and effortlessness. This lack mentality controls us by keeping us longing for what others have, or fighting to be better than others.
If you feel you are not enough, you are right. If you feel what you have is not enough, you will continue to receive not enough.
You have everything inside of you to attract your ideal mate. You always have enough.
So how can you start applying this law right now?
Be satisfied now. Don’t wait to be satisfied.
Start with where you are and what you have right now. Set your goals, see yourself already there, and be resolved to succeed in attaining your goals, no matter what it takes.
Manifestation happens when we can be in a place of feeling at peace with where we are, while being excited about the possibilities ahead.
#5: The Law of Pure Potentiality
The fifth essential Universal Law is the Law of Pure Potentiality.
This law is based on the fact that the true essence of who we are is pure consciousness.
The Source of all creation is pure consciousness, or pure potentiality, seeking to express itself into form. When we realize that our inner being, the Spirit that animates our minds and bodies, is one of pure potentiality, we are then in alignment with the power that manifests everything in the Universe.
Anything is possible and there is unlimited creativity.
As we learned in the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance, the Universe knows no limits.
The potential of the Universe and everything in it is unlimited. The only limits are the ones we impose through our fears, doubts, uncertainty, lack of faith, lack of confidence, or any other lower level emotions.
If you feel limits in your life, your Ego will feel fear and desire things that will make you feel “free”, such as money, prestige, and power.
What happens to you when the objects disappear?
What if you have all the money you want, and then suddenly it is gone?
Your freedom was conditional. If in your love, in your faith, you know that you are part of the Universe, that The Universe will provide all your needs when you require them, then you are unlimited in your potential.
When you are in alignment with pure potentiality, there is no fear. You are then truly free.
When we commune with nature and witness the intelligence within every living thing, we are connecting to pure potentiality.
Anything is possible, because nothing is impossible. When you are in alignment with the Law of Pure Potentiality, you feel centered and at peace.
#6: The Law of Detachment
The sixth essential Universal Law is the Law of Detachment.
The Law of Detachment says “in order to acquire anything in the physical Universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.”
This does not mean that you have to create by default or that you should not desire or create intention for what you want to create.
“Meant-to-be” and “luck” do not exist. We need to work with the Law of Attraction to create what we desire. This again means that the Law of Detachment works in harmony with the other laws, including the Law of Attraction.
It is all about trust. When we are in a state of detachment, we trust. To be detached from the outcome of a result means that you have learned to trust.
When you know that Spirit will give you what you need – not necessarily what you want (that’s Ego’s job) – then you will learn to do the work that is required to be done and move on. The results will take care of themselves.
The timing of how things manifest will come at the perfect time. When we trust the Universe knows what that perfect timing is, it happens even faster because we get out of the way.
If you stand in the way of the energy creating the outcome, or result, through your lack of trust, insecurity and fearfulness, you put a barrier in the way of blocking the efficiency of that flow of energy (resistance).
Detachment is another way of saying allowing. It is when you combine your intentions and detach from the outcomes that your desires will manifest.Detachment allows you to stay open to allow the Universe to bring you something even better than you thought possible.
#7: The Law of Polarity
The seventh essential Universal Law is the Law of Polarity. This law states that “Unity is plural at a minimum of two.”
In the duality that exists there are two poles, or opposites, of everything.
Polarity represents the two extremes of one same “thing.”
Things that appear to be opposites are simply the two indivisible parts of the same thing.
You cannot have one without the potential for the other. Abundance is inseparable from lack, love is inseparable from solitude, and success is inseparable from failure. Each cannot exist without the potential for the opposite.
What is important in understanding the Law of Polarity is the ability to understand the power of transformation. By choosing to change your perception and your resulting attitude you can shift your perception of someone or something from negative or limiting to positive and unlimited.
Intention and energy work together when mastering the Law of Polarity. Your intention can be clear and focused, while your emotional energy may be out of tune with the frequency needed to manifest your intention.
To master the Law of Polarity is to understand the polarity of what you want and to intentionally create a current of energy that supports which end of that spectrum you desire.
By seeking a higher frequency vibration of energy in this transformation process the previous lower frequency of vibration of energy gets replaced. “Bad” can become “Good”, as an example.
When you recognize what the opposite of your intention is, and deliberately shift your energy vibration to support it, you open yourself up to receiving what you desire.
The choice made, the decision implemented automatically involves the Law of Cause and Effect – reaping what you sow – depending on the choice made in your responses.
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