Praise For


“The Freedom sessions for the month of May have truly been a game-changer. Not my first rodeo with Christy and her beloved Council, but such a deepening of the techniques and processes has occurred for me. Each morning, from the start of breathing in, I can feel the frequency of freedom pouring in, to each and every cell of my physical body, mental, emotional and light bodies as well. I will be listening to each day many more times. Thank you!”

Jane Usher


“Deep Thank You for this thematic, that felt like an inner pressure that is now identified and I know how to address it when I feel it again. HUGE feeling of FREEDOM and JOY!”

Florence Reymond


“The Healing events are so deep, absolutely fantastic.

I am out of the hole, my cold is gone and I became more sensitive in the process. I am continuing the energy mastery on my own – repeating the relationship month now, which opens even deeper dimensions for me. My system is opening up more and more – sometimes getting tired (or slightly sick to release stuck energy), but feeling better every day. Thanks so much for all the energy uplifts and alignments – it is just amazing, how effective it is – after trying for decades other ways, never with this deep and smooth process.”

Heidrun Dorner

In Their Own Words…



“The Quantum Success Coaching Academy is one of the most complete and efficient coaching certification programs out there. I did many coaching programs, but I never felt I had enough experience to start my own coaching business. The QSCA is very practical oriented and pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and practice coaching to fulfill the requirements. The program comprises a wonderful mix of coaching practices, techniques and energy work. All clearly and abundantly explained throughout the modules by Christy herself. I absolutely loved the program, which helped me first of all personally to grow and evolve, to have faith and trust in myself and the Universe. Second, it gave me amazing coaching tools and examples to be able to coach other people. Thank you to Christy and her team for creating such an amazing program.”

Carmen Mezinca


“The Desire Factor book is a step-by-step process to create a life full of joy, abundance and dreams come true. It was a real eye-opener for me and made me question a lot of what I had been learning and practicing about manifestation over the years. But there is only so much we can do on our own with the knowledge a book provides, and the Desire Factor coaching is the perfect guidance and support to put all of this wisdom into practice.

The DF coaching program helped me in putting all of the pieces together and creating momentum to create long-term results. I left every coaching session feeling more aligned, more empowered, more joyous!
It made a great difference in the way I take responsibility for my thoughts and vibration in every area of my life. It’s a game-changer.

This program is, in my opinion, the best manifestation program out there (and I’ve invested in many!) and the only one someone who is looking to truly create a life aligned with their dreams and desires needs!

Forever grateful to Christy and The Council”

Cecile Thomas

Kathy Stoner

“I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 18. I never had any symptoms for 45 years. The first part of July I noticed spots on both my calves. Within a week I was covered head to toe with itchy spots. After 3 weeks I made a dermatology appointment. She told me I had Guttate psoriasis. She offered me several treatment options all of which had terrible side effects. I refused them. Instead I came home and took everything out of my diet that was not natural or that had sugar or carbs. I’ve been eating very healthy for the last few years but there were still some things I needed to cut out. I wasn’t getting worse but I wasn’t getting better. I attended the healing on Aug 20. Withing several days I noticed that the spots were beginning to disappear. Now 5 days after the healing 99% of my spots are gone. The itching has stopped and my skin is no longer cracking open. I had been feeling like I had things I needed to purge from my body before I broke out. I guess my body got rid of the toxins in it’s own way. Thank you Christy and The Council for helping me purge the toxins out of my body.”

Kathy Stoner


“On December 31, 2021, I committed to myself that I would meditate EVERY DAY of 2022 with Christy and the Quantum Council, and I am so glad that I did! Christy’s Daily Quantum Meditations with the Council are transformational. Every meditation is powerful, and some call out to be repeated over and over. So far, I have spent seven months dedicated to Self-Love, Freedom, Light Play and Co-Creation, Divine Alchemy, Being my Higher Self, Vice Freedom and the Desire Factor. I am now on Day 210 and can see how sitting daily with the Council (sometimes live, and sometimes listening to recordings) is giving me exponential gains.

Interestingly, the changes in me started subtly at first when suddenly I realized that the gnawing feeling I have always had in the pit of my stomach (my second chakra/emotional center) was just gone (!) and I started to feel ease inside of myself for the first time. Then I realized that rather than triggering an anxiety attack, meditation now settles me. I am calmer, less reactive, more curious, thoughtful, and happier. Over the months I have come to see my life through eyes of Abundance, Success, Well-Being and Love, and in so doing, rewrite some of the limiting narrative I was telling myself. I’m a more compassionate partner to my husband, a more loving friend and sister, and a more confident, intuitive professional. Best of all, I am gaining an understanding and acceptance of the Council’s teaching that we are each infinitely loved. How wonderful to sit in that love and begin to fully embody what it means for the first time!

As a high-performer raised with the message that I was never quite good enough, it has taken many months of daily reminders and processes with the Council to begin to shift my belief about my value. It is amazing to realize that the very things I have always been told to be less of are the very ways I am unique and Divinely inspired. I feel more creative, powerful, expressive and safe. I am now able to take a really deep breath for the first time (all the way down in my belly) and relax into the knowledge that I am a co-creator with Divine and all that I need is available to me. The world is opening to me. There is power in daily practice. There is power in the Quantum Council.

Thank you Christy!”

Kimberly Gilbey


“I was drawn to QEM when I first heard about it and knew I would participate at some point and felt the call this spring 🙂

Big fan of Christy and her work and was certified in the QSCA years ago and have been sharing the material ever since!

I did a month of the Quantum Success meditations w/ Christy and the Council and loved everything about it and have used the processes and activations over and over again to deepen the work. So this immersive experience felt like the perfect next step.

The daily meditations are profound and I’m so grateful to have them as a continual resource. Each module was so powerful and meaningful – I was drawn to all 4 areas for different reasons and I can truly feel the shifts and up levels in all 4 areas – my connection to my Divine self – next level stuff! – health upgrades – massive shift in an important relationship – an opening in the area of success and finances – and most importantly a deepening of my alignment to myself and in each of these areas.

Christy is deep – and funny. Awesome combo:)

A truly profound, beautiful offering. Thank you.”

Andra Wochesen


“The Quantum Light Shift experience was beautiful and so healing. I love Christy’s energy and the guidance and wisdom of The Council of Light. I have experienced a lot of trauma, loss, and grief over the past few years (the passing of my son, a sudden and quick divorce, the passing of my Kitty, the loss of my home, the loss of my husband’s financial support, etc.) I started building my coaching and personal training business during this time. Since my divorce a year ago, I’ve had a lot of financial fear of being self-employed and self-supporting while grieving and making so many life adjustments.

Since participating in the Quantum Light Shift, I am amazed at how much my energy is shifting and how my outlook has improved in such a short amount of time. It’s miraculous! This past week I have had an influx of new clients! I am so grateful that I have found Christy and The Council! Thank you for everything!”

Catherine (Katie) Cox


“I am a 71-year-old woman who was diagnosed with several serious, life-threatening diseases over the years. When it became glaringly obvious that traditional medical interventions offered me no hope of improving my overall health, in early 2019 I committed to healing my body energetically using the Laws of the Universe. However, it wasn’t until I was led to the work of Christy Whitman and the Council of Light in May 2021 that I began to experience physical evidence that I was making progress toward achieving my goal of the full restoration of my Divine Health.

I have taken advantage of virtually every program Christy offers:

  • 2 Four-Hour Healing Events
  • Quantum Energy Mastery
  • Sacred Circle of Light
  • Vice Freedom Program
  • Freedom From Co-dependency
  • Monthly Quantum Shifts
  • and nine months of the 30-Day Meditation Series

In other words, I have faithfully done my part of the healing work while my Divine Partner (The Council) has more than done their share of the work as well.

To date I’ve experienced these clear signs of what I call *EVIDENCE* that every bit of my commitment has yielded tremendous gains:

  • Reduction in well over 50% of the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs;
  • Eliminated the need for the 24-hours a day/7-days a week supplemental oxygen that I had been using for over 22 months;
  • Eliminated the need to use the walker that I had relied on to walk farther than ten feet unaided over the past 18 months;
  • Experienced deep emotional healings from traumatic memories and spiritual imprints of long, long-standing too numerous to list in detail,
  • Manifested financial gain to the point where we are now completely debt-free;
  • And, just as importantly, strengthened, deepened, and expanded the emotional relationship I have with my beloved husband of over 50-years.

In other words, thanks to the teachings of Christy and The Council, my entire life has shifted 180 degrees! I AM filled to overflowing with joy because of the Divine ENERGY, LIGHT, and LOVE that infills and surrounds me.

I AM deeply satisfied, filled with joyful expectancy, and eagerly anticipating whatever Surprises and deLIGHTS await me as I move forward with Christy and The Council into my future Self.”

Karen Diehl


“Wow! Wow! Wow! There was a reason why I was supposed to listen to the replay vs attending live. Divine timing. On Saturday, April 16 I attended the Quantum Healing session. The Council gifted me by working directly with me answering my request for the healing of my shoulder. I unexpectedly received additional healing in the areas of my thyroid, pelvic floor, and so much more. That Saturday after the healing, I had an out of body experience. My body convulsed and realigned. The body shift was real. I knew I needed to continue to do “the work/play” regarding my healing. On April 19, I changed my thyroid medication as I’m working with a functional medicine doctor who took me off of synthetic medication and created a compound, especially for me. That Tuesday morning, I was feeling fatigued. My thyroid was having to adjust to the new medicine. All I wanted to do was sleep. It was the beginning of my workday. I thought… what do I need to do to increase my energy as I need some extra help and healing? I had this calling to check my email. What was waiting for me was the replay for the Renewal and Regeneration Light Shift. I immediately listened to the session. I get goosebumps thinking about how I felt after the meditation. I was at peace, calm, energized, renewed and regenerated. The synchronicities and blessings have been mind blowing. Everything is aligning in the right divine order and timing. I’m so grateful and blessed to have attracted Christy and The Council. I’m excited and look forward to creating a life filled with surprises and delights. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My life is forever changed and filled with Divine Light and Infinite Love.”

Noreen Lang-Bryant

Josie Rose

“I am feeling calmer and more expansive. I feel a sense of excitement or anticipation for things to come.”

Josie Rose

Gerrit Weerdmeester

“I have come to know Office Hours as a unique and safe place, where every member of the QSCA family can share whatever (work-related or personal) question/worry that they may have. Here they are met with compassion, unconditional acceptance, and the willingness to help them forward in their journey.
After having attended Office Hours, I often feel inspired and peaceful.

Everyone who starts their online certification training at The Quantum Success Coaching Academy has unlimited access to Office Hours.
After I have been certified this didn’t stop. I keep having access to Office Hours (like everyone who finishes the online program), for life.
How unique is that?

There is more, much more about the QSCA. When you start your certification training, you get (apart from the superb quality of the training itself) your own portal with access to the training modules and a wide variety of tools and resources.
And guess what: after having been certified, you keep having this access, for life again.

The professional and warm support from the QSCA support team, during your journey, and (again) after you have been certified, makes this journey in the QSCA also unforgettable.

The total package that the QSCA offers, as I see it, is unparalleled in terms of value for money.”

Gerrit Weerdmeester

Bette Wilder

“It came to my awareness after watching and reading your valuable messages. I learned that my health had not changed over five months until I saw the process of releasing anxiety combined with an unknown stressor within my body.

I found that positive affirmations and breathing’s as well as visualization of virtual reality are helpful in releasing the dilemma such as anxiety and unknown stressor! Thank you for pointing that out to me. You are such a gifted coach and healer!!”

Bette Wilder

“There’s a lot I am grateful for, taking part in Christy’s QSCA, my soulmate came into my life.
At the moment I joined 30 Days of meditation, a big transformation happened for me, I became worthy, I am worthy, it felt great for me! Thank you, Christy and the Council”

Annea Forsstrom

“This class has helped me to step in more fully to my life mission given to me from my guides – Find Your Voice, Feed Your Passion, Live Your Purpose – QSCA, Light Body and Healing Room has helped me live this more fully! Xoxo”


“I am loving all the healing sessions, and doing a lot of healing, clearing and clearing. My body is feeling lighter and easier all the time. It is pretty cool. I am very happy that I am doing this at this time, and not going through the Covid thing without resources.Divine timing and organization seems to be working at max efficiency.”


In Their Own Words…


“Christy Whitman is an amazing healer who strives to surprise and delight her students and clients. I first learned about Christy when I joined her 30-day “Watch Your Words” program. I read two of her books, “The Art of Having it All” and “Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money”. As a result, I enrolled in several of Christy’s monthly online meditation programs seeking personal help, growth, and healing. After 24+ years in Corporate Human Resources, four degrees, two professional certifications, several major life challenges, and a couple of significant health concerns, I knew it was time to change my focus because the path I was on was not heading in the direction I wanted to go. I was searching for something that would allow me to forgive the past, heal physically, and grow spiritually and at the same time to follow my life’s passion. This little voice inside of me had been whispering for as long as I can remember that my life’s purpose is to coach and teach and help others, but life challenges and limiting beliefs always seemed to get in my way of making the leap.

With the encouragement and support of my wonderful husband, I sought out and compared various coaching programs, but none of them resonated with me. Then came Christy’s email about the Quantum Success Coaching Academy (QSCA). I did my research, talked to Christy’s wonderful staff, and enrolled in the first online, self-study version of this program in April, 2020. To say that I have been delighted with the program would be an understatement. It’s been challenging while working full-time, but so very interesting, fun, and enlightening. The growth I have amassed is immeasurable. Christy is so knowledgeable, insightful, supportive, and fun! Christy’s staff is always very helpful and encouraging. I’ve met some amazing women, located across the globe, during the course of this adventure who have become supportive study buddies and whom I believe will be lifetime friends. I’m so excited as I embark on the next chapter of my life as a Certified Law of Attraction and Desire Factor Coach and look forward to making a positive impact on the lives of many others in the coming years. Thank you so very much, Christy and the Council. I am forever grateful to you. You are a beautiful soul spreading a wonderful mission and message with every life that you touch. Thank you.”

Karen M. Shier

“I was working as an RN at a very fast-paced hospital with a lot of overwhelm. I had a breakthrough healing session with Christy and The Council on Sept 30, 2020. It was a big job so The Council was called in to assist. It was found that my younger selves had anchored me at several points in my life. The Council and I dug deep and were able to clear some pretty big blocks. During the session, I had a vision of sparkling multicolored lights. I felt much lighter after the session.

I put in a month’s notice at my job. In doing this, I had a lot of vacation time saved up and it was all paid to me to cover having a month off of work. I took it easy, got back to my senses, and released the overwhelm. When I felt like I was ready to jump back into the workforce, and only when I was ready, the process was really quick. Oct 21, 2020, I applied to a Home Health Agency; Oct 23, 2020, I interviewed for the job; Oct 26,2020 I was miraculously able to get a doctors appointment for a physical to start work; Oct 30, 2020, I had a 2 hour paid “training” to meet the patient and her family and have the day nurse show me around; and Nov 2, 2020, I began working full time and am still at the position. My starting pay is less than I was making but with the increased energy I am able to work overtime so I actually make more. The old job was at least 10 hours on my feet running back in forth to help patients, now no more running and my workload is much lighter.

Healthwise: at the hospital, I was at a breaking point with overwhelm and medical issues. I was dehydrated and my vitamin D levels went to a critical low. After taking time off, getting out in the sun, drinking more water, and taking a booster dose of vitamin D I am no longer dehydrated, my vitamin D levels went back up and I have more energy.

I definitely believe that the session gave me the confidence and push for action that was needed in my life to allow expansion. I stop and think about how grateful and thankful I am to have had this major shift in my life.

Thank you,”

Michelle Nash

“I recently attended a Goddess Rising weekend with Christy and the council. I had no real idea of what to expect. Wow, the council went in hard and fast. I dug deeper than ever to find the big bucket of doubt and fear. I released it. I felt lighter than air.

I know I will face doubt and fear again. This time I am armed with tools to fight it off.

The group of women were all so incredible. Everyone shared openly. It was one of the most incredible events I have ever been a part of. I will go again. Incredible is the only word I can think of that might, maybe come close to describing the feelings during Goddess Rising.

Thank you, Christy and The Council. I am truly a changed woman. I feel the change and freedom from my pit of doubt. I am high and happy to quote the Council.”

Kathy Stoner

“I just want you to know how much I enjoyed Christy and the Council during the Vice Freedom Program. They exceeded my expectations. When I started the program I was concerned that I drank too much. After one day on the program, I realized that I was using wine to fill a part of myself that was feeling unloved and unsupported. When I let in the light and energy, it was easy to give up my vice and I never felt the urge. I realized how important it was to show myself compassion and kindness. I think everyone would benefit from this program because we all have hurts that we bury, feeling unworthy. Let the light energy in and know you are lovable just because you exist. Thank you for your beautiful program.”

Pamela Sheehan

“30 Days of Meditations is strongly about connection and I’m hooked! Not only am I connected in a community with other fellow souls, I’m guided/ allow myself to connect “within”, especially within my heart, where I feel healing and transformation happening. The meditations are a safe place to release what needs to be released, so I can be more open to receive in more love. Christy and the Council shares practical principles, profound wisdom and transmits such nurturing, heartfelt love. I part with these short, effective meditations full of uplifting energy and daily affirmations to set the tone of gratitude for my day. Deeply thankful, Christy and the Divine Council!”

Gloria Pasqualotto

“I have so enjoyed the 30 Days of Meditation program that I participated in. And for many reasons! I liked having a set time to connect with everything I enjoy: Spirit, centered leadership, and the others who attended. And Christy was that centered leadership, always Present, and sharing content or messages from the Council. The focus was on connecting with Source and opening to spiritual guidance, healing and expansion. Every session and every topic was meaningful, and I would recommend this program to anyone seeking to slow down and connect within.”

Jean Breen

“Thank you, Christy and the Council of Light for your awareness! I’ve always denied being in any form of the Lack triangle. I was an overachiever who controlled her thoughts to please everyone, felt guilty when I was misunderstood and got angry at misjudged expectations.

I’ve seen what the light does and am working to love myself in every breath! I am not a perfect human but I have a perfect soul! The days of doubt are less now and the days of joy and light are greater. Having the tools to see where alignment is required has enlightened my well-being and brightened my days! You are awesome!!”

Tina Birkhoff

“The Vice Freedom program was the best money I’ve spent! I enrolled to get rid of my vice of drinking alcohol as I wanted to become healthier, set a good example for my kids, and stop my nightly drinking habit. I had tried to stop drinking last year and had made it about 60 days then started back again. When I joined the Vice Freedom program in January, it felt like the desire for alcohol was just gone! I believe the energy work with the council really helped. I am not 100% out of the woods yet as I still have occasional cravings. The good thing is that I can go back through the videos to reinforce the information I learned and remind myself that I need to get realigned with myself for the urges to go away again. I would highly recommend this program!”

Debbie Woodruff

“Christy Whitman is an amazing teacher, coach and healer who truly walks her talk by applying everything that she teaches in her own life.

As I was working on myself in the field of personal development, I came across her 1 year life coaching certification program which allowed me to go on a path of personal healing and empowerment.

Before working with Christy, I didn’t know what were the 7 essential universal laws, how to align myself with Source and raise my own vibrations. Her 1 year QSCA coaching program has deeply changed my life for the best. From learning and applying so many tools and techniques which I still apply in my own life, while doing a deep dive to heal and empower myself on so many levels, I have become a certified Law of Attraction coach specializing in women’s empowerment and well-being. I now teach women how to use the LOA in their own life to empower them and help them achieve their heart’s deepest desires in alignment with their well-being.

Christy’s work has put me on a path of greater personal growth and development, supporting me to become a catalyst for change, healing and empowerment in other women’s lives.

I am deeply grateful for all her love and support in providing such an amazing and life changing program to contribute to our own growth, healing and empowerment. Thank you so much Christy!”

Coralie Sassada

“I have been with Christy since 2007, having so much incredible success with so many of her programs! I want to speak about her 30 Day Meditation series. I cannot begin to explain how valuable these series have been for me. In the first place, even after doing 15 years of energy play and coaching, I still like to have accountability for waking up and meditating first thing in the morning. Even if you listen to the recordings of the meditations, to suit your time zone and schedule, the energy is still as powerful and present as listening to it live. It gets me into the habit so that even after the series is complete, I find myself continuing the practice and listening to the recordings each morning. This brings me to the 2nd invaluable part of these series… each time I repeat the series, the energy play and information hits on a whole new level! I am currently repeating the most recent series and I am having a depth of experience that is so much more impactful than even the first time, and it was huge the first time! 🙂 Lastly, and most importantly, it is Christy and it is the Council! Need I say more! The energy, the vulnerability, the message, the delivery, the insight, the impact, the TRUTH and LOVE of it all makes these series what I look forward to most in my practice! Christy’s honesty and vulnerability in sharing her own experiences and humanity are so important to the connection she creates with everyone in attendance on each call. Christy has such a commitment to being there for everyone and connecting, with not only the message being delivered but how it impacts each of us, including herself! I am so grateful when she releases these 30 Day meditation series. I have not missed one yet and thanks to the way personal accounts are set up, I have a library of 100s of meditations to repeat and absorb on multiple levels! I share this all with so much gratitude and love!!!”

Yael-Emily Hamilton

“I started to meditate with Christy because she is doing it differently and it is exactly the type of meditation that is the right fit for me. Meditations with Christy are fun and original. I remember when Christy mentioned that when she by some strange circumstance did not manage to meditate in the morning, her day unfolds then in a completely different way. Based on my personal experience and observation it is true also for me. Since I realized that I devote every morning 20 minutes of meditation with Christy where I set the energy and intention for that particular day. Christy says that it is more like a meditation and I can only agree with that. It is a gift for which I am deeply grateful. I am so glad that Christy is doing what she is doing and her work has had a profound impact on my life that I get to be enjoying nowadays.”

Miroslava Skultety

“Amazing!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The healing event was the reminder I needed to stand in my power and allow my desires to manifest. As the week goes by I have noticed that things that don’t serve me have been easily removed from my life and it’s so amazing to feel connected to my higher self. I cannot wait for the course to begin!”

Valeria Cuadra

“I found this to be a fabulous opportunity to undertake a lot of clearing and to gain spiritual growth. I enjoyed the meditations and writing the corresponding affirmations. My current work life and the effects of lockdown have impacted greatly on me personally this was a breath of fresh air to release negative energies that no longer serve me. Thank you, Christy and the Council.”

Caren White

“What an amazing opportunity. Thank you, Christy and the Council. I received so much from the Council’s discussion of alignment and bringing it down to simply, “if it feels good I’m in alignment and if it doesn’t feel good I am not in alignment. I also love it when the Council tells me I am infinitely loved. I feel love in every cell of my body.”

Andrea Hinkel

In Their Own Words…


“I signed up for my first sessions with curiosity and a small portion of hope to be able to feel the energy flow. It all came with such power!

I can definitely say that I got calmer in everyday life and have more trust and faith in general. I have had a lot of body-related issues in the last 15 years and have gone through different surgeries, therapies, examinations and I got more & more worried about my future and my body. After completing Divine Alchemy, Divination, the Vice Freedom Program and Light & Play with pleasure, anytime I feel nowadays a symptom in my body (pain, discomfort, unease), I can stay conscious about it, no longer try to push it away and bring in compassion. The very important part is that I do not get in a panic the way I used to do („what is this again?; why does it happen to me meanwhile everyone else enjoys life?; I need urgent help!; what is if it is too late and only serious medical help can solve?“…). Instead, I choose another energy quality and use a tool that I learned to feel at ease.

I really think I have just left horrible times behind thanks for these wonderful & magical sessions. I am so so grateful for All of You for your presence, support, open heart and the practical tools we get from Christy and The Council, so we can simply implement them in our everyday life because life goes on and brings challenges.
It feels so good to be a part of this community with so much appreciation and pure Love. I look forward to the next occasions!”

Henriett Bozzay

“I first met Christy at Omega in October of 2019. I didn’t realize when I signed up for the workshop how profound the experience would be. I was introduced to the wisdom of the Council. Also, since that experience I do not have the sinus issues I used to have. Learning about the Drama Triangle has made me aware of how to avoid it. As a result, my life is more peaceful. Inspired by Christy, I signed up for the Vice Freedom Program and learned valuable tools to navigate life. Christy shares her stories to shift energy. My life has been enriched by connecting with Christy. Thank you.”

Monica Sheehan

“My name is Katrina Bjalek and I am a Student in the QSCA course that you and your amazing team are running. I would like to take this time to say how honoured and grateful I am that you have allowed me to study under your guidance. The processes that you have presented and the wealth of knowledge and tools have been a blessing at this point of my journey in life. With all the hiccups and gullys that I seem to fall into I have been able to stay focused and able to keep moving forward on this great journey. THANK YOU.

Everything presented is not only amazing but seems to be coming at just the right times as of late; details for another time. However, it is by these teaching that I have and am able to cope with what the great universe seems to deem important for me to face. I will say sometimes I am not impressed but I do jump into it full force.

You have given me a sense of strength and accomplishment.—thank you again.”

Katrina Bjalek

“Today was a “drop the mic” day with The Council. I received the answer I have searched for as to what the vibration I have had in my body for 10 years is all about. I could never see the gift in it, and now I totally do.”

Charlene Horak

“Hearing, feeling, and then knowing that I have been in the parking lot most of my life and not the Stadium – the door is open and my Divine fans and helpers are/were waiting for me!”

Shannon Maris

“Thank you for these. I’ve had a couple life threatening accidents. Since I was 17 I had head trauma and seizures from a motorcycle accident where I flew 20 feet head first into a tree. Since then I’ve lived with migraines, nerve twitching and foggy brain.

I’m feeling different this past week. I can’t put it into words perfectly but it’s like my body is buzzing?! My neck feels warmer.

During yesterday’s meditation I did feel extreme nausea similar to what comes over me before a seizure but the council walked me through it at exactly the right time even though I was listening to the recording. I did not have a seizure.

I have felt tired most of my life and this morning I woke up, no headache and feeling energized… very unfamiliar to me but a wonderful feeling. Thank you thank you thank you.”

Kimberly Keller Johnson

“I have been in four car accidents, three of which were life-threatening but I survived. This is the main reason I signed up for the “Healing The Central Nervous System” as I know I have trauma stored in my body.

On November 16, after I had finished attending “Healing The Central Nervous System” live, I went out to run errands. At the last minute, a van decided to pull into my lane. I slammed on my brakes and my horn. When I looked over, the van was mere inches from my car. As Divine would have it, I was spared from another car accident.

My initial reaction was to turn around and go home. Even though I was shaken up, I decided to go about my day and finish running my errands. This was very shocking to me because I know that in the past, I would have returned home. Then the rest of the day I’d replay the “almost accident” again and again and avoid driving for a much as possible in the upcoming weeks, months and even years ahead. The “almost accident” is proof that attending the daily meditations is clearing up my nervous system so that I can live my life to the fullest. I am so grateful to Christy and The Council for all that they do!”

Brenda Ley

“Since starting the Nervous System meditations, I’ve noticed how I’m filled with joy most of the day for no apparent reason other than just being alive. It’s really lovely and I’m having great fun just hanging out with myself doing everyday ordinary things.

Also, I’ve noticed that my oxygen levels are higher. I had childhood asthma and my lungs have been somewhat restricted since then. I check my oxygen level with my pulse oximeter once or twice a week and my oxygen level has gone from a fairly consistent 93 to 95, 96, and sometimes 97. I am just thrilled!!!

Thank you SO much for assisting me with these positive shifts in my life. I LOVE the morning meditations, the QEM classes, and the podcasts!!!”

Dean Smith

“I just want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am for the Vice Freedom course and frankly all of the courses and programs I’ve done thus far. The Quantum Energy Mastery was amazing last year. I also have thoroughly enjoyed the seminar on self-love and I’ve got to listen to the one on codependence but I’m sure that will be equally as good. The website is so easy to navigate everyone is very helpful, fun, real, and efficient and it truly does feel like we’re all in this together.

I’m deeply grateful to Kim and Beth and Christy. Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten anyone.

I hate jumping through hoops trying to enjoy a program that you’ve paid for and you can’t wait to be part of and if it’s a challenge to navigate it really does make a big difference and every single thing I’ve taken or been part of has been extremely well presented and again I’m deeply grateful.

Please feel free to share with great enthusiasm. Much love.”

Linda Johnson

“Have been going through some pretty terrific contrast while doing the Divine Codes meditations.

Amazing stuff! Helps me really focus on what I want 🙂

Very thankful for all of the recordings!

I am deeply grateful for the work you have done with and for me.

The impact is impressive.

I was certain I would never be able to quiet my mind enough to actually get anywhere in meditation (and I had been “trying” for years), and I still have no idea when it happened, but your meditations don’t even give the mind the possibility to be distracted. The mind has to constantly listen and focus on imagining things, so there is no time for it to wander off.

And every meditation goes a little deeper, it is all laid out for you. No work at all.

Suddenly you notice that your mind is now able to be absolutely quiet. For long periods of time. Who would have known that visualization/desiring is so much fun-or even possible!!!

Your way is so perfect for me. So EXACTLY what I needed.


The breakthrough happened for me towards the end of the Vice Freedom meditations when it finally hit me what it means to be infinitely loved. Soon after, I heard you say that it really doesn’t matter what opinions others have of me, the only thing that is important is that God/Divine loves and adores me, my connection to the Divine. Suddenly crazy contrast started happening at work and I was/am the calm in the storm. I kept on having to check my breath to make sure I’m still alive.
That feeling was outer-worldly. That shift was AMAZING! I’m excited to see when it all starts popping!

As soon as I have released these sweet imprints that are reminding me that there is still more to uncover for me to welcome my financial abundance into my life, I will be joining you for other fun adventures!

I am so very thankful to you and your crew and am joyfully expecting a fun future together.

I am infinitely loved!

P.S. My students in grades 1-5, have totally gotten into doing the meditation you recorded for them. I wish I could film them to show you (maybe the Council can share with you how cool it is) how awesome it is to see these little people breath consciously, focus on feeling their heartbeats, feel loved and adored, and have an even better day because of you!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

Annika Ziervogel

“The courses that I have taken have helped me develop a deeper ownership of my ability to create the way I want to. I have worked with creating with energy first for many years and now have deepened my empowerment . I own and manage property and I am working on my second renovation of these properties, while I have been taking courses with Christy and the Council .

All steps of these projects have been clearly thought out, visualized, set with intentions, worked on an energy level and financed by me. With new knowledge from these courses I am much more empowered, confident and trusting of the process and calm as the contrasts show up. It is freeing to feel much more expansive and trusting of myself.

I have deep, heartfelt gratitude for the new knowledge that I have learned from Christy and the Council.”

Barbara Hemmans

“Currently, I’m doing the recordings of the Divine Codes daily and I just wanted to let you know that I think they’re absolutely amazing!

I plan on staying a part of Christy’s group as long as possible because she’s amazing and The Council of course is amazing! And I really miss the day-to-day interaction.

I just wanted to touch base and let you know about the Divine Code meditations really speak to me.”

Luhrenna Kahrig

“After following the « Releasing Worry class », I feel more joyful, my heart is lighter and my emotions quieter. It is as if anxiety tries to come in, but doesn’t really take my inner space. Anxiety is far less strong than before.

When I see myself in the Future, I have nice and positive thoughts in my mind. The very old and resistant anxiety has faded away. I still have to be attentive to my way of thinking and shift if necessary. Thank you so much Christy and the Council of Light for your guidance and healing.”

Anne Dubois

“I had been worrying about my employment situation since my company was acquired by another company twice our size.

The possibility of losing my job after the merger in October has been a constant thought.

After the Releasing Worry session with Christy and The Council this past weekend, I have had two delightful days at the office. No longer was I concerned about remaining employed. I am now concerned with sharing kindness and helping others. I am grateful for the release. Thank you!”

Samantha Olivier

“I notice a shift in consciousness around worrying and fear. It is still a work in progress, but I feel more calm inside.

Two days ago I met a deep and big fear, and was able to release it by asking for help and using the purple flame and remembering “love always wins”.

I’ve also used the “button” in the back of my head to release the pain in my back/neck.

There is SO much wisdom in what Christy and the Council shared, in this call and in the YTS call, and it has given me answers and tools to make big changes in my journey. I will listen to the replay again and again, as it is giving me deeper wisdom every time.”

Liv Marit

“I have had fewer moments of worry, after realizing that this puts my awareness on negative feelings. I am more in the present.”

Sue Harman

“This was a very powerful meditation! I felt a lot of energy moving and shifting during the experience. This is the first Quantum shift I have participated in although I have been meditating with Christy and the Council of Light since 2018.

I became aware that one of the internal vices that I had was constant worry when I first participated in the vice freedom program. Worry was connected to unprocessed fear and often kept me up at night.

The habit of worry kept me from being in the present and I was often operating from traumas of the past that were being projected into the future.

I am so grateful for Christy and the council. I feel so much more freedom and like I can make better decisions now that I am not in a constant state of fear and worry. I feel more grounded and peaceful. Thank you!”

Anna Ewan

“I attended the Quantum Light Shift ‘Releasing Worry’ on February 18th. Yesterday I decided to go out to pick-up some groceries around [12:15]PM. Two blocks into the walk, I remembered I had a zoom training call at 1PM that I wanted to attend in-person. I started to analyze how I could enjoy my walk in the sunshine, shop and back in 45 minutes. Or maybe I could walk home now and shop later.

I was reminded ‘not to worry’. I stopped thinking about the time crunch and carried on walking and shopping. I arrived home, taking off my winter coat and boots, I looked at the time. It was [12:59]PM. Smiling, my heart filled with love and appreciation, I logged onto my computer, opened zoom and participated in the training session, without missing a beat.

I love this new me, a me who doesn’t worry.”

Diane Kearney

“I rent, so if anything breaks or stops working, management is responsible for fixing it. When my washing machine broke (with a full load in it) I was upset, angry, and worried when I found out it would be more than a week before someone could come to look at it. The man who arrived an hour and a half after he was scheduled said it needed a part that he would have to order–another delay. Another few days went by. and I received an email saying the part had arrived and he would show up SIX DAYS LATER to install it, and to clear out the entire room where the washer and dryer were located. This was a storage room with two sets of stacked storage bins in it. This is a small one-bedroom apartment; where was I going to put all that stuff?

I used up all the available space on the floor of the living room/dining room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, and I was able to wash the floor of the storage room for the first time in several years. It was during this cleaning/sorting phase that I decided to stop being angry, resentful, and worried and started feeling grateful that I had been given a chance to clean that room. Then it hit me–I really wasn’t angry any more! I was able to greet the repairman graciously and thank him for allowing me enough time to clear out the room. He then told me he needed the extra space because he had to remove the entire shell of the machine to access the innards. I would not have been able to let go of the anger and worry even a few months ago. Thank you, Christy and the Council.”

Sue Ellen Kolman

“So amazing.

The first time I listened I had lots of tears and felt like most of the statements I was repeating weren’t true!

I kept listening and now I speak the words with conviction and belief that it’s actually true.

I have been playing when I drive when I’m doing and being me throughout the day and always at night.

I wake up happy to be alive and looking forward to co-creating with my Divine and my Light Entourage and letting Light pave the way.”


“I felt a bit lighter after the experiencing the releasing Anxiety session, but I still struggle with the feeling of anxiety. I know it takes work – practice so I am continuing to work on it.”

Debra Lewin

“During the session, I felt very light and it lasted for a day or so. Then it went back to the “normal”. I should probably have attended the healing work the day after, just too much going on at that time.

Thank you:)”

Liv Marit

“All I can say is WOW!! My block was around relationships. While being guided by Council I could totally feel the shift take place! I am now more at peace and confident as to moving forward in all my relationships. Very powerful process!”

Mary (Kathy) Bannon

In Their Own Words…


“I am extremely grateful to Christy and the Council for such an amazing awesome fantastic experience which I am continuing to breathe even after days following this session. Christy and Council’s continued support and connectedness by sharing of other tools such as the ‘I am’ statements is a cherry on the top, constantly pushing me into even deeper states of bliss. The Council guided me to the ‘field of gratitude’ where the ‘I am’ consciousness (my true self) and the trillions of cells that make up my body, all communed to an eternal ‘thank you’ and continued to vibrate and resonate in that frequency. This paved path to the ‘Void’ of ‘pure potentiality’ where the ‘I am’ consciousness opened up the mind to conceive and conceptualize the various plentiful highest potentials ahead of me, showering light, love and bliss. Gratitude!!”

Tarang Jain

“It’s been 4 days since the Release anxiety experience. I was, not surprisingly, meeting a lot of old ghosts in the session, and I feel like my body is still working it out. I will also listen to the replay.

I have been working with these issues for a long time, in a similar way, but not really been able to clear the deep parts. Working with the Council, and having their guidance, makes it easier and safer to be with the feeling. The importance of compassion and to go to “what do I desire” has also become much clearer to me.”

Liv Marit Olsen

“Shifts noticed are I drop out of my head into my heart and listen. If anxiety or worry is present or comes up, I work to pivot or understand where it is coming from. I then work to stay focused to use my tools to process that underlying energy. As I keep my focus, all seems to flow but when I look outside of myself, with thoughts carrying me, I seem to float off track or get out of alignment, this triggers me to get back “on track” aligned with my true self…a Light be-ing in training. I am supported by the Divine and most of all supported by the Universe.”

Kathy Busby

“Thank you, Christy and Council. I felt tears during the session and a release from the fear of relationship issues I’ve been experiencing. Your talk about your inner beliefs of using up your success and how you turned this around, has helped me reframe my inner voice of lack.

All of my gratitude.”

Jill Younglove

“I had a very brief chance encounter with a beautiful young man. His Inner Light was truly palpable. I drank in his expression of love and joy, asking Council for my essence to shine that brightly. This 1 minute exchange felt so expansive like I was floating on love. This was just a few hours after the Quantum Light session. Normally, I would have not recognized this as a soul exchange. It’s 3 days later and I still feel fabulous, despite a significant financial upset.”

Teresa Peck

“I had a very brief chance encounter with a beautiful young man. His Inner Light was truly palpable. I drank in his expression of love and joy, asking Council for my essence to shine that brightly. This 1 minute exchange felt so expansive like I was floating on love. This was just a few hours after the Quantum Light session. Normally, I would have not recognized this as a soul exchange. It’s 3 days later and I still feel fabulous, despite a significant financial upset.”

Teresa Peck

“I have always been a positive person. With enrollment in Quantum Energy Mastery, I have felt a fun shift. I feel lighter & have more confidence. I asked my partner how my energy feels & he said I am Lighter. I also can feel that my Soul has a great sense of humor & find myself laughing more. Last week, before the Light Shift, I declared my belief in my Prosperity & Abundance. After the Light Shift, I went to the mailbox & found a check for a refund of overpayment of property taxes (over $2,600) that occurred 7 years ago during a real estate transaction. I roared with laughter! What a fun surprise ~ thank you, Universe! I feel the support of The Council & Spirit. And I am grateful beyond words ~ another fun frequency. Thank you, Christy, The Council & the QEM team for all that you do. I appreciate all of you & I give thanks that I am a blessing to you!”

Vicki Steen

“My shifts have been gradually, but they are there. At first, I didn’t notice them. I am realizing that I don’t think the same way. I am aware of my split energy and bring it back to alignment. I realize more and more situations where the drama triangle is present, and I stay out of it. Imprints have been coming up for me, I process them and bring in the light. I know that I have work to do, I still think in lack, but I listen to the Podcasts, do the mediations every day, and listen to back programs to keep everything Christy and the Council teach front and center.”

Jill Shea

“Before the workshop, I was working on manifesting a positive outcome for an issue I was dealing with. I heard you give a caller on Coast to Coast a technique to clear blockages in a chakra. I was practicing that and believe I had cleared it. Joining your seminar helped to reinforce that clearing.

By the way, I achieved the positive outcome I was manifesting!

Thanks for the work you do!”

Maggie Valentine

“During the discussion with the council, I realized ( maybe subconsciously?) That I was probably very restricted/sheltered as a child and restricted in my body as well. During the channeling portion of the class with the council, I realized that restriction was at least somewhat lifted and I knew somehow just where to look, my breathing got remarkably better! I have had it along as I can remember, all my life, but after your session with the council, I have noticed in a large way that my breathing is notably better! I tested out my ability to run and how long I could run without wheezing, well, it was much farther than I ever guessed I could !! My legs were actually was just getting tired, but no wheezing! Totally remarkable!! I will do it again soon, and see if I can improve upon it. I can’t say my asthma has gone away 100%, but let’s say more than 75%! Pretty amazing!. Thank you!”

Amanda Hazel

“I love the affirmations that came out of the call. I enjoy being youth full . I love being able to avoid those conversations that come up with people when they are complaining about “age”. Thank you for the call and I appreciate you for all you do. I feel ageless and healthy. Blessings to you all”

Barb Miller

“This Quantum Lift shift of releasing Blocks to Success couldn’t have come at a better time. Today, I had blocks set up that changed my vibration and I was doubting my success in my new business of whether I would get clients, success at my workshops, not knowing the next steps as I had a setback. This Quantum light cleared these blocks and I raised my vibration to push those thoughts away or pluck them out and replace them with new ones that raised my vibrations to being successful as I’m divinely designed for success and I allow success!! Thank you, perfect timing for this.”

Donna Marshall-Hare

“I was drawn to QEM when I first heard about it and knew I would participate at some point and felt the call this spring 🙂

Big fan of Christy and her work and was certified in the QSCA years ago and have been sharing the material ever since!

I did a month of the Quantum Success meditations w/ Christy and the Council and loved everything about it and have used the processes and activations over and over again to deepen the work. So this immersive experience felt like the perfect next step.

The daily meditations are profound and I’m so grateful to have them as a continual resource. Each module was so powerful and meaningful – I was drawn to all 4 areas for different reasons and I can truly feel the shifts and up levels in all 4 areas – my connection to my Divine self – next level stuff! – health upgrades – massive shift in an important relationship – an opening in the area of success and finances – and most importantly a deepening of my alignment to myself and in each of these areas.

Christy is deep – and funny. Awesome combo:)

A truly profound, beautiful offering. Thank you.”

Andra Wochesen

“I experienced the Quantum Light Shift a week ago, and wow how so much risen to the surface since then! All week I’ve felt very in tune with my intuition and have been remembering old experiences and memories that I’ve been working on clearing, using the process that the Council explained during the session. I took action on something I’ve been wanting to do but putting off for awhile and it has felt very effortless. Definitely would recommend these opportunities to heal!”

Nicole Buddin

“I believe I am being guided to take part in this healing session and as it so happens the fee is within my affordable budget.

I am easily hooked into negative thoughts. After the healing session, I noticed while I encounter issues, I can shift to positivity and love with ease. Receiving messages telling me what are the blockages ready to release.

Past experiences remind me I do not deserve or am not good enough, thus, I just live under “enough and not to ask for more”. After the healing, I gradually opened up to more love and choices. (I love fresh flowers and a variety of food, places appear to me with reasonable selling prices after the healing).

Thank you Christy and Council for the healing.”

Wai Fun Lai

“I have been amazed at how quickly I can switch lower level emotions to compassion since attending the Healing. I’ve been listening daily to meditations, offerings, since December’s daily meditations. This 3 hour healing was certainly the longest I’ve done.

Feels like a switch went “on”. Thank you for sharing the Council and your talents.”

Mary Towe

“My experience of the event was life-changing. I rarely speak at these kinds of events but I was moved to get up and speak to the Council. I was scared and at the same time I wasn’t. I don’t remember now what I asked and all I remember was how held I felt, how seen I felt, how cared about I felt. It made me cry as I have rarely felt that way in my life. I think I don’t let it in to be cared about and I let it in with the Council. It was a game-changer for me.”

Pendleton Spicer

“I’m so grateful for this experience. I is like my body vibrates on another level. It is a feeling of being connected to myself and to the universe. It is so powerful! Thank you! “

Matilde Matthison

“I feel a greater emotional stability and prevailing happiness. I feel less buffeted by events or situations or other people. I feel far less irritation, anger, guilt or fear than before.

I have a goal of enrolling eight more people in my online course, Wisdom To Wealth, by September 15. Last week, four new people enrolled! And I’m the one who beeped at you at the stoplight in Tucson when we were leaving the event! It was fun to read about that in your recent email.

Christy, I am so grateful that Dan brought you to Tucson and I had a good sense to sign up for your healing workshop. You and the council are what I have been praying for and asking for on so many levels. I am filled with gratitude.”

Natalie Hill

“So. Many. Shifts! The first and most noticeable is my intuition has become so much stronger. Not only do I recognize more things happening before they happen but I become prepared for them – even if the situation isn’t so favorable I face it with so much more peace, joy and compassion. The second is my anxiety has been at the lowest it’s been in years and it’s all because of you and the council showing me ways to give others compassion for where they are and how to not allow that to impact me emotionally and energetically. The third is my ability to communicate with the universe and the people in my life. I implement my divine design game board and desires into every portion of my life big and small. My relationships with others and with myself have grown because of the love I give off and desire to receive in return. My entire life and outlook has shifted. I am so excited to see what’s to come in my future because I live in abundance of it today.

Thank you Christy and The Council for such beautiful strength and guidance.”

Alexis Birkhoff

“Office Hours are a time for coaches to receive: support, guidance, clarification, role modeling and a way to check in our own coaching practice remains in alignment with the training we have received. With gratitude for this offering.”

Zahra Dhanani

“As a new student I loved having the ability to talk directly to the founder and all of the administrative staff rather than being pushed off to some of the other staff. It really makes you realize that you all are here to see us become successful and to do what you can to see us through. I think when an owner/founder takes an active part in talking with the coaches, we feel more comfortable about joining more courses of hers as we know we have her support.

Thank you also for allowing us to have access to all of the teachings for as long as we need it. As we all know, sometimes things don’t go the way we anticipate and therefore we don’t get the lessons completed as we had planned. By knowing that we have the ability to keep going and don’t have a cutoff, it makes us (at least me) keep going without the emotion of reaching a time limit and then thinking of ourselves as a failure because we couldn’t finish in time. I think this in itself adds huge credibility to the program and I greatly appreciate all of you. Thank you! Thank you!”


“OMG! Since joining Christy and The Council my life has transformed in so many ways. I was such a reactive person before and now when I start to react, I breathe, ask for spiritual help and then react on a much calmer and safer manner. Physically, I’m no longer taking meds for blood pressure and feel healthier than I’ve been in such a long time. I’m healing and starting to live my best life! Thank you.”

Jackie Fowler

Norren Lang Bryant

“During the December daily meditation, Christy shared a personal experience where she used The Council infused bath bomb to bring in compassion to heal her heart from a bush whack that had happened with her mom. During the Christmas festivities, I overindulged in treats (fudge, cookies, chocolates, popcorn balls, etc.).

I started to persecute myself (I can’t believe I’m doing this again when I’m so close to my ideal weight). I got angry at myself. This manifested in a burning feeling of a bladder infection, which I’ve experienced in the past. Through Christy and The Council’s teachings, I realized I was in the Drama Triangle of persecuting myself, making me a victim, and rescuing myself with sugar. It didn’t feel good. I felt out of control. I decided to do the same healing ritual Christy did with the bath bomb to bring in compassion, kindness and forgiveness of self while soaking in the tub.

I used The Council infused bath bomb to dissolve/pulse out the anger I was feeling towards myself through compassion. I also listened to the replay of the meditation. Wow! Within hours the burning sensation was gone. The daily meditations and applying the tools I’ve received have been transformative. Being part of Christy and The Council’s community has been the best decision and commitment I’ve made for myself. I’m filled with blissful abundance, joy, peace and compassion. I am living from my Power Center. I am so grateful for Christy, The Council and all the awareness and tools that I joyfully apply to my life.”

Norren Lang Bryant

“I left my career of 30 years 2 months ago. Knowing I was backed in a corner; I couldn’t do it for one more day (physical, mental and emotional exhaustion).

I was morally bankrupting myself daily.

After 30 days of changing my words and not 7 days of doing the Vice challenge, I shifted my perspective and got to the root of my vice (over eating (late night snacking)) to soothe myself from anxiety about the future.

In the past week I have stopped snacking, got into alignment with what I want and was offered an exciting new career from the CEO of a company.

Thank you Christy and Council for all your insights!”

Marisa Labonte

“Since engaging in the 7-Day Vice Freedom Challenge, I’ve been experiencing a new level of self-compassion and am overall finding myself worrying a lot less and acting more so from my center. That said, it was also extremely helpful being able to do Christy’s New Year meditation where, since doing it, I’ve been continuing to come back to the vibrations of opulence, confidence, awe, and play and opening myself up to new experiences. In fact, since joining the challenge, I’ve taken on a couple of new clients!”

Steven Evans

“My experience was great. I have just experienced a major awakening a few months prior to this and felt like I was kind of flying blind. My sister who has already been through the Quantum Energy Mastery program which I plan to attend this year. I experienced ways to move the energy through my body and process negative energy and thoughts through. I now find that I can consciously repeat this process throughout the day when I notice I become worried or anxious and it has helped a lot especially throughout the work day. Looking forward to the rest of the month and the QEM program in April!”

Amy Kaufman

“Christy’s messages are powerful and when she is with her guides/team it literally sends shivers down my spine. I have generally been compassionate with others and her message showed me that I do not extend this compassion to myself. Thank you Christy!”

Carol Ramage

Maria Arreguin

“I am thankful to have found Christy and the Council. Every session resonated to the very core of my being. When I decided to take on the Vice Freedom Challenge I knew that I could use it in everyday life to rid myself of those limiting beliefs. I can now see clearly the choices that do not serve me and know I deserve better. There is no greater feeling of energy, expansion and pure Love when meditating with Christy and the Council.

Thank you for the gift you share with all those you touch. “

Maria Arreguin

Laurie LeClaire

“First of all, I am so grateful to have been inspired by Christy Whitman. The first time I heard her, she was a guest on the first metaphysical webinar I watched back in midsummer of 2020. I liked her watch your words 30 days of reframing what words you use to shape your life. When the Council arrived on the scene….Oh Boy!!! How revolutionary! The wisdom and insights shared are what all hungry souls long to hear and embrace. I bought the 30 day CNS program and made it a point to watch the day’s replays if my schedule would not allow me to be present in real time. I have been healthy most of my adult life however back in December of 2016 I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma which attacked my thoracic spine. After the 6 rounds of chemo and blast of radiation to my chest I was told I was now in remission. But some unpleasant side effects of bone demineralization and stiff shoulders brought me to seek help from an orthopedic doctor who told me I had severe arthritis which required a total shoulder replacement. I decided to learn to deal with it by learning meditation and breathwork and working with QiGong most recently. ( I did not want to undergo surgery during the pandemic or at all if I could reset my body to align with my Soul.) The Vice meditation bundle was a temptation however I had spent too much money in the months leading up to the challenge so had to back off. The best part of the seven days of vice challenge was seeing that even Christy has an occasional challenge. ( She is human after all. ) And learning compassion for one’s body and the challenges it has been through was an important reminder that our cells need focused love and attention. I am reminded of the phrases Thank you, Forgive me,I am sorry, and I love you directed at the areas in my body which are hurting or working overtime. Thank you once again for inspiring so many.”

Laurie LeClaire

Natalia Szewczyk

“Hello beautiful souls. Every single healing was extremely profound for me, but freedom from stress, releasing worry and fear and neutrality of 3D is the most visible for me right now, I am completely different person than I was before January- my first quantum light shift.

Instead of reacting to a person, place or circumstances I’m now finally responding. My life became so much more enjoyable. I have shifted from suicidal to a person who can’t wait for each month, excited about another spectacular shift.

I’m so grateful and honored to be a part of this amazing community.

I cannot thank you enough Christy &the Council, I love you.”

Natalia Szewczyk

Jody Bliss

“I want to take a minute to express my gratitude for the Vice Freedom Challenge. Interestingly, I’m not exactly sure how I got into this, except that I did! I feel I was led to you and this program, and I am forever grateful.

The tools you have provided me have already changed my life for the better and I am fully confident that they will continue to in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. I have a journal full of notes and of course, the replays which I have used already and expect to beginning in February to help anchor it all. I will miss our morning gatherings! 🙂

I also want to acknowledge and thank you for your openness and vulnerability in sharing the stories you share. They have helped me immensely. In particular, your stories of your Mom resonate deeply with my relationship and management of my life with a family member. Prior to the class, she had gotten deeply under my skin regularly and often. I knew in my heart I had something to release but as hard as I tried, I couldn’t get there. I have done a great deal of energy work in the past few years, and this was my latest block to address and you have helped me make great progress. I am not there yet, and I know it will ebb and flow, but for the first time, I feel I can be around her without feeling it all so deeply and equipped to manage whatever comes my way with her or anything else. Ahh, what freedom!

So, to say I am grateful, is a major understatement. I love the fact that I am beginning a new year equipped with this knowledge and these tools. Thank you so much.

With Deep Gratitude.”

Jody Bliss

Kathy Stoner

“I wanted to share my journey for the last few years with you.

In 2015 I divorced my husband. He was mean and abusive in any way he could find that wouldn’t leave marks on my body. I drowned my emotions in food of every kind, but sweets were the answer to everything. My best friend started taking QSCA in 2015, and I was her client for many sessions. I had been trying to move about 20 miles south of where I was and get out of the house I had shared with my husband. Houses were selling before they were listed. One evening she did the Green Flame process with me. Just a couple days later I found my current house with a backyard that is my Happy Place. My healing had begun. I took QSCA in 2016 and more healing happened. Then came Energy Master multiple times and all of the Meditation sessions. Today I feel healed from all the ugly things he said and did to me.
In 2015 I weighed more than I ever had.

COVID was a life changing event for me for many reasons. Not long after we could go out in the world again after the lockdown, I decided I didn’t like going to the grocery store. Out of the blue I got a coupon in the mail for Bistro Med frozen meals. My doctor had been urging me to lose weight to control my type II diabetes brought on by polycystic ovary disease. I bought the meals from Bistro Med and I stayed on the meals for 3 months. I noticed I was starting to lose weight. I was also taking the Energy Master’s class. After the meals ran out, I went back to cooking for myself. I stayed eating clean with lean protein and lots of vegetables. I cut almost all of the sugar out of my diet. I listened to the Council when they told me to get rid of sugar in my life. My sugar now is honey or dried fruits or fresh fruit.

In August of 2020 I began substituting at the elementary school down the road. I worked Pre-K and Kindergarten for the first 4 months of school. Sitting in little chairs 10” off the floor repeatedly during the day did wonders for my muscles. The constant activity and walking around the school on errands kept me moving for 7 hours a day. When I went home I made sure I ate good healthy dinners.

I have continued on this journey. I still replay my Energy Master classes and listen to meditations. In July of 2022 I developed psoriasis from head to toe. I realized I had slipped off my diet. I added lots of broccoli and cauliflower to my meals. It took about a month for the rash to disappear. I started saying over and over every night phases The Council had said. I am a Divine Light Being! I am in Divine alignment! I am in Divine health and wellbeing! I still say those phrases every night as I’m going to sleep.

Fast forward to last week. I achieved a goal I never really thought I would make. I have lost 100 lb in the last 3 years. I would like to lose another 40-50. That would literally make me half of the woman I used to be. Pictures say 1000 words.

I want to thank you and The Council for all of the techniques and processes you have taught me. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without what I have learned from you and the Council.

With much gratitude and Love.”

Kathy Stoner

Karen Shier

“I was excited and honored to participate in the 8-Week Group Coaching Program led by Beth Myers as my mentor. During our time together my husband and I made a decision to sell our current home and move to a new home closer to his job. As I had experienced the selling/buying of homes in the past as anxious and less than fun, my intention with this experience was to have it flow with ease and grace, connect with my Divine Support Team, trust, and joyfully expect a positive outcome in Divine timing. With Beth’s mentoring, support, and encouragement, the process went amazingly smooth as I focused with gratitude and consciously created what I wanted to happen with ease and grace. It was truly a joyful, real-life Law of Attraction in Action experience. Thank you Beth – I’m grateful to you.

Karen Shier, Midlife Transformation Guide, Author, & Life Coach”

Karen Shier

Natalia Szewczyk

“I am always attending live sessions and after that, I am trying to listen to the recording as many times as possible, usually I feel the whole shift the most after a month. I started my journey with Quantum Light Shifts in January 2023 and every single one of them up till now was extremely profound for me. I am a completely different person ever since and this was the best decision of my life. I have not yet win the jackpot in the lottery ( as I always wished for ) but having the gratitude and appreciation for everything I have will bring me to vibration that will give me everything I desire by the end of this month I can feel it already so, I owe big fat THANK YOU to Christy & The Council for helping me become the best version of myself so far I’m sending love and light love you!”

Natalia Szewczyk

Bette Wilder

“I have been working as a Deaf Life Coach for the past five years, from 2018 to now, 2023, and into the new year, 2024. During this time, I have been mastering my skills in designing and creating content and overcoming other business challenges on my Facebook Coaching Business page. My goal is to attract and serve high-end Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

Throughout my journey, I have experienced both successes and setbacks, which have helped me learn and grow. By following my intuition and using my energy wisely, I have been able to expand my business and take on more responsibility. My mentor, Beth Myers, has been a great source of encouragement and inspiration, and I have also learned valuable lessons from other coaches.

I am grateful for Beth’s mentoring and coaching, as she understands the unique challenges faced by coaches and business owners, and has helped me develop strategies for success. As a result, I have been able to provide better services to my clients and achieve my goals.

I highly recommend the QSCA Mentoring program, which I have been a part of for more than eight days. Thank you to Beth and the QSCA team for their excellent service and support.”

Bette Wilder

Jody Bliss

“As I reflect on the last year+ with Christy Whitman and The Council in my life, I am in awe!! I am incredibly grateful that they found their way into my “in box” as my life is forever changed. I am happy to say that I have had the privilege of attending a vast majority of the offerings and have grown steadily throughout this time. For one thing, I was stuck in intense fear a year ago and making decisions from that place. I am not there anymore and among other things, I am now making decisions and looking at my new career from a space of excitement and co-creation.

Along the way, I have also made many new friends through the various configurations I have been a part of. I have weekly meetings and Zoom connections which are wonderfully enriching, and most of all, I have like-minded people to lean on and trust as we all navigate our life journeys.

One of the events I attended was the retreat in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was transformative!! And it was amazing to meet Christy and fellow clients in person!! I sat in the first circle and thought to myself, “she’s real!!” I told this to Christy later that evening and both she and The Council got a kick out of that!! They are real and their support, care and love for all of us is authentic and life changing. This goes for Christy’s team as well. To say I am full of gratitude doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. And I have all of 2024 to look forward to with Christy, The Council and my new friends by my side. How wonderful is that?!”

Jody Bliss

Laura Cousins

“Two years ago, I decided to close my business, sell my home and give away any items I didn’t take with me and move to Arizona.

Since then, I have shifted my life and am focused on homesteading, live in a lovely home and raise a bunch of cool animals.

About a year in, I realized I made much of my decisions (selling my home and relocating away from my family) due to a lack of processing the grief of a bad divorce and lack of support from my ex in raising our son (at this point, my grief regarding this matter was ten-years old).

Then the grief shifted to regret for moving out west, selling my home and being thousands of miles away from my family. For months, I have beat myself up with gut-wrenching sorrow.

Then, I read The Desire Factor and it, along with other practices, has changed my way of thinking, my belief systems and the way I feel about each day and the decisions I’ve made leading up to this moment.

The video, Dealing with the Pain of Grief, was a subtle reminder that feeling the pain from a perspective that’s compassionate, forgiving, loving and joyful is welcomed and can provide comfort and peace moving me past the pain and into abundance.

I am blessed and honored to be living the life I live, past, present and future and know I know it.”

Laura Cousins


“There is a quiet strength building inside as I have faith in my guides to move me forward in my life.

Christy’s monthly meditation “Getting to know your guides” exceeded my expectations!

Oh sure, we have guides. They point, we follow or not. They wait, we continue on.

Not true! Knowing I can ask them questions, give them tasks, lean on them when I’m leaning into a dark space. This is incredible!!!

My soul is more present to my mind. My heart is more awakened to love. My faith is more aligned with my desires!

I am forever changed!

Thank you!”

Tina Birkhoff

Jane Walters

“It’s been 10 years that I’ve been in Christy’s community starting with QSCA in 2014 which I graduated and wanted more. I’ve been in so many different configurations with Christy and since 2017 with Christy and the council and my life is full of light, my relationships with everyone in my life is full of connections and love. Over the years I’ve released and shifted in so many little ways, little ones at first and now big shifts in the feelings of energy, like living in JOY, I can take action in any given moment and be in the Joy or any other higher vibration of goodness. I’ve learned so much my whole perspective on my life has changed. I love my outlook of mine and all the people in my life. It is so much kinder. I see how we are all doing our best and we are all here for each other and I’m happy. Yes I am Happy. Just saying the words I am Happy brings me Joy because they are so true. So if there is an inkling of a yes to work with Christy go with it your life will change in the most miraculous ways in all areas and depths. So very grateful for the whole CWI team. I’m honoured and full being a part of this high vibrational community. I love being a part of The Energy Vortex this way I can keep plugged in. Thank you.”

Jane Walters

Gwendolyn Evans

“I took a deep look at what stops me from “receiving” Divine Love. Why do I struggle with bouts of “emptiness” and resort to a “vice” of binge-eating, ignoring my need for Love? I realize that I was conditioned since childhood to take care of my 7 younger siblings before looking to my own needs. That included letting them eat first, because we were poor and there often wasn’t enough food. The shift that I am experiencing now, being awakened by The Council’s guidance and my Tri-Ascended Masters, is that “enlightened self-interest” is not the same as being “selfish.” I’m more expressive of my feelings to others: energy in motion (raising my vibrations). The urge to overeat disappears when I acknowledge I receive and have the Divine Love inside me as my Source.”

Gwendolyn Evans

Sarah Langston

“Over the 20+ years the main shift Christy and the Council have helped and supported me:
Respect the Cup and share from the Saucer.
At first I was sharing until the cup was empty! Now I’m doing much better reviewing the saucer before giving.”

Sarah Langston

“I use the tools Council gives to help me stay center in Light when contrast happens. I am able to shift back into Light faster and easier. I start seeing how contrast helps me to feel what I prefer, providing more clarity for what I desire.

Thank you Christy and The Council for your Light and guidance.”

Wai Fun

“I enjoyed it, always learn something new.

Although I no longer have tangible addictions (previously was a sugar addict, workaholic, etc.), I learn from what she says about mindset, choices, tendencies, and other details. I always feel stronger afterwards.”

Sharon Levine

“I enjoyed the 7 days Vice Freedom Program. I learned a lot and I noticed the self-talk that came up during the day. I noticed the feelings that would come up when that self-talk negative or positive would creep up. I would have liked to participate in the full 30 days, but it was not in the cards. When it’s available, I will sign up for the full 30 days.”

Barb Miller

“I feel different i am lighter and more at peace with life, I have learned tools to help myself be on a higher energy level and how to recognize when i am not in sync with my true self thank you.”

Sandra Zink

“I am more mindful of the energy that I put off. I am coming to understand that it is all attraction. Allowing myself to feel good and be ok with feeling good. Noticing when I am feeling good and enjoying it. I am freeing myself out of the drama triangle with myself. I’m loving myself and my life.

The Vice that I’m dismissing is getting out of the drama triangle with myself. As a business owner I wear all the hats in my business and I find myself playing all the roles in the drama triangle with myself. I’m a new business and I didn’t know it but I love and have a talent for hand making jewelry. My business message is the “Be the energy you want to see in the world”. I’m retiring from my Federal career after twenty years. I’m so appreciative that I was guided to jewelry making. I find myself playing the victim when I’m not making sales. Then I go into fixer mode and wear myself out with taking actions. Then the hero when sales are good.

During the 7 day challenge I’m more mindful when I get into one of those roles and I’m able to shift. I shift by acknowledging the emotion then either take a break by journaling, meditating, listen to music or thinking about fun things that I’ve experienced.

I’m definitely more mindful of my emotions. I really appreciate this challenge.”

Ronda Fleming

“A change for the better.

It’s taken me a while to share this because I wasn’t really sure what was happening. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but somehow, throughout 30 days, my being was transformed into calmness. I noticed one day, when something happened that would normally send anger and upset through my body, it didn’t. While I was disappointed in the moment at what had transpired, there was no longer anger and upset coursing through my veins. I have been noticing this on several occasions. It’s almost as if anger can no longer affect my physical body. After a lifetime of reaction, this seems so strange. I am happy and extremely grateful to be in this new place.

I have also experienced a lifting of fear relating to a health condition. Before, when I would experience symptoms, my nervous system would go into panic mode. Now there is a calmness. Fear has lost its power.

Thank you Council and Christy Whitman.”

Jennifer Coxworthy

“Our coach was extremely attentive and went over and above to be sure we had a positive experience. She gently guided us with extra support with meditations and check ins. Always confirming we were receiving the best support.. Truly a blessing.”

Wendy Connole

“I loved this event. It’s the first time I’ve participated. I can’t wait to do more, and to listen again.
My mood has shifted to be more optimistic and lighter.”

Lisa Shaw

“Freedom from stress is what I got to actually experience. The Council is truly masterful in gently lifting us up and out of stain and tension and into a state of ease and grace the place from where the highest solutions can be realized.

Thank you Christy & the Council, ZD”

Zahra Dhanani

“I’d like to share a bit of my experience coming into the program .

First of all, I must say how much I appreciate the creation of this program, I believe this is the fourth time I have participated, it has been such an eye-opener.

The first time I took it I really wasn’t aware of why I had chosen it.

I participated for the 1st 7 seven days, but after those 7 days I knew I wanted to go deeper; however I felt I couldn’t afford the complete program, but I decided to look into my budget and thought, what if I take the risk of investing on my self and decided to go ahead, wasn’t sure that its was financially the best decision I remember tears rolling down as I made my payment, I couldn’t believe that I had gone ahead.

Before Meeting Christy I had followed other spiritual teachers. I don’t exactly remember how I found Christy, But I was attracted to her teachings that were before The Council came into the sessions.

2023, a new year, I was in bed infected by Covid, I felt exhausted, with zero physical energy. So that was a big challenge. The year began and I was told that I must move out from my apartment. I teach English as a second language at a university in Mexico City and also teach at the language school of the National University, well I lost half of my classes starting the year, which meant 50% of my income. Ok, this year started with a few bushwhacks and challenges, I was a bit in a state of shock and resistance feeling like an absolute victim!!! (So this was the perfect time for my Little victim, she wanted the leading role!!!!!) Well, at first she got the role, but she lost it this past week; although she keeps coming back begging for the role, the role has been eliminated.

My Word this year is abundance & I decided to work on inner vices: worrying and complaining! Well, I haven’t dropped them completely,but I must say I’m so aware and can feel so clearly when I have that urge and have been able to choose what I want to think and do when I feel the urge, and I have realized my desire for cookies and sugar has decrease without even working on it directly.

I’m using the different tools you have shared with us.

A few days ago for the first time since 2023 I sincerely began to feel everything is ok!!!! And the last couple of days I have been feeling a new energy that says: just open up and receive, this is a new momento!

I trust I will be able to continue healing with Christy and The Council.

I feel sooo much love, I’m sooo thankful and full of gratitude.


Alita Winburn

“I feel as if every single day of this 3D lifetime in this space-reality is such outrageous success. I never felt this way about my life, and I think this is the biggest success ever.”

Natalia Szewczyk

“I just wanted to thank you all for the beautiful, energy filled Compassion Box. I felt the Council’s energy before I even opened the box and when I held the Rose quartz in my hands, my entire body tingled with energy. It was amazing! I am so grateful.”

Valorie Ahlers

“I am in the process of changing my career path. My mind is very clear that I want to move forward to my desired career which I intend to create. At the same time, there is a strong feeling of worry and fear holding me back. After the class, I no longer feel the split inside me. I open up to allow new possibilities to come into my life. I was surprised to be guided to go someplace and invited for a concert all of which is free of charge!!! I love myself more, less self judgment / criticism and start seeing things in a positive way and look for solutions. I am so grateful and thank you to Christy and The Council this shift brings me so much peace and love into my life.”

Wai Fun Lai

“I did the 7 day Freedom Challenge, I just finished listening and what can I say, she is fantastic. I just broke up with my boyfriend of seven years. I have gained so much weight since working from home and after listening to Christy I am more aware of what I am eating and thinking. I actually ask myself why am I eating? And I know it’s a disconnect from my inner source so I look up and ask for help and it does help! And plenty of water. Just that few minutes of pause keeps me from indulging. Woohoo!

I am trying to get my business off the ground and instead of feeling sorry for myself or being scared I have been practicing on a daily basis to breathe in a thriving business, I feel it, I see it and I just got paid for six sessions in advance today! Now is that coincidence or the law of attraction?

Christy just has so many pearls of wisdom and she inspires me to be the best that I can be. She helps me see that I am not a victim of my circumstances but that I choose what I want in my life. Staying in high vibration even if it’s not high, but at least in neutral (especially on Mondays), helps me stay out of the pity pot and that I am able to choose to feel joy and gratitude and expect the best. That is what’s so powerful, that I am the one who chooses my state of vibration. I have her books too. I feel like she gave me permission to have desires and that it is ok for me to receive gifts, money, and abundance on every level. I had to learn to be open and allow myself to receive, and let go of the old beliefs that held me back. It’s all about what am I thinking and staying away or rephrasing negative thoughts, what words am I using, and the power of choice of what vibration do I want to feel now. I haven’t mastered it, but I am practicing every day and my life is getting better and better! She’s truly amazing and I love her authenticity. She is so relatable.”

Marcela Cona

“It was a very good weekend and I’m grateful to have attended the Virtual Goddess Retreat! The goddesses are in my stadium of light now…I see them standing as light sentries around on the “field” level. The retreat felt like an experience more than a healing and I have not been sure what to do with it at times. It was so different from the Sacred Circle of Light or a healing event. I desire more time in small groups with like-minded women where we have time to interact – especially in person. 🙂 I would absolutely love to attend a live goddess retreat. I bet that will be absolutely amazing and very powerful.”

Laura P

“As I continue to participate in the Quantum Light Shifts, I am becoming more and more able to shift myself. As a result of these sessions, I now notice when I am in lack and limitation and know how to shift myself to experience more love, light and possibility in each moment.
Thank you Christy and the Council.”

Zahara Dhanani

“A day before the QLS, I was listening to the I Am statement. I feel so sad when I hear I am worthy, I am deserving. I dive into this emotion and notice deep inside I was against it. Your reality is evidence there is no change, nobody comes to help you. After the QLS, I started to be aware that guidance can be everywhere, from anyone. Not so attached to feeling contrast. Now I can easily let go of contrast and shift back into feeling good. I used to grasp tightly onto money. Now I can spend money more comfortably, almost daily I find a penny everywhere. Apart from money, I have abundance of freedom, energy, support and guess what I just saw 4:44pm when I am writing this abundance sharing.

Thank you Christy and The Council for your guidance and support helping me to be more allowing, trust and open to receive.”

Wai Fun

“This was one of the most profound shifts for me, all of them were, but this one allowed me to stay on high level frequency, despite all challenges, as this period of the year is connected with meeting people from the past that contributed to my life lessons the hard way. As my trauma is family related, I was able to experience Christmas with joy and calmness,peace and harmony in my heart. I no longer was reactive even to the most challenging conversation. This was the most beautiful feeling so far, I can’t thank you enough.”

Natalia Szewczyk

“The last Quantum Light Shift with Christy & the Council was one of the most profound experiences I’ve had with the Council yet. And that is saying a lot as I’ve done quite a few deep experiences with the Council, including Goddess Rising and Sacred Circle of Light). The shifts I have seen, and continue to see, are profound.

First, the evening of the QLS I felt the deepest sense of peace I’ve felt in quite some time. The last time I felt this way I was away on a retreat with no phone, no TV…. This time I was living real life and felt amazing. It was almost foreign but then I decided to simply enjoy and bask in the peace.

The second major shift has been around my resistance to moving forward with new aspects of my business. I had been fighting even doing the basics and suddenly I am diving in, getting a ton done and feeling incredible hope for my future. I know…I mean I KNOW…my Divine loves me, supports me and has incredible things brewing ready to be in my 3D world.

So grateful for this work!”

Laura Primus

“These Quantum Light Shift sessions support me every time in making the internal micro shifts in my focus and as a result in my energy. Thank you Council for guiding us to bring attention and compassion to the parts of us that are limited – release the stuck energy and then receive the energy of all that we truly desire!”

Zahra Dhanani

“I noticed myself avoiding success in terms of the word itself or feeling. During the healing, the Council has brought up a lot of things. I realized having the belief Success was not easy to attain, label myself as failure. With the support from the Council, the pain is easy to let go. Now when some past memories come out, instead of judging myself or others, I see myself embrace the past to give me the clarity of what I prefer. I started changing the definition of success, let success be the norm in my life. This is the first year I have bought myself a gift to allow myself to feel good and pleasure. I am so grateful for Christy and The Council. Thank you so much.”

Wai Fun

“I’ve heard over and over “You can’t change what has happened but you can change how you look at it.” I have learned the next step through the Council! That is the step of compassion! True, you can’t change the past, but you can have compassion for those involved and what has happened neutralizing, softening or even eliminating the pain and emotional discomfort that the situation created.

I love this! Thank you!”

Tina Birkhoff

“When Christy said that this was the most powerful energy yet, she was spot on. Something shifted inside of me during the session that all previous programmes and shifts had just chipped away at. I feel like I’m finally living, not just going through the motions. I’ve found decluttering 100 years of family possessions to be really easy for the first time. I’ve got the energy that I used to have 20 years ago and each day is a pleasure. It’s as if Vice Freedom, QEM, Divine Design, Breaking free from Drama, Energy Innermix, Super Flow and all of the healing events were just leading me to this one, amazingly powerful, Quantum Shift. So excited that the next one is almost here!”

Shirley Wardle

“Just right after the quantum light shift, I had a period of challenge and it was just so amazing to see myself responding not reacting, setting boundaries and also sending healing energies to people and animals around me, this was so beautiful! Thank you Christy for being the channel for the Council <3 so grateful for you!"

Natalia Szewczyk

“I feel happier and more harmonious in life. There is still contrast or things do not happen as I think of. Instead of feeling unhappy with it, I notice I accept what it is, see this as a blessing and have loving thoughts about it “this happens for my good, let’s follow”.

More trust in myself. I was brought up where I was used to being wrong. I dare not do something out of normal in order to feel safe. After this healing. I started to listen to myself in small little things. Things just turn out nicely in front of me. Thank you Christy and The Council.”

Wai Fun

“Stepping on to your highest path with the Council was extraordinary. A true demonstration of a path of light, we each have our own true path. Experiencing this light shift with the Council has expanded my awareness of how much much more is available and awaits us.”

Zahra Dhanani

“Today I openly spoke about healing to a stranger about how I just do what Jesus once said that we are all capable of – and more …

It was received with an open heart and smile. The lady answered she agreed. It feels good.

This I share honouring your work. Thank you.

Love and appreciation.”

Vivian Engel

“I have been experiencing joy in places where I was distressed or would be sad and angry. This is new, a very calm presence has been more present in my life over the last week.”

Michael Marchetti

“The healing has cleared many negative self-talk and helped me see things from a different point of view. When I am triggered, I am able to remind myself to use the contrast as an inspiration to create what I want. Be able to stay in the essence I want while in the middle of contrast. I start to realize I can create my reality. Several months ago I set an intention that the customer I take care of can make payment. Many of their business cash flow is getting better and making payments. Some of them are able to find buyers to dispose of properties and fully settle the facilities. Thank you Christy and The Council for this powerful healing.”

Wait Fun

“It’s mid morning, my 9:30 am appointment had to cancel last minute. I have a long To Do List. And Christy’s email pops up with a free meditation on Self Love.

My normal response to self care is to add it to the list. Not anymore. Having experienced meditations with Christy and the Council before, I knew the 18 minutes would be worth the time spent on myself.

This is my second meditation in the The Power of Self Love and the fullness and calmness that I felt during and afterward have been, dare I say, addictive? (in a positive sense). When Christy first talked about Love and Compassion as the keys to getting out of the Drama Triangle, I was at a loss. I couldn’t feel self love or compassion. So I focused on her suggestion of wrapping myself in a warm blanket–that sensation I knew.

Today, in this second meditation on Self Love, I was able to swim in the Love Bath, to feel the love coming into and surrounding me. I was floating then submersed, able to breathe in the depth of the love.

I bought the Meditation Series on Feelings and haven’t started yet (three days now since I was gifted this fabulous opportunity). Procrastination is not one of my normal traits. I think the concept of feeling is a bit scary yet I want it. After today’s experience in the Love Bath, I am ready to begin.

Many thanks to Christy and the Council for sharing this powerful meditation.”

Nancy Eichhorn

“I have noticed a huge shift, I have finally solved the riddle that has been on my mind for a really long time now. I hope my intuition will open even more and I will be able to connect to my guides on a daily basis. Thank you!”

Natalia Szewczyk

“I experienced energy shifting during the experience & then after, I experienced downloads of clarity around certain limiting beliefs or actions I’ve done in the past that have limited me. There was no judgment at all, just clarity and compassion & a sense of readiness to move on in love & gratitude for those experiences. I am grateful for the opportunity & community Christy has created!”

Elizabeth Birch

“Since the incredible Quality Quantum Light Shift on Intuition – I definitely feel more aware of the little nudges, the gentle divine promptings to act. It feels marvelous to move this way in the world.

Thank you Christy and The Council.”

Zahra Dhanani

“I am amazed at how Council always has for Us the best theme in store at the right time! Awakening to my higher mind helped me to see solutions I missed to see before, helped me to be more creative but for the most it helped me to actually stay calm in the time of contrast. Right before the Quantum light shift I was very stressed about being out of job as a single mother. As I kept on listening to the recording more and more I now started to feel that the Universe has something bigger and much better for me in store than I can imagine and by staying calm and positive (thanks to this shift) I will attract it to me very soon. My higher mind told me so I love it! Thank you Christy & the Council.”

Natalia Szewczyk

“I released the energy of being anxious, tense, and with this healing, I am feeling inside a sense of calmness, relaxed, supported and loved.”

Dixie Weller

“Two days after I participated in the Quantum Light Shift, I had a profound breakthrough around stuck grief that I had been unable to release for a long time relating to loss and not being able to help others who do not want help. There is now a greater sense of openness and ease. And I can’t help but think that on some level it will help with my goals in the Becoming a Healer and Opening to Channeling course!

So grateful!”

Sharon Reynolds

“After the meditation, I feel grounded like an anchor in mother earth. I was used to the feeling of floating, unsteady (I thought this was normal) until I did this 20 min meditation. Thank you so much Christy and The Council for your love and support.”

Wai Fun

“I had just hiked 12 miles in the Sierra Nevada’s to Snow Valley Peak (a mixture of dirt and snow–shoulder season here) then I did my 1 hour Qigong practice. I was ready to chill and received the link for this calming meditation. Perfect timing. I snuggled on the couch with a warm blanket and let Christy and the Council walk me through the interweave of nerves that create my central nervous system. Tension flowed through my being and down and out, glittering white light filled me, replacing old with new. Thank you Christy and the Council for sharing this powerful shift with me.

In gratitude,”

Nancy Eichhorn

“IThis is incredible because my shift started before the class. By just deciding that I really must do this theme. I asked to win this quantum light shift and I asked the Council to help me win it as I really needed to do it, Council must’ve known as well how much I needed this because I won!!! By being my authentic self and admitting how much I need to do it, I won! I also noticed that now, more than ever, I am ready to create boundaries and to no longer be a people’s pleaser, but for the most- I am finally capable of being true to myself, which is the biggest win of all!!!

Thank you,

Christy and the Council.”

Natalia Szewczyk

“I felt something heavy lift off the left side of my head and throughout the Abundance session there was a feeling of peace around the energy of Abundance. I will go back and listen to it again. To remind myself what abundance feels like.”

Dixie Weller

“Listening to the Authentic Self Quantum Light shift meditation on my walk today was so fabulous!

When the Council asked to think of our limited self as a creature in a cage, a bear cub instantly appeared! She was sad, lonely, depressed.

Here’s my shift without blaming! I understood my parents discipline, boundaries, and communication as limiting. I allowed it to squash my authenticity. I always felt a vibrant, silly, joyful child under the surface but unwelcome.

I allowed that self limiting belief into my adulthood. Finding a partner with similar limitations. It was “safe.”

As my bear cub self slipped into the love pool and shed decades of guilt and shame I saw her swimming to my side! I was free! And so was she!! We parted ways forever in the stadium cutting the cords that held us entwined.

I feel renewed! My expectations are void of the “shield of shame” keeping me from true enjoyment! No more trepidation!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I am blessed in light!”

Tina Birkhoff

“After the healing, I realize I have made the decision that my authentic self is not lovable, not acceptable. By this realization and much compassion, I start feeling connection with the Self. When I feel not lovable and want to be like others. I give myself permission to be who I am, the fear of not being loved is much less. Feeling connected, Self-love, being taken care of and safe.

Thank you Christy and The Council.”

Wai Fun

“During the Healers and Channeling weekend workshop yesterday, I noticed intense heat start at the back of my heart and spread out across my upper back and torso. In addition to the work being done on us during the workshop, I can’t help but think that this meditation which I had listened to a few days earlier, contributed to this movement of energy, which I gratefully accept as a healing of stuck energy!”

Sharon Reynolds

“The Energy Vortex: Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life In 30 Minutes. The visuals really enriched my experience today. I’m feeling so calm and peaceful.Thank you.”

Pat McAdam

“This was a nice reminder for me that self-worth goes along with being present and reminding me of the words I describe myself, and provide me with compassion.”

Dixie Weller

“I did not expect to be moved during this meditation but I felt like an energy moving from my stomach to my throat like something had to be released from my mouth but remained stuck. I shed some tears I felt slightly relieved.

In overall it was a beautiful experience.”

Fatima Adamou

“This was a powerful mindset, heart, and energetic shift into being ‘IN LOVE’. The experience of abiding and residing in love was so soothing. I now know that LOVE is always available to me in all ways.

Thank you Christy and The Council.”

Zahra Dhanani

“I’ve been working (through writing and meditation) to heal chronic pain. One writing exercise is to ask the pain what it is protecting you from. It’s a question I’ve been asking for a very long time. I realized years ago that I had a protector that was keeping me TOO safe. I’m 71 and my chronic “condition” has manifested in everything from fear of driving (esp on freeways), to generalized anxiety, lack of a strong sense of self, etc. in the past 15 years it has manifested in physical pain. It just dawned on me all the falls I took in my 40s and 50s, for no discernible reason, were also a manifestation of my protector. Wow! Glad it’s never too late! At any rate currently deal with “whack a mole” nerve and muscle pain. I GET that my brain is creating it, I get it’s protecting me but from what? I almost didn’t listen to this, but something spurred me. I’m being protected from the hostile universe I’ve inadvertently created. Early loss of my father, whom I’ve come to feel (if we’re fortunate) is meant to be our guide to the outside world, no doubt impacted this. That and I’m a Piscean empath, etc. etc. Regardless, I can choose this as my story or write a new one. This is something I’ve known for years also, but only intellectually, not as the “puzzle pieces are fitting together” heart knowledge. The Universe loves and supports me and wants me to be happy.”

Robin Slater

“As I grow through this life I am learning that this first born has taken life too seriously and literally.

While walking the other day, after listening to the Dissolving Imperfections QLS, I was starting to shame myself for wasting so much of my guides and angels’ time caring for me with little or no results. Within moments an awareness came to me…

  1. There is no time in the upper realms of spirits, so nothing is wasted.
  2. They do everything because they love me, nothing else.
  3. There are no expectations from my guides when I request something. Regardless of my perception of growth from my request they know I’ve grown just by my asking.
  4. Regardless of what I asked, how I responded, and how I grew, I know I have infinite love and they would gladly do what I ask even if it was for the 100th time. (Lordy, please let me figure it well before then )

Through the process of releasing, all contrast can be seen differently.

I am forever grateful to all in my Stadium, Christy, the team, and the Council.

Love and light,”

Tina Birkhoff

“I release a lot of conditional love and comparison with others. Start seeing myself is enough and feeling connected with Soul. Less self-judgment and comfortable receiving love from others. Feeling more happy, love and support in life.”

Wai Fun

“It was as if my joints had been waiting for me to find a gentle way of releasing, besides topical treatments or taking medication to ease the pain. It was as if they were Thanking me, for this gentle loving release and I am grateful to also listening to the video message.”

Dixie Weller

“My heart is noticeably softer, I feel more loving. Yeah! I don’t know if that is since or because of the Quantum Light Shift ‘Seeds of Inspiration’ or the course Meeting and Connecting with your Guides or anything else the ascended masters have been pouring into me or all of the above, but I love it! My husband has been noticing it too. I have been wishing for and working on this for so long, I am very grateful.”

Carina Verhoeve

“I love spending this time in Light with Christy and the Council. With each Light Shift session, I know without a doubt there is a pattern interrupt to those areas within me that have not yet been able to be and live in ease and joy. I am ever so grateful for this beautiful container that Christy and the Council provide for us to really immerse ourselves in a higher vibration.”

Zahra Dhanani

“Through the healing, I am able to open myself up to experience joyful, happy feelings. Realizing there is inner belief “I cannot have what I desire, not deserve to love/joy” is blocking me to move forward. I start to say yes to things that I love with lesser feelings and need to hold back. Learning to pivot into joy from moment to moment. Thank you so much Christy and The Council for the shift.”

Wai Fun

“Every light shift configuration I’m in builds on the last, The self love light shift was so powerful. All the rituals I do for my self care daily all contribute to me being in a high vibration to flow through my day with ease and grace. It feels so supportive and comforting to be apart of the light shifts to receive higher energies and goodness consistently that keeps me attracting back to me all the abundance I’m willingly participating in being a member of Christy’s community. I love it!!”

Jane Walters

“The shifts I have had through the Quantum Light Shift – along with the support of Sacred Circle and the 7-Day Self-Love challenge have been utterly profound. I now understand, at a cellular level the depth of love my Soul and the Divine have for me. That I was uniquely **chosen** by my Soul. My Soul knew all the ups and downs, positives and negatives of my personality, the challenges I would go through (including adoption!) and my Soul said – THAT ONE. The difference this has made in my day-to-day life is amazing. I am more at peace. For the first time in my 54 years I can honestly say I love myself more than I ever had (and I’m not sure I ever did before)! My Trust in the Divine to guide my path has solidified more than I ever thought possible. For anyone wondering if they should join Christy’s community and dive into this work….the answer is an unequivocal YES! Do it!!!”

Laura Primus

“The Self Love Quantum Light Shift applied to multiple areas of my life.

I was born into a hard working country family that had a very large extended family. There’s a lot to grow from here!

Eating and nutrition were important to my mom and with minimal income so was getting every ounce of meal making from what they could afford. Top this off with obesity and anorexia prolific in the extended family I learned WAY more than “You are what you eat!”

The “Tit-for-tat” eating behavior was key. If you eat this today you can’t have that tomorrow, you’ll pay a price. I’ve worked on changing this for several years. After this Light Sift there is no work.

I am Infinitely loved on every level and for every ounce of my being. I listen to my Divine Self about my health and nutrition. I eat what feels right and when it feels right, reveling in every delicious bite. I am grateful for what is available, what this beautiful planet offers me.

I bargain no more for my beautiful and healthy body as I experience food in a grand scale of tasty opportunities.

Thank you Christy and Council!”

Tina Birkhoff

“I love the healing energy of the Council. I had such a big release on that quantum healing, so profound, even before the Council started to speak. I had gigantic “AHA” moment when Christy told us about all the things we didn’t want to receive and immediately my mind went back in time to all those memories of all the people and situations that I didn’t want to receive. I’ve cried a lot- meaning- there was a lot of stuck energy that I could finally release. AMAZING ❣️ 👏 Thank you Christy &The Council of course 😊 sending Love&Light ❤️”

Natalia Szewczyk

“I truly received both an ‘opening’ to receive and a ‘how to’ receive a constant flow of Divine Love and Divine Energy.

I received a palpable expansion that has truly shifted the trajectory of my life.

Thank you Christy and the Council.”

Zahra Dhanani

“This was an amazing light shift, everyday tools to keep me grounded and also in flow with my divine and my souls light, what an abundance exchange. Tools to support me to receive all my good. The feeling being in this space, felt so safe and so very much connected to myself, Mother Earth and the Universe was so powerful, giving and receiving on a whole different level. I love this work. I love that Christy share this work with the world and that Christy shares the Council of Light with us all, very blessed. so much gratitude.”


“I knew it would be a big one for me and it has been 🙏 I listened 3 times in 24 hours and still processing days later… This theme seems for me to be the main subject for everything in life as it determines each relationship I have with me and the World around me… Feelings and perceptions.. I keep meditating with it and processing the different aspects that come to the surface in emotions and consciousness… Immensely powerful as everything is with Christy and the Council ✨ thank you for all your support, processes and healings… For more light in my World and the World around me… So Grateful 🙏🤍✨”

Florence Reymond

“What shifted for me with this particular Quantum Light Shift was my ability to provide myself with recognition & respect, approval, admiration & appreciation and how to hold a high regard and high opinion of myself in a most humble and healthy way. Thank you Christy & The Council!”

Zahra Dhanani

“In case you ever wondered (or doubted)….. if there is a group of beings that is from beyond this Earth plane, that is unconditionally loving, here to help you evolve to your best self, give you clear information about what life is REALLY about, and generous energy healings with simple tools to use everyday – doubt no more. To be in a small and personal group format with a direct, main line to the Council of Light over a WHOLE year! Honestly, I don’t know anywhere else that’s possible. The shifts to my view of Self, my energy, and beliefs of ‘reality’ are too numerous to count. I have been doing programs for 35+ years and none of them compare to the depth of the work possible with Christy and the Council.”

Shannon Maris

“In case you ever wondered (or doubted)….. if there is a group of beings that is from beyond this Earth plane, that is unconditionally loving, here to help you evolve to your best self, give you clear information about what life is REALLY about, and generous energy healings with simple tools to use everyday – doubt no more. To be in a small and personal group format with a direct, main line to the Council of Light over a WHOLE year! Honestly, I don’t know anywhere else that’s possible. The shifts to my view of Self, my energy, and beliefs of ‘reality’ are too numerous to count. I have been doing programs for 35+ years and none of them compare to the depth of the work possible with Christy and the Council.”

Shannon Maris


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Christy Whitman International, Inc.
(888) 551-3121 -
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260