As part of our celebrating Meditation Month, I am sharing some of our favorite meditations from The 30 Days of Quantum Success Meditations series with you.

This first one is from the Emotions series called Insecurity and Unworthiness.  The affirmation is My security and worthiness come from The Divine!

In the first part of the replay, I share some information about feelings of insecurity and unworthiness before starting the meditation, during which The Council joins us.

When clients join the daily 30-day meditation series live, they interact in real-time with me and our Light-filled Community within the Zoom chat and the private Meditation Group in our Energy Vortex Community. Over the 30 days, they can receive extra support and ask questions. You will sometimes hear some of those questions answered during the introduction to the meditations. 

The Council gives us a nice process for those emotions, reprinting places we decided we weren’t worthy, which typically was a younger part of us.

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Please GO HERE to share any shifts you notice after listening to this meditation. When you Share Your Shifts with us, you will automatically be entered into the next monthly drawing.  #shareyourshifts

You are infinitely loved,
Christy & The Council