In this Issue
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Volume 5, Issue 8
August 2, 2012
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worth of valuable tools. Including a free meditation to help you raise your vibration and special reports to show you how to apply the Universal Laws.
Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,
This has been quite a summer so far. I have really spent a lot of time in reflection of my life, what I want in my future, and how I want to show up.
It started with a consulting firm contacting me and asking me, “Who is Christy Whitman?” That one question got me digging so deeply into who I am, my past, and what I have intended to create in my future.
Several questions came to me and by answering them, I really stepped into a greater fullness of myself.
When I was describing “The Fullness of Me” to Frederic, my husband and even to myself, I could only describe the feeling and not what that looked like on a physical level for me. I am usually very visual and the fact that I could not connect with a picture of what I wanted to create was a different shift for me.
When I asked myself the following questions, I got really clear about my life and it really raised my vibration.
Ask yourself:
Who am I? Then decide who you want to be, how you want to show up, and what you want to experience in this life.
What do I want?
What do I think of me?
What do I like most about me?
What do I value?
How do I feel valuable?
Do I feel free?
Do I feel powerful?
Do I feel I am good?
Do I feel I am love?
Do I feel I have purpose?
Do I feel I have value?
Do I feel all is well?
I thought about the Enlightened Kid program that we have created for children, and one of the beliefs is “I am good.
If you really felt that at the core of who you are is good or love, what would your life be like?
All throughout my childhood I was told I was a pain in the ass, and I really did not feel like I was good. Not just a good person, but good. I felt I was bad.
My sister used to call me the “shit disturber” because I was always pushing the envelope. I was lighting up people, because I stood up for myself. I always felt like I was different from my family and could not relate to their thinking, so I was labeled as a “pain in the ass.”
I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last fifteen years on therapy, coaching, healing, seminars, books, programs, etc. to shut down that voice that said I was bad.
Imagine if at the core of who you are, you really felt good. How would your life be different? Imagine a child who grows up knowing that he or she is good, powerful, loved, free. WOW!
My family was walking into the gym the other day and there were these flying bugs that we get in Montreal in the summer. They are called shadflies.
There are hundreds of them and they stick to the windows. There were many right on the door, and Alex wanted to open it. He got scared at first and then said in a very affirming voice, “I am powerful.” He then opened up the door and I could see how proud of himself he was. He affirmed it again.
I am amazed at how this belief at just three years old affected him. I can’t wait to see what he creates in his life because he knows he is truly powerful. What fear will he break through (or even just walk through) like he did with those bugs?
Do you feel powerful?
In the Magnetizing section I am going to write about my own Scale of Consciousness that came to me one day.
Thank you for being part of my family. I am sending you so much love and light.
As always, in this newsletter, there are teleseminars, resources, affirmations, and meditations to help you on your journey to empowerment. Be sure to also check out my most recent article published on SelfGrowth.com called "Life Is A Game, Here Are The Rules."
Have an amazing month and know that you deserve everything you desire and more!
Imagine and enjoy,
“Your outer reality is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.”
I love meeting with coaches that have gone through the academy. Barbara Daoust and I had a lovely breakfast when she was visiting in Montreal.
We took a fun family trip to Niagra Falls.
I brought home Minnie and Mickey Mouse balloons. We had so much fun watching them run around.
It is so great to see the boys have affection for each other.
I love how the boys share not only their toys, but food as well.
I took Frederic out for his 42nd birthday at a great restaurant in Montreal.
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How to Attract the Love of Your Life (Free Teleseminar): Tuesday, August 7th
Finally, You Can...
Find The Love of Your Life
To learn more about how I attracted Frederic into my life, and how many of my clients have attracted their husbands or wives, you want to be on this call!
August 7th at 9:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm Pacific
The call will be recorded.
Click here to learn more and to register!
The Scale of Consciousness: Learn how to move from level to level in your consciousness so that you can change behaviors, thought patterns, and beliefs so that you can create what you want into your life. Have you been working with self-development processes for awhile and still feel there is more . . . you are reaching new levels of consciousness. As you reach the new levels you create more fullness of yourself, abundance and success. This information has never been taught by me before. I want to personally invite you to listen:
August 28th at 8:30pm Eastern / 5:30pm Pacific
The call will be recorded.
Click here for all the information (no registration required)
I can't wait to share this information with you that has made change for me in my life easier and much more effective!
Sign up for a complimentary coaching session!
Do you want to have a free coaching session? Yes, that is right, the amazing coaches from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy want to coach you - for free! You will receive fabulous coaching and learn processes and techniques to raise your vibration. Many of my other "family" members have taken advantage of this offer, and they are already seeing the results manifest in their lives. This is your chance! There is no cost and no obligation. If you are interested, click here to sign up.
Featured Certified Law of Attraction Coach:
As a deliberate creator, I have manifested my ideal body, a loving and passionate marriage, an abundance of positive and uplifting relationships, my dream car, multiple streams of income, and many other rewarding opportunities which continue to come my way! And more importantly, I am overflowing with inner peace and joy. Now, as a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, I am helping others do the same! In my coaching program, The Power of Connection, I host monthly teleclasses that provide you with tools you can use to connect with your higher "true" self. This alignment of energy will allow you to attract anything you desire! Using principles of the Law of Attraction and other universal laws, I will guide you through simple techniques, processes and meditations that you can then integrate into your daily life. Soon, you will uncover your own power to create the life you truly want and deserve!
Kelly Lewis
Experience The Power of Connection
The Enlightened Kid Programs are all about creating a solid foundation for
your child. We focus on building strong character, high self-esteem, and
unlimited possibilities. The Enlightened Kid Programs offer a simple yet
effective step-by-step solution to empower your children as they grow and
reach different stages in their lives. Each program (ages 0-2, 2-5, and 5-8)
is designed for that specific age group with games, songs, and stories that
are not only fun for your child, but will naturally teach and provide them
with the necessary tools and skills they need to become powerful
individuals. When children are in touch with their true power, abundance and
joy they naturally stop fighting, whining, and screaming – and they
instantly become vibrant, happy and fun.
Affirmations for Manifesting:
- I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth.
- I am powerful.
- I am good.
- I have value.
- I have purpose.
Monthly Meditation:
Release your fear of success or failure. Imagine success in every area of your life; go beyond any previous limits, and allow yourself to have your dreams. Become more confident, accept and love yourself, and feel successful. (Free)
Ignorance: You are unconscious that you are engaged in the disempowering behavior.
At this level of consciousness, we are operating almost entirely on auto-pilot, reacting to our most primal urges and whims. Led by our reptilian brains, we seek pleasure and avoid pain, with little or no regard to our long term goals. At this level of existence, life becomes repetitive and we find ourselves falling into the same patterns of behavior, without realizing how we got there or how to get out.
Post-Behavior Awareness: You become conscious of the disempowering behavior, but only after the fact.
At this level of consciousness, we feel the undesirable effects of an action that we have already taken. Whether we’ve eaten something that undermines our desire to lose weight, spent money that sabotages our aspiration to save, or communicated with someone in a way that weakens our relationship, we recognize in hindsight that our behavior has further distanced us from that which we desire.
Present Awareness: You are conscious that you are engaged in the disempowering behavior while you are doing it.
When we are in Present Awareness, we recognize that the action we are taking is disempowering us at the very moment we are engaged in it. We remember our commitment to weight loss even while we are biting into a piece of cake; we’re aware that we can’t afford a new purchase while we are standing in the department store checkout line. At this level of consciousness, feelings of guilt, unease, or anxiety make us acutely aware that the action we are taking is in direct opposition to something we desire to create. What we do with this awareness is a matter of free will and personal choice.
Choice: You become conscious that you are about to engage in a disempowering behavior and in that moment you have the ability to do something different.
At this level of consciousness, we recognize that the action we are contemplating will have a negative effect on ourselves or others, and that we are about to engage in a behavior that will sabotage our goals. In this moment, we understand that we have the power to choose. We can proceed with the disempowering behavior, or we can acknowledge that there are many other choices available to us instead. The act of making a more empowering choice changes our vibration, raises our self-esteem, and improves the outcomes we create in our lives.
Empowerment: You have transformed the disempowering behavior by replacing it with a more empowering behavior.
At this level of consciousness, choosing the most empowering course of action is now automatic. Mindful of how good we feel when our behaviors are in alignment with our goals, we make choices that lead to long term fulfillment and empowerment.
In this section I have some great resources for you. My intention is to provide you with these resources so that you can continue the journey to empowerment. Some of them may resonate with you, and others may not. It is like being at a buffet . . . just take what you like and leave the rest. Enjoy!
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The "Law Of Attraction Key" Magazine is the world's leading website and newsletter for unlocking the mysteries of the laws of attraction and abundant living through the principle of inspired action.
So it was quite an honor when Kristen Howe invited me to sit on the panel of her expert authors and contribute to her publication.
I am very excited about this opportunity and wanted to share my article with you in this month's issue:
Click here to read it now...
The title is, "4 Steps to Change” and I hope you enjoy!
I just wanted to give you the heads up that my interview with Do It Now Global will start, Monday, August 13th at 1:00 pm MST.
Join me as an "Inner Circle" of top experts, masters, healers, teachers and visionaries discuss the secrets of how to ignite your passion, manifest your desires and start Living the Life of your dreams...
Accept your invitation here: www.doitnowglobal.com
And as an extra-special bonus, AS MY GUEST, you will receive FREE TRANSFORMATIONAL GIFTS ON EVERY CALL.
These inspiring leaders will empower you with TOOLS and STRATEGIES to have more Love, Happiness, Peace, Abundance, and Prosperity than ever before, delivered directly to your desktop! I really love what my friends Kelly and Heather have put together, and I want you there to personally experience it.
Imagine getting the "inside information" from top experts, masters, healers and teachers that have helped them boost success and enhance their own lives while making a profound impact on the lives of others. If Living the Life of Your Dreams is something that you feel you want and deserve but find success seems to be just far enough over the horizon that you can't quite reach it, then I would suggest joining this "Inner Circle" and taking advantage of this incredible FREE opportunity.
Accept your invitation here: www.doitnowglobal.com
I will be there on the calls, and I hope you will too!
Christy Whitman: Christy Whitman is a New York Times Bestselling Author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How To Be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!), CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching AcademyTM, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program, and creator of the Enlightened Kid Program. She has helped thousands of women and men around the world achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy's life-changing message reaches over 100,000 people a month and she has been seen on The Today Show, The Morning Show and The Marilyn Dennis Show in Canada. She has been quoted in Seventeen, Woman's World, Woman's Day, Teen Vogue, People Magazine, Hollywood Life, and Knot Magazine. As a certified Law of Attraction coach, her work has been promoted by and featured with best-selling authors like Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Montreal with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Meet her at www.ChristyWhitman.com and www.7EssentialLaws.com.