In this Issue

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Volume 5, Issue 12
December 6, 2012

Click Here to easily recommend this ezine to anyone you know that is interested in having more money, love, and joy in their lives right now.

Subscribers receive $129 worth of valuable tools. Including a free meditation to help you raise your vibration and special reports to show you how to apply the Universal Laws.

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I want to wish you a really happy and healthy holiday season. I am committed to helping you make 2013 your best year ever.

Yeah! Christmastime is one of my favorite occasions! Especially now that I have the boys, this time of year is so much fun. We are heading to Arizona for our yearly two-week vacation.

This time of year is also when most of us are around people we don’t typically see a lot since we are now attending more get-togethers, parties, and family functions.

This year, instead of allowing yourself to be knocked off by that crazy uncle because he talks with his mouth full of food, or your mom because she is still feels the need to control and give unsolicited advice about you and your life (even though you are an adult and now have your own life), or a cousin who is so loud and his stories go on and on, take these steps to find your center during these busy times:

  1. Before you go into any occasion, event, or party, intend for the outcome that you would like to experience. What feelings do you want to experience during this time? (I intend to have a fun time. I want to feel abundant.)
  2. Connect with the feeling and make sure you are grounded in your body. Stay in tune with your body while you are speaking to someone. Imagine feeling your feet on the floor and grounded to Mother Earth. Be present in your body.
  3. When going from conversation to conversation, allow yourself to be present, listen, and then take a deep breath to transition to the next person. Since we are busier this time of year, do the same as you are going from activity to activity.
  4. Take a break here and there, just for yourself. Take a walk. Go into the bathroom and breathe deeply three times (unless someone was in there right before you - LOL). Or just pull all of your energy and attention inside your own body so you can connect with yourself.
  5. Watch any of the typical hot buttons that come up, such as thoughts or feelings of scarcity or inadequacy, or any issues that stem from not trusting yourself, others, or the Universe.
  6. If anything comes up during these times, this is your opportunity for growth. This is what is coming up to be released.
  7. Do this centering exercise to help you through this busy time: Absolute Alignment Meditation
  8. Pull back any energy that you have scattered throughout the event or day. Close your eyes and imagine everything as energy. Just imagine calling back all the energy you left out in the Universe.
  9. Join me on New Year’s Day to create your awesome 2013! Details in the upcoming events section.

From my family to yours . . . have a great holiday! I really appreciate you so much!

As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment.

Also, be sure to check out to my recent interview on "Stop Raising Einstein." Click here to listen!

Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!

Imagine and enjoy,

“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”

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Click here or on the video above to watch the most recent weekly episodes of the Quantum Success Show with Christy Whitman. Released every Monday morning, each episode covers another area of the Law of Attraction and tips on how you can apply them successfully to your life.

Creating Your Ideal Body Telecourse - Begins December 18th

This 8-week live program has been designed to assist you in creating your ideal body, which includes your ideal weight and health. It is based on the premise that your inner world creates your outer world. The more you concentrate on changing your inner reality, the faster you will see new results in your outer reality.

Click here to learn more and to register!

December 31st FREE Teleseminar - New Years Eve Meditation

Join me for this meditation on New Year's Eve at 9am PST/12pm EST where we will set the energy for the new year. I will connect you to your future self so that you can deliberately decide what you want to create in 2013, five years from now, and throughout the rest of your life. I do this meditation every year and it just keeps getting better and better! Join me for this live, free teleseminar so that you can create the powerful future you desire.

Click here to register now...

40 Days of Abundance with Christy - Starting January 1st

40 Days of Abundance with Christy Whitman

Start your 2013 infused in the energy of abundance. This is an exciting new program focusing on expanding into abundance. If you have taken The Abundance Principle Coaching Program and are ready to go to the next level of abundant expansion, you will love this:

Your Chance to Work One-On-One With Me...

How can one hour change your life? What do you want to release or even embody to expand and create a better future? I have not taken on new clients for years, but I am opening up my practice for laser sessions on a first come first serve basis.

Go here to find out more:

Sign up for a complimentary coaching session!

Do you want to have a free coaching session? Yes, that is right, the amazing coaches from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy want to coach you - for free! You will receive fabulous coaching and learn processes and techniques to raise your vibration. Many of my other "family" members have taken advantage of this offer, and they are already seeing the results manifest in their lives. This is your chance! There is no cost and no obligation. If you are interested, click here to sign up.

Featured Certified Law of Attraction Coach:

Kelly Lewis

As a deliberate creator, I have manifested my ideal body, a loving and passionate marriage, an abundance of positive and uplifting relationships, my dream car, multiple streams of income, and many other rewarding opportunities which continue to come my way! And more importantly, I am overflowing with inner peace and joy. Now, as a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, I am helping others do the same! In my coaching program, The Power of Connection, I host monthly teleclasses that provide you with tools you can use to connect with your higher "true" self. This alignment of energy will allow you to attract anything you desire! Using principles of the Law of Attraction and other universal laws, I will guide you through simple techniques, processes and meditations that you can then integrate into your daily life. Soon, you will uncover your own power to create the life you truly want and deserve!

Kelly Lewis
Experience The Power of Connection

The Enlightened Kid Programs are all about creating a solid foundation for your child. We focus on building strong character, high self-esteem, and unlimited possibilities. The Enlightened Kid Programs offer a simple yet effective step-by-step solution to empower your children as they grow and reach different stages in their lives. Each program (ages 0-2, 2-5, and 5-8) is designed for that specific age group with games, songs, and stories that are not only fun for your child, but will naturally teach and provide them with the necessary tools and skills they need to become powerful individuals. When children are in touch with their true power, abundance and joy they naturally stop fighting, whining, and screaming – and they instantly become vibrant, happy and fun.

Affirmations for Manifesting:

  • I laugh and play.
  • I put myself in situations where I feel honored, loved, and valued.
  • I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily.
  • I breathe in deeply, filling my lungs with oxygen and light.
  • I am awakening spiritually to my full potential.

Monthly Meditation:

New Year's Eve Meditation (FREE)

This is a recording of a meditation that I do every year to bring in the energy that I want for my new year. Listen to this meditation on New Year's Eve or join us for the live call on Dec. 31st.

Allowing in Success in 2013

This month I want to take you through a process called “Allowing Success.” This is a very powerful process that will help you expand into the success that you desire.

1. Picture something that you want that you don’t yet have.

It could be money. It could be a relationship. It could be clients. It could be an ideal body. Whatever you want. Really get a clear picture in your mind of what this thing is for you.

2. Think of all the reasons why you’re now closer to getting what you want than you’ve ever been.

Think about it--not the reasons why you want it--but why you’re now closer to getting what you want than you’ve ever been. For example, if you want to attract clients, why are you now closer than you’ve ever been? Is it because you’re clearer about the clients that you have? It’s not so much the reasons why you feel you deserve it, but why you’re getting closer than you’ve ever been. Write that down.

3. Take a moment and experience what success feels like to you.

Even if you have to close your eyes, what does success feel like in your physical body? Think about a time when you felt success. You might think of a past or even present success or imagine what a future success would feel like. Let it become as much of a physical and emotional experience as you can. Let yourself physically feel the success. Let your emotions come up and allow yourself to emotionally feel that success. Breathe in that success for a few minutes; let yourself expand. Let yourself feel it and expand. Say for example, from a place of one to ten, you’re maybe at a five. Allow yourself to expand to a seven, and then expand to an eight, so that you’re feeling success all throughout your physical body. Breathe in that success. Feel it at an even deeper level.

When you’re in this space, congratulate yourself on all the things that you can think of that you’re doing well right now. It might be being a parent. It might be being a great friend. It might be attracting clients. It might be making money. Maybe you’re releasing weight; whatever it is for you. Maybe you’re working out. Maybe you’re creating a baby. Just congratulate yourself on all the things that you are doing well right now. And hold on to that and feel that success all throughout your body.

4. One way you can allow success is by telling your personal history in a way that emphasizes all the good experiences you’ve had.

Think about it. We’ve all had bad experiences and we’ve all had good experiences. Most of us tell our stories of how bad things are, and the bad things that have happened. Instead of going into that space, tell stories of how good things are, and the good things that have happened.

We are taught as children not to boast. We are taught not to be conceited. So we’re always looking for and pointing out all the bad things. It’s as if our society is so addicted to the drama of things because you hear people saying, “Oh you think that’s bad, I have it so bad…” Instead, start to look at all of the things you do in your life that are good experiences; that are wonderful experiences. Vacations that you’ve taken. Start looking for the good. It’s really a different shift. As you’re doing this, expand the success in your physical body. You can play the following game alone or with a friend. Come up with as many answers as you can in three minutes or less.

a. Tell your personal history or story as if you grew up with great abundance. Pick actual incidents, focusing only on times when you felt abundant, got what you wanted, or experienced your parents as abundant. You will be amazed at how many times you can remember when you did feel abundant.

b. Tell your personal history from the perspective of how you know you have always been divinely guided, as if you had a guardian angel. Think of two or three incidents to demonstrate this.

c. Tell your personal history from the perspective of how easily you have created things you wanted, perhaps remembering a time when you wanted something and it appeared quickly, without any effort on your part.

As you start doing this and you start really bringing in that feeling of success, consciously expand it even more, connecting with all the successes of the past and really expanding that success.

Check in with yourself right now and ask yourself how good you feel now that you’re focused on the areas of your past that actually work for you. Obviously, with the Law of Attraction, the more you focus on the abundance that you had in the past or that you have in the present, the more prosperity you’re going to attract in the future, and the more success you’re going to have and experience in the future. All of our energy follows thought. So whatever you’re paying attention to, it grows and increases. If you pay attention to your past successes, you’ll create a successful, positive future for yourself. Continue to allow that success to expand.

In this section I have some great resources for you. My intention is to provide you with these resources so that you can continue the journey to empowerment. Some of them may resonate with you, and others may not. It is like being at a buffet . . . just take what you like and leave the rest. Enjoy!

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  • is about helping both people in a marriage -- even if one has been abusive and one has been a victim of it. Why should anyone have to “go it alone”?
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  • goes beyond “saving your marriage” – it’s looking to help couples fall in love again.

You see, healing a marriage begins with healing the individuals in it.

Healing—not divorce—is the only good alternative to a bad marriage.

Dr. Deb has a free gift for you right now to get you started, Signs Your Marriage Needs Help - And What to Do About It. Go to

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn holds a Ph. D. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University. She has helped hundreds of couples in troubled marriages transform when all the other therapists say "forget it!" She has written articles for the public and professionally, been on radio and TV and has her own newspaper column.

And I'm very excited to be a featured contributor for the November/December Holiday issue of Moms Growing With GoalsTM Magazine!

Subscribe now for this complimentary magazine at

Christy WhitmanChristy Whitman: Christy Whitman is a New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman's World, Woman's Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Meet her at and